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Some Great Wall China Adoption reviews, state that even though adoption is a complicated and lengthy procedure, this agency deals with it in a systematic, efficient and effective manner. Their primary concern is the children and they will prioritize their well-being above all else.
Great Wall China Adoption is a well established adoption agency headquarted in Austin, Texas. While most children are fortunate enough to be born into families, there are thousands of children around the world that sadly can no longer be cared for by their birth-parents. Snow Wu, the founder of Great Wall China Adoption wanted to do something for these poor, destitute, and orphaned kids.
One of the great things about Great Wall China Adoption is that not only do they offer adoption for healthy children, but also for special needs children. Recognizing that these children often need more care, attention, and love, the agency hopes to help them find loving and generous families. Currently, there are about 2,000 special needs children awaiting adoption through China’s Waiting Child program. Prospective parents must adhere to the education, age, citizenship, income, health, and marriage criteria set forth in the eligibility section.
The agency was founded by Snow Wu, as she is also the CEO and President. Through her extensive diplomatic contacts, she has played an instrumental role in the progression of the agency. According to Great Wall China Adoption reviews, their clients consider them as one of the best international adoption agencies. Libraries of Love is a charity program run by the agency where they collect books for the orphaned children of China so that they too can have the opportunity to read.