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The Flush Toilet

The Flush Toilet. About John Harrington. John Harrington was the original inventor. The Toilet was made in 1596. John was Queen Elizabeth godson. Born: August 4,1560. Died: November 20, 1612. Spouse: Marry Rogers in 1583. About Alexander Cumming.

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The Flush Toilet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheFlushToilet

  2. About John Harrington • John Harrington was the original inventor. • The Toilet was made in 1596. • John was Queen Elizabeth godson. • Born: August 4,1560. • Died: November 20, 1612. • Spouse: Marry Rogers in 1583

  3. About Alexander Cumming • He reinvented the toilet around 1796. • His favorite hobby was to make books about clock and watch work

  4. Ye Old Toilet • The first toilet was in Queen Elizabeth’s closet. • There was no pluming in the renaissance. • People had to do there duties out there window. • People in the renaissance got diseases ‘cause there toilets were unsanitary.

  5. The toilet of today • Today we have indoor pluming. • Our waste goes to the sewer . • Our toilets are more advanced, and WAY more clean.


  7. This is Sonic’s toilet

  8. This is McDonald’s toilet

  9. This is Chick-fil-A’stoilet

  10. This is Whataburger’s toilet

  11. This Is Baskin Robbins Toilet!

  12. This is Mercedes’ Toilet

  13. This Is Lily's Toilet

  14. Presented by: LILY A. & MERCEDES

  15. Thanks For Watching

  16. Recourses • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harington,_1st_Baron_Harington_of_Exton http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Cummings http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Modern-Day-Toilet-and-Its-History&id=2447836

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