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Kelly Schroering Academic Coach

Kelly Schroering Academic Coach. kelly.schroering@cmcss.net Cell: 989-941-1544. Today we will Identify the steps of an Explicit Direct Instruction Lesson. Today we will Identify and Write Clear Targets. Explicit Direct Instruction. The EDI Instructional Approach….

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Kelly Schroering Academic Coach

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  1. Kelly SchroeringAcademic Coach kelly.schroering@cmcss.net Cell: 989-941-1544

  2. Today we will Identify the steps of an Explicit Direct Instruction Lesson

  3. Today we will Identify and Write Clear Targets

  4. Explicit Direct Instruction

  5. The EDI Instructional Approach… • Is effective (students learn) and efficient (students learn quickly) • Is based on research, and the strategies can be used over and over again • Is clear and well defined • Is independent of grade level, content, and student’s age • Produces a high percentage of sucessful students

  6. EDI Lesson Format • Choose the standard to be taught • Plan how you will assess this standard • Write the Learning Objective (Clear Target) • Activate Prior Knowledge • Explain, Model and Demonstrate (I do) • Guided Practice (We do) • Check For Understanding • Closure (restate the Target) • Independent Practice (You do)

  7. EDI Lesson by Anita ArcherAnita Archer Video: 3rd Grade

  8. Clear Learning Targets

  9. Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot.Robert J. Marzano

  10. Learning/Achievement Targets Statements of what we want students to learn and be able to do.

  11. CLEAR TARGETS Are they S.M.A.R.T.? • Specific • Not too broad • Clearly a daily target and not a weekly standard • Measurable • DOK verbs are highlighted, underlined, circled or identified in some way • Achievable • Students will be able to complete the task included in the target by the end of the lesson • Relevant • Task in the target is made relevant of application to the real world • Targeted for All Learners • Posts are esthetically pleasing, ligible and clearly visible throughout the room

  12. A Mathematics Example Subject • Math • Decimals • Page 152 in the book • Going on a decimal hunt • Read decimals and put them in order Topic Assignment Activity Learning Target

  13. Learning Targets • Knowledge • Reasoning • Performance/ skills • Products

  14. Knowledge Targets Mastery of substantive subject content where mastery includes both knowing and understanding it.

  15. Knowledge Examples • Identify metaphors and similes • Read and write quadratic equations • Describe the function of a cell membrane • Know the multiplication tables • Explain the effects of an acid on a base

  16. Reasoning Targets The ability to use knowledge and understanding to figure things out and to solve problems.

  17. Reasoning Examples • Use statistical methods to describe, analyze, evaluate, and make decisions. • Make a prediction based on evidence. • Examine data/results and propose a meaningful interpretation. • Distinguish between historical fact and opinion.

  18. Performance/Skill Targets The development of proficiency in doing something where the process is most important.

  19. Performance/Skill Examples • Measure mass in metric and SI units • Use simple equipment and tools to gather data • Read aloud with fluency and expression • Participates in civic discussions with the aim of solving current problems • Dribbles to keep the ball away from an opponent

  20. Product Targets The ability to create tangible products that meet certain standards of quality and present concrete evidence of academic proficiency.

  21. Product Examples • Construct a bar graph • Develop a personal health-related fitness plan • Construct a physical model of an object • Write a term paper to support a thesis

  22. Clear Targets Clear targets help us: • Recognize if the formative assessment adequately covers and samples what we taught. • Correctly identify what students know/don’t know, and their level of achievement. • Plan the next steps in instruction. • Give meaningful descriptive feedback to students.

  23. Clear Targets (continued) • Have students self-assess or set goals likely to help them learn more. • Keep track of student learning target by target or standard by standard. • Complete a standards-based report card.

  24. QUESTION What is the difference between a STANDARD and a TARGET?

  25. An Example • STANDARD: An excellent golf swing • TARGETS: • Proper placement for feet (stance) • Proper grip while maintaining stance • Swing A, B, C (3-parts to swing) • ACTIVITIES: • Watch videos of great golfers and imitate their stance When should these be added and/or developed?

  26. Creating Targets for “Driving a Car with Skill” • What knowledge will students need to demonstrate the intended learning? • What patterns of reasoning will they need to master? • What skills are required, if any? • What product development capabilities must they acquire, if any?

  27. Driving a Car with Skill • Knowledge • Know the law • Read signs and understand what they mean • Reasoning • Evaluate ‘am I safe’ and synthesize information to take action if needed • Skills • Steering, shifting, parallel parking, … • Products • (not appropriate target for standard)

  28. Without Clear Targets We Can’t Do Any of the Following… • Know if the assessment adequately covers and samples what we taught. • Correctly identify what students know and don’t know and their level of achievement. • Plan next steps in instruction. • Give detailed, descriptive feedback to students. • Have students self-assess or set goals likely to help them learn more. • Keep track of student learning target by target or standard by standard. • Complete a standards-based report card.

  29. Your Turn Target…..Or Not?

  30. Let’s Try It!! Using the math standards from Unit 1 or 2 from your grade level, create 2-3 Clear Targets you can use in your classroom.

  31. Explicit Direct Instruction Checks For Understanding

  32. What is CFU? The teacher continually verifying that students are learning what is being taught while it is being taught.

  33. Why CFU? • Real-time lesson that allows for making instructional decisions during the lessons. • You are providing additional examples and re-teaching in direct response to your students ability to answer them. • Confirmation that the students can do the homework BEFORE it is assigned. Your students ability to successfully answer the CFU lessons determines the pace of the lesson.

  34. When CFU? • After stating the Learning Objective • After giving a definition • After providing the steps for solving a problem • After students solve a problem, have another student interpret the answer All the time to keep the lesson interactive , but an easy rule to follow is every 2-3 minutes.

  35. How CFU?

  36. T • EDI goal is to verify that your students are learning what you are teaching them while you are teaching it. • You have to TEACH first BEFORE you can verify that your students are learning. Teach, then check. Teach, then check. Teach, then check!

  37. A • Do not ask students for their opinions. • Does everybody understand? • Are there any questions? • Is it perfectly clear? • Thumbs up if you understand. • Instead ask specific questions. • What is a prime number • Which continent is the largest? • Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence?

  38. P • Pause, Wait Time, Think Time • 3-5 seconds or 8-10 seconds for challenged or ELL students • Students never know who is going to be called on so they are more engaged in mentally preparing the answer. • Stir the sticks. • Walk around. • Repeat the question. • Enhance the pause with a pair-share Don’t talk your way through the wait time! If you do not pause, some students never bother to think!

  39. P • Picking only volunteers can fool us into thinking all students have learned. • Randomly call on at least 3 students each time you CFU. • 2 or more students answer incorrectly: Reteach • 3 or more students answer correctly: Reinforces the information being said! TABLE TALK! How do you randomly call on students in your class?

  40. Free Random Name SelectorRandom Name Generator Sticks in a cup (students names, teacher choice, student choice) Spinner with students names, numbers, tables, groups, etc. Dice and table tents Playing Cards with names OR 2 decks Poker chips in a cup with student names or numbers

  41. L In a perfect world, students always know the right answer! Listen carefully to how the students answer so you can guide your instructional decisions after the response.

  42. E • Effective Feedback • Echo • When answer is correct • Elaborate • When answer is partially correct • Explain (actually re-explain) • When answer is incorrect

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