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The USA A salad bowl or a melting pot?

The USA A salad bowl or a melting pot?. Let’s learn today’s vocabulary . immigrant. 移民. diverse ( 形) diversity (名). 多様な ( 形)   多様性(名). ethnic( 形) ethnicity (名). 民族の(形)  民族性 ( 名). Ichiro from Japan. Arnold Schwarzenegger from Austria. Nicole Kidman from Australia.

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The USA A salad bowl or a melting pot?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The USA A salad bowl or a melting pot?

  2. Let’s learn today’s vocabulary.immigrant 移民

  3. diverse (形) diversity(名) 多様な(形)   多様性(名)

  4. ethnic(形) ethnicity(名) 民族の(形)  民族性(名)

  5. Ichiro from Japan

  6. Arnold Schwarzenegger from Austria

  7. Nicole Kidman from Australia

  8. Keanu Reeves from Lebanon

  9. Celine Dion from Canada

  10. YoYo Ma from China

  11. Albert Einstein from Germany

  12. Country of birth of the largest number of immigrants in 2003

  13. Sources http://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/image/SIG=122e1htnl/EXP=1303052330;_ylc=X3IDMgRmc3QDMARpZHgDMARvaWQDQU5kOUdjVFNYb2pJYXV3WDlFdTRvUUxnVXFDTE1JNG1jbHdmVWd2bVRkRkdpN0dUMEtSMWNrUG9uUTlIblZVBHADWVd4aVpYSjBJR1ZwYm5OMFpXbHUEcG9zAzExBHNlYwNzaHcEc2xrA3Jy/*-http%3A//www.iamhok.com/category/words-of-wisdom http%3A//sanjuro.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/04/index.html http%3A//two-tone-cat.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2006-10-24-2 http%3A//worldcommunitiesclub.seesaa.net/article/53700747.html http%3A//monachan.exblog.jp/13172376/ http%3A//www.iamhok.com/category/words-of-wisdom http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Arnold_Schwarzenegger.jpg/250px-Arnold_Schwarzenegger.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Celine_Dion_Concert_Singing_Taking_Chances_2008.jpg/250px-Celine_Dion_Concert_Singing_Taking_Chances_2008.jpg 2003 Yearbook of Immigration Statistsics

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