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Welcome to Transition Day 201 4 -201 5. Central Cabarrus High School. W e are Student Services:. Ms. Gala Graduation Coach Ms. Mann School Social Worker
Welcome to Transition Day2014-2015 Central Cabarrus High School
Weare Student Services: Ms. Gala Graduation Coach Ms. Mann School Social Worker Ms. Felker Counselor A-G Ms. Brand Counselor H-O Mr. Witkowski Counselor P-Z Ms. Rhoades Registrar Ms. Shinn Testing Coordinator
Promotion Requirements • 9th to 10th • Earn six credits (6) in any courses • 10th to 11th • Earn thirteen credits (13) in any courses • 11th to 12th • Earn nineteen (19) credits in any courses
Graduation Requirements: Math Sequence: 27Units required • 4 Math Courses: • Math I, Math II, Math III AFM or Pre-calculus • 4 English • 4 Math • 4 Social studies: World History, Civics, American History I, American History II • 3 Sciences Earth/Env., Biology, Physics or Chemistry or Physical science • Health and PE 9 • 4 Courses in Cluster Area • 6General electives
Do I need to take a foreignlanguage? • No, not to graduate from high school (FRC) • Yes, if you are attending a 4 year college/university • Yes, if it is your cluster
Clusters: Career & Technical Education • Students may complete four courses in one of the following pathways available at CCHS: • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources • Architecture and Construction • Arts, Audio/Video Technology • Health Science • Finance • Business Management & Administration • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Other Cluster Areas • Performing and Visual Arts • 4 Band/Choir /Art/Ceramics • World Languages • 2-4 years (in high school) + Supporting courses • ROTC • ROTC I-IV • This is the only cluster that can include one unit of PE (ie… ROTC I,II,III and Adv. PE) PE IS NOT A CLUSTER OPTION
What does a Cluster look like? • Example Architecture and Construction Cluster • Class 1 Core & Sustainable Construction-Masonry: • Class 2 Masonry I • Class 3 Masonry II • Class 4 Masonry III Example Fine Arts Cluster: • Class 1 Visual Arts Beginning • Class 2 Visual Arts Intermediate • Class 3 Ceramics • Class 4 Visual Arts Proficient Example World Languages Cluster: Class 1 Spanish I Class 2 Spanish II Class 3 Speech and Debate Class 4 Introduction to New Testament
Clusters: How do you Choose? • Choose what you want to explore • Choose what interests you • Choose what matches your future plans • BE SURE TO CHECK THE CCS CAREER CLUSTERS WEBSITE FOR DETAILS ABOUT THE CLUSTERS THAT INTERST YOU • http://tinyurl.com/ccscareerclusters
What classes do I pick?? • 1 core class per subject • 1 English, 1 Math , 1 Science, 1 Social Studies and Health and PE • Electives should be courses that you want to take, please choose by order of preference rank 1-5.
Central Cabarrus High School 2014-2015 REGISTRATION CARD 9th GRADE Student Name______________________________________________________ Student home phone ______________________ Student email address ________________________________ Directions: Place an “X” beside the desired Core course on this page. Choose one English, one Science, one Social Studies, and at least one Math. Every 9th grade student should register for Health/PE. English ____ 10212XoS90English I ____ 10215xos90English I Honors+ ✓ Note: Honors English I requires either an “A” or “B” in 8th Grade Language Arts. Teacher recommendation ____________________ Mathematics ____20502X0 Foundations of Math I—Required of all incoming Freshmen who score below an 85 average in 8th grade math OR below a 362 on the 8th Grade Math EOG. ____ 21032X0Math I —Required of all incoming Freshmen currently taking 8th grade Math. ____ 22005X0S90Math II Honors + ✓ Note: Honors Math IIrequires either an “A” or “B” in 8th grade Math I. Teacher Recommendation_____________________ Science ____ 35012X0S90Earth/Environmental Science ____ 35015X0S90Earth/Environmental Science Honors +✓ Note: Earth/Environmental Science Honors requires either an “A” or “B” in 8th Grade Science. Teacher Recommendation ____________________ Required Physical Education X 63022X0S90Health/PE Social Studies ____ 43032X0S90World History ____ 43035X0S90World History Honors+✓ Note: World History Honors requires either an “A” or “B” in 8th Grade Social Studies . Teacher Recommendation ____________________ Schedule Changes CCS establishes a summertime date each year for all schedule change requests to be made. Those requests are made through the CCHS Student Services Department. After that deadline, schedule changes are only made due to pupil balancing, administrative error, or teacher recommendation for alternate placement. These are handled on a case-by-case basis. If a student drops a class once the term has begun, it is only with the Principal’s approval and the grade of “WF” will be on the report card and transcript. It will be averaged into the overall GPA as a failing grade. Earning Credit: Attendance Cabarrus County High Schools are on a block system. There are two terms with four courses each term lasting 90 minutes per class. The State Department of Instruction requires 135 hours of seat time to earn a credit. As a result, if a student misses more than 8 days in a course, credit will be withheld.
Choose at least FIVE elective courses. Rank your elective choices by putting a #1, #2, #3, etc. beside the courses you want. Note: Students who score a Level I or Level II in Reading or Math on Grade 8 EOG tests may be placed in support courses instead of electives. General Electives ____ 95012X0S90 Aerospace Science I (Air Force JROTC) ____ 43162X0S90Introduction to Old Testament ____ 43162X0S91Introduction to New Testament Career and Technical Education ____AU102X0S90Agriscience Applications ____ BM102X0 Microsoft IT Academy: Word, PowerPoint, & Publisher ____ BM202X0Microsoft IT Academy: Excel & Access ____ BF052X0Personal Finance ____ FU102X0S90Teen Living ____ HB102X0S90 Biomedical Technology ____ IC612X0S90Drafting I Cultural Arts ____ 54152X01 Visual Arts__________ ____ 53152X0 Fundamentals and Foundations of Theatre ____ 52402X0Orchestra ____ Chorus A (Fall)♪ ____ Chorus B (Spring)♪ ____ Band A (Fall)♪ ____ Band B (Spring)♪ ♪Band and Chorus are recommended to be taken both terms. To register for Band, you must have the recommendation of your current band teacher. An audition may be required for performing arts classes. Teacher Recommendation______________________ World Language ____ 11412X0S90 Spanish I ✓ Note: Rising 9th grade students must score an A or B in 8th Grade Math & A or B in 8th Grade English. Additionally, it is NOT recommended a 9th grade student take a world language unless he/she plans to study that language over multiple semesterspast level I. Elective Physical Education ____ 62022X0SA7 Weight Training (Application Required) ____ 62022X0SA4 Women’s Weight Training (Application Required) Note: Incoming 9th graders cannot take any form of weight training prior to passing Health/PE. 9thgrade students wishing to take weights will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
How do I get a GPA? Your GPA (Grade Point Average) is an average of all the “points” you’ve earned in classes. Example: 84% in English 1= 2.5 points (B) 2.5 GPA is an 84% average in all classes.
Grades = points Let’s use 84% as an example
Honors and AP classes and GPA • Honors classes earn an extra point toward GPA. • Example: • 84% in English 3= 2.5 points (B) • 84% in Honors English 3= 3.5 points (B) • 84% in AP English Language = 4.5 points
Calculating GPA GPA = total points / total # courses attempted Example: 54 points / 27 courses = ______ GPA
Central Cabarrus Website • Website: Registration Information: http://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/domain/6161