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RNN Ram News Network: Word of the Day

Enhancing your vocabulary with a daily word - "pseudology" - the art of lying. Stay updated on school announcements, events, and important dates. Join school activities, buy tickets, sign up for sports, and participate in special programs.

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RNN Ram News Network: Word of the Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You’re watching RNN Ram News Network

  2. Word of the Day • pseudology • \ soo-DOL-uh-jee \  , noun; • 1. Lying considered as an art.

  3. Announcements Watch your attendance! Miss more than 4 days in semester courses or more than 8 days in year long courses and you could lose credits! See Mrs. Underwood about Saturday School to repair your attendance!

  4. Announcements FCA Leadership team needs to meet on January 10 at 3:20 in Mrs. Jones' room. This meeting should be over by 3:45 or 4:00 at the latest.

  5. Announcements Prom 2013 – April 27, 8pm-midnight Tickets on sale for $25. Price goes up each month. Buy in front office, media center, and guidance. Tickets sold to juniors, seniors. No middle schoolers. No one over the age of 20. If date doesn’t attend WCHS, must get permission form.

  6. Announcements Anyone interested in running track should sign up between classes or before/after school with Mrs. Stegall in room 147 by Friday, Jan. 11.

  7. Announcements Join the Yearbook and Newspaper staff! See your English teacher or Mr. Holt for an application. Fill it out and return to Mr. Holt by Friday, Feb. 1.

  8. Announcements Doughnut Day is Feb. 1! Order from Mr. Holt or any yearbook staff member by Jan. 30. $5 for glazed, $6 for chocolate covered. Doughnuts will be delivered on Friday, Feb. 1. Order by Jan. 30.

  9. Announcements Anyone interested in tennis should see Coach Holland in room 118.

  10. Announcements Give a shout-out to your favorite Valentine on the RNN Valentine’s Day show, Feb. 14! For $5 you can share your school appropriate message on RNN.

  11. Announcements Senior quotes for yearbook are due on Jan. 11 to room 149. Limit to 30 words or less. Must be school appropriate.

  12. Announcements FCA t-shirts are here! If you would like to purchase an FCA t-shirt for $15, please see Mrs. Jones in room 152 before or after school.

  13. Announcements WCHS JROTC is selling 24, 20oz. Coke products for $15. See CSM Beard or any JROTC cadet to order. The deadline is Jan. 15.

  14. Announcements Teachers and students. PLEASE be advised to san-i-tize! Cover your sneeze if you please!! Tis the season for colds and flu, take care of yourself so it won’t get you!

  15. Announcements Ninth grade pinning ceremony is Jan. 18 at 9 a.m.

  16. Announcements Basketball season is going strong! Check out the schedule on WCHSRams.com. Click on Forms for the schedule.

  17. Announcements Saturday Detention Closed: February 16, 23 April 6 May 25

  18. Announcements Driver’s Education at Moultrie Tech. For more information, please call Lauren Pope at 229-391-2645

  19. Announcements Listen to Ram Radio! Around school on FM 93.5 Around the world on www.TheRamRadio.com

  20. Announcements • Upcoming picture dates: • Feb. 6 – spring sports pictures • Feb. 6 – Buddy Pictures & spring individual pictures

  21. Announcements Scholarships now available! Stop by the counselors' office for details.

  22. Announcements All senior ads or yearbook balances must be paid in full by Feb. 1, 2013.

  23. Announcements Math Tutoring is every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30. Tuesdays = Math 1 &2 in Room 191 with Ms. Dodd; Math 3 & 4 in Room 122 with Mrs. York Thursdays = Math 1 & 2 in Room 189 with Ms. Couch; Math 3 & 4 in Room 125 with Mrs. Souter

  24. Announcements Ignite Bible Study Every Friday 7:15-7:50 a.m. Multipurpose room

  25. Important Phone Numbers:Jostens (graduation, rings): 229-435-1809 BPIphotography.net (pictures): 1-866-363-6936 Announcements

  26. Follow us on Announcements WCHSRams.com FM 93.5 TheRamRadio.com Youtube.com/wchsRamTV

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