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Mike Paterson. Overhang bounds. Joint work with Uri Zwick, Yuval Peres, Mikkel Thorup and Peter Winkler. The classical solution. Using n blocks we can get an overhang of. Harmonic Stacks. Is the classical solution optimal?. Obviously not!. Inverted triangles?. Balanced?. ???.
Mike Paterson Overhang bounds Joint work with Uri Zwick, Yuval Peres, Mikkel Thorup and Peter Winkler
The classical solution Using n blocks we can get an overhang of Harmonic Stacks
Is the classical solution optimal? Obviously not!
Inverted triangles? Balanced?
Inverted triangles? Balanced?
Inverted triangles? Unbalanced!
Inverted triangles? Unbalanced!
Diamonds? Balanced?
Diamonds? The 4-diamond is balanced
Diamonds? The 5-diamond is …
Diamonds? … unbalanced!
Equilibrium F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Force equation F1 + F2 + F3 = F4 + F5 Moment equation x1 F1+ x2 F2+ x3 F3 = x4 F4+ x5 F5
Checking balance F5 F6 F2 F4 F3 F1 F8 F11 F12 F7 F10 F9 F14 F13 F15 F16 Equivalent to the feasibilityof a set of linear inequalities: F17 F18
Blocks = 4 Overhang = 1.16789 Blocks = 7 Overhang = 1.53005 Blocks = 6 Overhang = 1.4367 Blocks = 5 Overhang = 1.30455 Small optimal stacks
Blocks = 17 Overhang = 2.1909 Blocks = 16 Overhang = 2.14384 Blocks = 19 Blocks = 18 Overhang = 2.27713 Overhang = 2.23457 Small optimal stacks
Support and balancing blocks Principalblock Balancing set Support set
Support and balancing blocks Balancing set Principalblock Support set
Loaded stacks Stacks with downward external forces acting on them Principalblock Size= number of blocks + sum of external forces Support set
Spinal stacks Stacks in which the support set contains only one blockat each level Principalblock Support set
Optimal spinal stacks … Optimality condition:
Spinal overhang Let S(n) be the maximal overhang achievable using a spinal stack with n blocks. Let S*(n) be the maximal overhang achievable using a loaded spinal stack on total weight n. Theorem: Conjecture: A factor of 2 improvement over harmonic stacks!
Are spinal stacks optimal? No! Support set is not spinal! Blocks = 20 Overhang = 2.32014 Tiny gap
Optimal 30-block stack Blocks = 30 Overhang = 2.70909
Optimal (?) weight 100 construction Weight = 100 Blocks = 49 Overhang = 4.2390
“Parabolic” constructions 6-stack Number of blocks: Overhang: Balanced!
“Parabolic” constructions 6-slab 5-slab 4-slab
r-slab r-slab
So with n blocks we can get an overhang of cn1/3 for some constant c!!! An exponential improvementover theln noverhang of spinal stacks !!! Note: cn1/3 ~ e1/3 ln n Overhang, Paterson & Zwick, American Math. Monthly Jan 2009
What is really the best design? Some experimental results with optimised “brick-wall” constructions Firstly, symmetric designs
“Vases” Weight = 1151.76 Blocks = 1043 Overhang = 10
“Vases” Weight = 115467. Blocks = 112421 Overhang = 50
“Oil lamps” Weight = 1112.84 Blocks = 921 Overhang = 10
Ωn is a lower bound for overhang with n blocks? Can we do better? Not much! Theorem: Maximum overhang is less than Cn1/3 for some constant C Maximum overhang, Paterson, Perez, Thorup, Winkler, Zwick, American Math. Monthly, Nov 2009
Forces between blocks Assumption: No friction.All forces are vertical. Equivalent sets of forces