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Chapter 5 The Maya Collapses. Sean, Andy, and Sandra. History . Part of Micro America an ancient Native American region First contact with Europeans came in 1502 1527 Spanish began to conquer Maya Rediscovered in 1839 by American John Stephans. Who were the Mayans?. Water.
Chapter 5The Maya Collapses Sean, Andy, and Sandra
History • Part of Micro America an ancient Native American region • First contact with Europeans came in 1502 • 1527 Spanish began to conquer Maya • Rediscovered in 1839 by American John Stephans
Who were the Mayans? Water • Dug depressions and plugged leaks to collect rain water, what is now a modern day well. • Also used cenotes to gather fresh water
Who were the MayansFood • Domesticated turkey, duck, and dog. • Hunted deer but eaten mostly by the rich • No large animals or protein rich vegetables were available • Grew corn and beans • Used Slash and Burn farming technique
Interactions • Aztecs • Take land from them to grow more crops • Spanish • Bishop Diego de Landa, burned Maya manuscripts • Other Mayan tribes • Competed for resources
The Height of Maya • Culturally and Agriculturally advance • Held kingdoms of populations up to 500,000 within a 2-3 day walk from palace • Pottery and writings discovered to be around from 1000 BC • Grew Fish and Turtles in flooded fields as an addition food source • Flooded fields to bring nutrients to soil faster
Collapse • Humid climate made it hard to keep crops • Isolated kingdoms limited positive interaction and lead to major wars • Repetitive Draughts • So successful they failed • Outgrew environment • Kings sat back and watched their failure
Precipitating Events • War with both Aztecs and other Maya tribes grew more and more frequent as they neared collapse. • Population growth caused the boundaries of different kingdoms to overlap.
Five Points • Damaged Environment • Deforestation and erosion • Climate Change • Draught • Hostilities • Fought amongst themselves • Politics • Competition among kings and nobles that led to chronic war and erecting monuments instead of solving problems • Trade • Trade with external societies was not a factor because of their seclusion • They traded amongst themselves
The Breakdown Over farming of land with growing population Expansion of Kingdom borders Poor soil War between tribes Dry Climate Collapse