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Journal Selection Tool Overview for PJPI WEB System

Explore the PJPI WEB System's main page snapshot offering multiple ways to select journals, navigate categories, access detailed information, and perform citation impact analysis.

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Journal Selection Tool Overview for PJPI WEB System

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  1. http://pjpi.isc.gov.ir/Authenticate.aspx By Clicking on the designated link of the PJPI WEB located on the Tools Menu Box on the Persian version of the official website of ISC, your browser lands on the PJPI WEB System login page. A pre-granted Username and Password would be needed to log you into the system.

  2. An overview of the PJPI WEB‘s Main page can be observed in this snapshot comprising of five different ways for Journal selection: Selecting Journals under s Subject category, From a list of publishers, through Keyword and Alphabetical Search and also from a grid view of all listed journals.

  3. Focusing on “Selecting Journals Under a Subject Category”, All Journals in category level can be accessed, each and every journal category can be selected and then can be observed in a grid view for further selection in Journal level.

  4. A list of all Journals Categories are listed at the top right side of the screen outlined in red. In a zoomed view two major categories are selected for further proceedings: Medical Science and Agricultural Science.

  5. All Medical Science and Agricultural Science Journals are now listed in a grid view, by selecting a number of desired journals and clicking on the ADDITIONAL INFO button, detailed information about those particular journals will be retrieved from the database.

  6. Additional Journal Information consisting of “Journal Title”, “ISSN”, “Publisher”, “Contact Information”, ‘URL” and “Email Address” are listed below and can be accessed for each selected Journal in the category. Additional Information for Nuclear Medicine of Iran Is listed below.

  7. Additional Information for Natural Resources of Iran Is listed below. Published by the Faculty of natural Resources Tehran Univ. located at Karadj town and is accessible at journals.ut.ac.ir

  8. Navigating back to the Journals Selection and clicking on the “ADD TO SELECTION” button, selected journals now will be added to a selected items list and will be saved for further reference.

  9. Desired selected journals now added to the Selected items list, can be viewed. Clicking on ‘VIEW SELECTED ITEMS” button.

  10. Selected Items View, lists all four journals selected from two categories: Natural resources of Iran, Journal of Agriculture, Nuclear Medicine of Iran and Kowsar Medical Journal.

  11. Navigating back to the main page. Supposing that all desired Journals are now selected and saved, a series of Analysis can be done on the selected items. Clicking on the “Analysis” button located at the left corner of the page will lead you to the Analysis Specification Selection page.

  12. A combination of Analysis specifications can be applied through selecting a number of radio buttons before you start to run the analysis. You might select the “TYPE OF ANALYSIS” as well as the “TIME PERIOD OF ANALYSIS” as a pair. For now we select Citation Impact on One Year Period intervals.

  13. After Clicking on “RUN ANALYSIS” button a detailed list of all journals along with their ID number, ISSN, Number of Articles they include, Number of Citations they received, the year of publication and ultimately the calculated Citation Impact of each Journal will be shown in a grid view. Please take note that each set of journals are distinguished in a different color respectively.

  14. Finally the Citation Analysis trend graph will be Drawn in an animated fashion. Each journal is shown in a different color and the time period intervals comes in one year segments. You can clearly compare the four selected journals Citation Impacts and as a result their performance during the last ten years of publication.

  15. Lets make some alterations on the Analysis Specifications by changing the TIME PERIOD OF ANALYSIS from One Year Period to the Most Recent Five Year Period and run the Analysis once again.

  16. Again all journals will be listed in a grid view along with their detailed information and each is designated with a distinguishing color.

  17. The Appearance of the of the Citation Analysis Graph as you see has changed to a Bar Graph and the last Five Year Period of Time has been applied to the Years Axis. The Citation Impact Performance Value of each journal is now can be easily read and compared as the Numeric Values are also shown for each individual journal.

  18. You may also would like to try your chance with selecting the journals you are looking for through a selection from a list of publishes. Navigating back to the main page a list of all publishers can be accessed via the VIEW button in the list of publishes section.

  19. A list of all Publishers is shown here, outlined in red is the zoomed-in section in which the Statistics Institute of Iran is selected as the desired Publisher. Clicking on VIEW PUBLICATIONS button will list all the publications of that particular selected Publisher.

  20. As it is shown this particular Publisher has two publications: Statistical Reflection and Statistical Sciences Journal. Addition Information of each publication can also be viewed as described before.

  21. Additional Information for Statistical Reflection journal.

  22. Adding Selected Journals and Viewing them in the Selected Items List can be done as described before.

  23. As you see here in the Selected Items View only one journal has been selected so far and it is Statistical Reflection, we go further and add more items to this list through other means of journals selection methods in the upcoming explanations .

  24. A Search Query can be done on a particular Keyword which will retrieve all Journal Titles containing that Keyword. This timely manner way of selecting journals can save time and can also help users to achieve their goals in finding journals they are looking for with much more convenience.

  25. Searching “Islam” ”اسلام“ as the desired Keyword has Retrieved all journals with “Islam” in their Title. Management in Islamic Univ., Islamic Studies , Islamic Revolution Studies and Islamic Art Studies.

  26. Here we select and add Islamic Studies for instance.

  27. Now we have two journals in our Selected Items View. Statistical Reflection and Islamic Sciences.

  28. The most routine and conventional way to find the journals your are looking for is through the list of available journals in the database.

  29. Adding another item to our selection would be Science Horizon which we select from a list all available journals from the Database.

  30. The Third Item has also been added to the Selected Items View the Science Horizon.

  31. A so called “Alphabetical Search” is also included for the users convenience. Clicking on each of the sorted Alphabet in the table bellow will query the database of journals and as a result will return a list of all journal titles starting with that particular Alphabet.

  32. Alphabetical search on “B” ”ب“ has now returned all journal titles stating with “B”. BIABAN (The Desert) is the journal we are intending to add to our selection.

  33. The Fourth Item has also been added to the Selected Items View,BIABAN (The Desert).

  34. Now having a brand new selection of desired items we are able continue to specify analysis specifications and then a series of Analysis.

  35. Citation Impact Analysis in the One Year Period time.

  36. Cited Papers Citation Impact in One Year Period Time.

  37. Total Citations in One Year Period Time.

  38. Number of Papers in Most Recent 5 year Year Period.

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