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Technical Institute “ L. Einaudi ” Manduria. “ Think clean , go green” Comenius project School year 2010-2011. Manduria The other face of our land !. Here is our school in Manduria, an ancient town in the province of Taranto, in the South-East of Italy.
Technical Institute “ L. Einaudi”Manduria “Thinkclean, go green” Comenius project Schoolyear 2010-2011
Hereisourschool in Manduria, anancienttown in the province of Taranto, in the South-Eastof Italy. • Manduria occupies the Northern area of the Salento and itis at about the samedistancefrom Taranto, Lecce and Brindisi. • Itisfamousforits strong red wine, the “Primitivo” and itsclearsandybeaches.
Ourterritory OurterritoryistypicallyMediterraneanwith dry and hot summers and mildwinters. Moreover, wehave a typicalwarm and humidwindalwaysblowingfrom the South-Westcalledsirocco
Problems Our economy ismainlybased on agriculture and tourismbutwehave some environmentalproblemstoo.
The “ILVA” in Taranto Thisis a steel industry in Taranto, only 40 Km far from Manduria. Itis a Limited Company , the largestplant in Europe, withits 3 operatingblastfurnaces, 2 steelworks, 23,000 workers and a turnover of 11 blnEuros. .
In particular, ILVA ore parks, blast furnaces and chimneys are considered particularly polluting. Dioxin, hydrocarbon and fine particles are maybe the most dangerous. The causes of the air pollution are several. They are mainly due to industries but house heating and cars, too, release harmful gases in the air. As a consequence of these emissions we have: - the greenhouseeffect -the ozonehole -acid rain
Proposals Totryto solve air pollution weshould: -use public transport -ride bikes -go on foot. Ourlocalauthoritiesshould: -take measures to regulate traffic -find measures to reduce domestic heating emissions. Governments should: -invest money in: education and research for the use of fuels with low environmental impact and renewable energy sources, -new technologies to increase energy efficiency and to lower environmental impact
Fire and environment Among the causes of environmental degradation, fire is no doubt one of the most important problems in our region as well as in all Mediterranean area. Fires are almost always fraudulent, that is they are set intentionally by people, to destroy the macchiaMediterranea or woods. This usually happens in summer, when the weather is particularly dry, especially in our region.
Fires are very dangerous to the environment. The soil becomes poorer and it isn’t able to keep water, which tends to slip away. Both important organic substances and roots of trees or bushes disappear. All this may cause erosion and landslides, and in these last years, such catastrophic events have already happened in Italy, causing death and despair.
Ourproposals We think that better controls, the creation of more protected areas and education should do a lot. We should try to replace burnt trees and vegetation with other trees to recreate the same habitat as soon as possible. Moreover, as everybody knows, plants and trees transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and organic substances, that is just the two things that allow us to live. These are the reasons for plants to become our best friends.
Water supply Water is a vitalelementforhuman life butitis a seriousproblem in ourregion, becauseof the persistentdroughtthatusuallyaffectsour area, especially in spring and summer. Wehaveneitherriversnorlakesnordesalter . So water issuppliedby The waterworks, a system ofpipes and canalsthatconvey and distribute water from some rivers ( suchas the Ofanto, the Sele and the Fortore) toourregion, with the intent to solve our age-old problem of water scarcity.
Water isnecessarytooursurvival , to drink,to wash , tocook, to produce food and make objects that we use every day in every moment of our life. Its supply is always decreasing, in the world and here in particular. Sources are more and more often polluted. This precious element isn’t perpetual and we should always remember that!
Ourproposals Our system of pipelines is often old and in bad condition . This provokes serious water losses. Therefore it’s necessary a better management of our water supply system. Our Government should invest much more money in restructuring to avoid wasting water. Our authorities should check better with a more intensive and frequent monitoring.
As to common people, we should not use drinkable water to wash our cars, to water plants and our gardens; the rain, collected and stored in appropriate tanks, is a good source for outdoor activities that do not require potable water. We should choose to have a shower rather than a bath, or install flow reducers to our faucets or turn the tap off while brushing our teeth, or shaving. We should buy low- consumption dishwashers if we need one, and use washing machines only with a full load to reduce wasted water and energy.
Classesinvolved: IE, IIA, IIB, IIC, IID, IIA iter, IIIAc Teachersinvolved: Mele G., D’Uggento L., Capogrosso M., Mastrovito A., Greco S., Valentini M.