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International Relations

International Relations. What happened to U.S. relations with other WWII countries? Are there any enemies with whom we eventually became allies? Or at least civil? Are there any who were allies that became enemies? What countries have negative relations or views of the U.S. today?

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International Relations

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  1. International Relations • What happened to U.S. relations with other WWII countries? • Are there any enemies with whom we eventually became allies? Or at least civil? • Are there any who were allies that became enemies? • What countries have negative relations or views of the U.S. today? • What are the reasons?

  2. The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations[“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world.[George Kennan] GOAL spread world-wide Communism • METHODOLOGIES: • Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] • Arms Race [nuclear escalation] • Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy]  “proxy wars” • Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

  3. Cooperation • Nuremburg Trials • UN – Security Council • US • USSR • Britain • France • China

  4. Two Different Worlds • U.S. • capitalistic democracy • Leader: Truman • Wanted to spread democracy & contain communism • Distrust of Stalin • View of communism • Soviet Union • Communist system • Leader: Stalin • Wanted to spread communism & stop invasions from the west • Resentment of U.S. actions in war • Lack of reparations

  5. The Bipolarization of Europe

  6. WINSTON CHURCHILL’SIRON CURTAIN SPEECH March 5, 1946 Churchill spoke in the U.S., warning of the increasing control of the U.S.S.R behind the “iron curtain” in Europe Stalin saw this speech as a threat • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvax5VUvjWQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvax5VUvjhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvax5VUvjWQWQ

  7. George Kennan 1947 CONTAINMENT – Foreign AffairsGoals Means Actual Application • Restorationof the balance of power Encouragement of self-confidence in nations threatened by Soviet expansion. Long-term program of U.S. economic assistance [Marshall Plan] Exploitation of tensions in international communism. Cooperation with communist regimes; [supporting Titoism in Yugoslavia] • Reduction of Soviet ability to project outside power.

  8. U.S. aid to Europe Truman Doctrine Greece and Turkey $400 Million Marshall Plan June 1947 US Pledges 13 Billion dollars to rebuild Europe USSR says “NYET”, but others accept

  9. National Security Act of 1947 Defense Department CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) National Security Council Joint Chiefs of Staff NSA (National Security Agency)

  10. National Defense Budget [1940-1964]

  11. The Division of Germany

  12. Berlin Airlift Stalin blocks road and rail traffic to West Berlin (Soviets push to get a reaction) Truman must come up with a solution. Tanks or planes April 1948 to May 1949 Berlin Airlift May of 49 Stalin stops the blockade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d7eOF8-4gw

  13. NATO Alliance NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization • US, Canada, Iceland, UK, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Italy, Portugal and Norway • Formed in 1949 • Pledged military support • 1952: Greece and Turkey joined • 1955: West Germany joined • Military force of 500,000+

  14. Warsaw Pact USSR and Eastern Europe 1955

  15. Asia China: Chiang Kai-shek – Nationalists vs. Mao Zedong – Communists - 1945-49 Civil War US funds the Nationalists but refuses to send troops Communists win in 1949 and Nationalists flee to Taiwan - “People’s Republic of China” = Communist government in China

  16. Korean War[1950-1953] Kim Il-Sung Syngman Rhee “Domino Theory”

  17. Korean War • May 1945 • Korea is divided into two countries. • After World War II, Korea is divided into communist North Korea and anti-communist South Korea at a spot called the 38th parallel. The U.S.S.R. controls North Korea and the U.S. controls South Korea.

  18. June 25, 1950 – North Korea invades South Korea • With permission from U.S.S.R., North Korea invades South Korea and continues on to the capital of Seoul. South Korea does not have a strong enough army to stop it (U.S. had pulled many troops out) • June 27 – UN and U.S. join the war • Aug.-Sept. 1950 = Pusan Perimeter • Sep. 1950 = Inchon

  19. North to the Yalu Chinese Attack Nov. 1950 Chosen Reservoir 27th Nov MacArthur Replaced Chinese push south and retake Seoul America pushes north and retakes Seoul and the line becomes a war of attrition around the 38th parallel.

  20. Korean War[1950-1953]

  21. The Shifting Map of Korea[1950-1953]

  22. Soviets Develop A-bomb Test one in September on 1949 America shocked that USSR could have developed one this quickly America becomes more worried about spies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsnL6gmGOZA

  23. Truman Domestic Policy • Taft-Hartley • Election of 1948 • Republican’s – Thomas Dewey • Dem’s split • Truman • Dixiecrat – Strom Thurmond • New Progressive – Henry Wallace

  24. Fair Deal His Fair Deal recommended that all Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage (the lowest amount of money per hour that someone can be paid) be increased, and that, by law, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights.

  25. America’s fear of Subversion House and Senate Un-American Activities Committee Loyalty Review Board 3000/ 3,000,000

  26. Alger Hiss 1948 - House Committee member Richard Nixon, an ambitious red catcher, led the chase after Alger Hiss, a prominent ex-New Dealer and a distinguished member of the “eastern establishment.” Accused of being a communist agent in the 1930’s, Hiss demanded the right to defend himself. He dramatically met his chief accuser before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1948. Hiss denied everything but was caught in embarrassing falsehoods, convicted of perjury.

  27. Whitaker Chambers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOA0oKySmx0

  28. Rosenberg’s Julius and Ethel Rosenberg – Giving Nuclear secrets to the USSR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B33oE73tPUo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NTZZFW380A http://www.latimes.com/la-oe-radosh17-2008sep17-story.html#page=1

  29. Red Scare - McCarthyism Feb 9, 1950 – Republican Women’s club("I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department.“)

  30. Red Scare McCarthy goes after State Department Hollywood Academics Army Blacklisting Crucible – Arthur Miller

  31. Election of 1952 Eisenhower (Rep) v. Stevenson (Dem) Nixon VP – Checkers Speech Eisenhower wins big Promises to end Korean War by going to Korea Sends private note to Chinese Peace process moves forward – Peace July 27th 1953

  32. Cold War Conflicts Around the World • Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb • U.S. reacted with fear and paranoia; began developing the H-Bomb (hydrogen) – much more powerful than the atomic bomb • Iranian P.M. placed the oil industry under government control (not private co.s) • U.S. reacted by using the CIA and gov’t money to support a rebellion against the P.M. and put a new leader in power

  33. Guatemalan president gave land to peasants • U.S. reacted out of fear that communism was spreading there; used CIA to secretly train a resistance army who overthrew the president • Egyptian leader took control of the Suez Canal; Britain, France, and Israel invaded • U.S. reacted with shock; did not participate in the fight, helped UN arrange a cease-fire • Anti-Communist rebels in Hungary are crushed by the U.S.S.R. • U.S. reacted by denouncing Soviet action but not getting involved

  34. Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first man-made satellite • U.S. reacted with worry that the Soviets were passing them technologically; launched their own satellite & built up military & tech. • Soviet Union shot down a U.S. plane that had been flying over their country, spying • U.S. reacted by at first denying, but later admitting, that they had been spying; this ruined an upcoming peace summit

  35. Eisenhower Foreign Affairs • Massive Retaliation – John Foster Dulles • brinkmanship • Fear of Nuclear attack • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xLMpd_iZvc • 1954 Stalin dies • 1955 Khrushchev takes over – “Destalinization”

  36. 5. May 1955 – Soviets pull out of Austria – Khrushchev and Eisenhower meet in Geneva – “Spirit of Geneva” 6. Oct. 28,1956 Hungary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVdQ9PK9Q5o 7. Suez Canal Crisis Nov. 5, 1956 (Formation of the country of Israel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy_yl2pU0u4

  37. 8. Election of 1956 – Ike again 9. Sputnik 1957 – Space Race – Fear- Fallout shelters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFcRhDtkQyQ Red Nightmare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgR4apcz_Ew

  38. 1959 Summit (Soviet Science & Technology will destroy the West)

  39. 12. U-2 Spy plane Francis Gary Powers

  40. 14. Vietnam – Dien Bien Phu

  41. Cuba

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