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Learn how to set up an account and navigate the ABE Partner Portal to submit a Report of Birth for babies born to IL Medicaid mothers in hospitals enrolled in IMPACT.
The Application for Benefits Eligibility An Introduction for Hospitals Submitting a Report of Birth through the ABE Partner Portal Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services (HFS) Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) June 2019
Welcome to ABE Partner Portal • ABE, the Application for Benefits Eligibility, is the State of Illinois’ web-based portal for applying for, accessing and managing health coverage, SNAP and cash benefits, and the Medicare Savings Program (MSP). • Hospitals enrolled in IMPACT can now use the ABE Partner Portal to submit a Report of Birth for babies born to mothers on IL Medicaid or “Deemed Newborns”. • This training will review how hospitals should set up an ABE Partner Portal account and begin using the Report of Birth features. • Following this training, if you should encounter problems using ABE, please contact your organization’s ABE Agency Security Administrator (described later in the training).
Navigating in ABE • Do not use your Internet browser’s back, forward or stop buttons while in the application. Use the buttons provided at the bottom of each page of the application: Click the [Next] button when you are done with a page and ready for • the next questions. • Click the [Back] button if you need to go back to a page and need to change your answers or if you need to exit and have not completed all of the questions on the page you are currently working on. • You will click the [Exit] button after submitting the online application. Clicking this button will take you back to the home page. • Click the [Save and Exit] button to save the information already entered and return to the application later. • You must complete questions with a red star (*) next to them. • Your ABE session will time-out after 30 minutes of inactivity. You will need to log-in again to continue. • To protect private information, be sure to [Log Out] when you have completed your ABE session. This step is especially important if you are using a public computer.
What is Needed to Register in the Partner Portal • Your organization/agency/Hospital (these terms are used interchangeably and refer to both one facility agencies and organizations that include multiple facilities) must have a Medicaid Provider ID number. You will need this number to register in the Portal. • For information on how to register as a Medicaid provider visit hfs.illinois.gov and click on Medical Provider s – IMPACT Provider Enrollment. • Each Agency must identify at least one employee who will act as the Primary Agency Security Administrator (ASA) for the purpose of managing agency staff that will use the ABE Partner Portal. • The ASA is responsible for giving and taking away ABE Partner Portal access for all agency staff and maintaining documents confirming a user’s identify. • The ASA is also responsible for making sure all agency users have reviewed ABE Partner Portal training materials prior to using the Portal. • Your Agency may designate up to five individuals to serve as ASAs. More about ASA responsibilities later!
Setting up your ABE Partner Portal Account From the ABE Homepage (ABE.Illinois.gov), choose the ABE Partner Login link. You will use this link each time you return to ABE. Do NOT use the Login button in the upper right corner of the homepage.
Setting up an Account , cont’dClick the, [Create a new ABE User ID and Password] link at the bottom of the screen.
Section 1: User Information • Enter information about yourself and your organization type. Email entered should be your work email! This increases the security of your account and DHS/HFS Data.
User Information, cont’d Type of User: • A regular user for a provider certified to submit a Report of Birth (everyone). • A designated Agency Security Administrator (ASA) –ASAs must select BOTH categories. The first ASA to register is considered the “Primary ASA” and will be responsible for carrying out the ASA tasks and responsibilities.
Important Information!As part of the registration process, you must check this box. Be careful to read and understand this requirement.
Section 2: Provider User ID and Password Create a personal ABE User ID and Password that you will use to login to ABE on an ongoing basis. The secret questions and responses you choose will be used as a security check if you need to recover or change your password. User IDs CANNOT be recovered. You will be prompted to change your ABE password every 6 months. It is important to write down the answers to your security questions and store them in a secure location. Passwords cannot be reset without correct answers. If you are not able to reset your password, you will need to go through the Account creation process again.
Section 3: Organization Information • Once you enter your ABE user type and create a User ID and Password, Section 3 will display. • Enter your Organization’s State of Illinois Medicaid Provider ID Number. Click [Submit]. If you do not know your HFS Provider ID, contact your office administrator or billing office. If you have checked regular user and ASA, two boxes will display – enter Provider Number in FIRST box only before clicking [Submit] Tip: If you need to add multiple Provider IDs because you work at more than one hospital location, add them before entering your password and security questions. As a security measure, ABE wipes out these responses when the page is refreshed.
Account Confirmation • Once all required fields are complete, click [Submit]. • If you are the Primary Agency Security Administrator, you must submit your ABE Registration Form 1706P to the HFS Global Security Administrator (GSA) at HFS.ABEPortalReg@illinois.gov for approval. You must be approved before you can approve others in your hospital to use the portal. This From can be found on the Medical Forms page under Providers, labeled Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) (pdf) • Once regular users successfully register in the ABE Partner Portal, fill out the ABE Registration Form 1706P and submit to the hospital’s Primary ASA for record keeping and audit purposes. This will also serve as a notification to your ASA that your registration is ready for review and approval. • Your hospital’s ASA will then approve your ABE registration. • Once you have registered and your ASA has approved you to use the ABE Partner Portal, you are ready to begin.
Logging into ABE after Account Approval Once the ASA has approved the new user account, you can use the Portal. Registered users click the ABE Partner Login link from the ABE homepage, and the ABE Partner login page displays. Enter your information in the ABE User ID and Password fields. Click Login. Do not share your login information with others at your agency. Each person using the ABE Partner Portal must register their own account
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Process For security purposes, we are required to validate the user’s identity each time they log-in to the ABE Partner Portal. E-mail Activation • The first time you log into the ABE Partner Portal, you will be asked to register your e-mail address. You must enter the e-mail address you used when setting up your ABE User Profile and one you can access when working in the Partner Portal. Because of this additional security measure, the email used should be your work email. Click [Register].
Email Activation An Activation Code will be sent to the e-mail address. Enter the code in the space provided and click [Activate Email Address]. • If you do not receive the Activation Code, check your Junk or Spam folder. If the Activation Code is not received after 10 minutes (it usually arrive within a minute), click [Resend Activation Code] to generate a new code. • You will only need to activate your e-mail address once (unless your email changes). • If you no longer use or have access to the e-mail address associated with your ABE User Profile, you will need to contact your Agency Security Administrator to have your profile updated with your new e-mail address or you must set up a new ABE User Account with a valid e-mail address.
Access Authentication Once your e-mail is activated, an Access Code will be sent to the e-mail address. Enter this code in the space provided. Click [Next] and the Provider Portal Landing page displays. ABE will send an Access Code to the registered e-mail each time you log into the ABE Partner Portal. The code must be entered on the Authentication Access Code page to reach the Partner Portal Landing page.
Location Selection • After completing Multifactor Authentication, if you entered multiple Provider IDs in your user profile, the Location Selection page displays. If you are associated with only one location, you will be taken directly to the ABE Partner Portal Landing Page. • On the Location Selection page, indicate the location where you are working for this ABE session.
CHECK MEDI FIRST! • Before using the Report of Birth function in ABE, check MEDI to make sure the Mother has active coverage! • If Mother does not show active for medical coverage in MEDI, do not submit a Report of Birth, instead help Mother apply for benefits with the newborn through ABE.Illinois.gov
Submitting a Report of Birth After logging in to the ABE Partner Portal, completing MFA, and choosing your work location (if you have multiple locations) the Partner Portal Landing Page will display. Select, “Submit a Report of Birth” [Next]. You will choose the “Manage My Account” selection if you need to update your user profile including adding or changing a location, or changing an e-mail.
Report of Birth Screen Hospital Name and Address will be prefilled based on your Account information. Complete babies information next. All fields with a red * must be filled. Don’t forget to add contact information for the hospital representative completing this report.
Multiple Births • If you choose a number greater than 1 in the Number of Babies field, a corresponding number of entries for baby’s information will display. • Important! DO NOT enter suffixes (for example Jr.) in the last name field! This will prevent a match and the Newborn will not be added nor assigned a RIN. Instead the request is sent to a Queue in the local office for a worker to process. This, in turn, means the addition of the newborn to the Mothers medical coverage will be delayed. We will be adding an extra field in the ABE Report of Birth screen as soon as possible to address this problem.
Report of Birth – Parent (s) Mother’s Information is mandatory since baby is added to mother’s case; you must also know the Recipient Number for the Mother. The Father’s information is optional although helpful if known. Click, [Submit]. It is CRITICAL that you enter information correctly(NO SUFFIX)! Check and recheck before submitting this information. DO NOT resubmit if you discover you have submitted incorrect information, instead, send an email to: DHS.NBU@Illinois.gov with Mothers Name, DOB and RIN, correct information for the newborn, and a contact name in case there are questions.
Confirmation Page The confirmation page is your proof that the Report of Birth was transmitted successfully. Use the [Print] key to save for your records. Click [View Report of Birth(PDF)] or [View Report of Birth (HTML)]. A summary of the information and date submitted will display in a printable format. Save both items for your records.
We cannot emphasis enough the importance of entering information correctly andNOTcreating multiple submissions for the same newborn. This will cause many problems for HFS . If we find that a Hospital does this repeatedly, the Hospital may not be allowed to use the Report of Birth functionality.
Thank You! • Thank you for taking the time to view this Introduction for Hospital Providers and learn more about ABE - the Application for Benefits Eligibility. We hope you will find this guide a useful tool. • If you have any questions about using ABE, or encounter any problems when you register, email HFS.ABEPartnerportal@Illinois.govfor assistance. • Next up, Instructions for Agency Security Administrators!
Primary Agency Security AdministratorsINSTRUCTIONS AND TASKS
Instructions for Agency Security Administrators (ASA) • The Primary ASA should be the first person from the organization or location to set up a User Account in ABE. When completing the User Information screen, under Type of User, choose [I am a designated Agency Security Administrator for a Hospital] as well as [A regular user for a provider certified to submit a Report of Birth] . • The ASA will then submit their ABE Partner Portal Registration Form 1706P to the State email HFS.ABEportalReg@illinois.gov. The HFS ABE Global Security Administrator (GSA) will approve the account and e-mail the ASA indicating that the registration is approved. • The ASA should then invite the organization’s users to set up their own ABE user names and passwords. It is critical that users remember the answers to their security questions in case they need to change their password.
Manage My Account: Search for Users The ASA will use the Manage My Account feature in ABE to approve each ABE user. As an ASA you will see an option that ‘regular users’ do not see in this section. Select Search for users from my organization. Click [Next].
User Search Criteria: Search for Users • Enter Search Criteria information for the user. Click [Next]. You do not need to enter full name and birthdate, but the more information entered the quicker your Search Results will display.
Search Results Display Names the meet the search criteria entered will display. This User is a New User Type. Click the [Go] button next to the user’s name in the list to change their access type.
User Access Detail Display When the User Access Details page displays, the default of [No Access] will display for a new user. Select the Make all View/Enter/Submit option in middle box, or View/Enter/Submit in bottom box. you may also choose to make this person an Administrator by checking the box on the bottom left. Click [Submit].
Updated User Type is displayed The User will now display as an existing user. Any time you need to change the Users access you will select the [Go] button for the chosen User.
Success! • The staff member is now able to login and use the ABE Partner Portal to submit a Report of Birth. • More ASA Tasks: If an employee transfers from one facility to another under the same corporation/company, their access should be changed to ‘No Access’ in the facility they are leaving and ‘view/enter/submit’ in the facility they have transferred to. Before the ASA can make these access changes, the user will need to update their account and add the new facility with provider number. If the staff member leaves the organization, for security purposes you are required to change the user’s profile to ‘Remove this user permanently’.
Frequently Asked Questions • How can I get assistance if I run into problems creating an account or when I am using the Partner Portal? • All problems and questions can be sent to: HFS.ABEPartnerportal@Illinois.gov • Where can I find the 1706P? • The 1706P Form can be found on the Medical Forms page under Providers, labeled Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) (pdf) • How quickly will state add newborns to moms' case? What will the turnaround time be for RIN’s? Right now, I know the Unit is behind. • If the baby is matched to Mother’s case successfully, the case add and RIN generation will be immediate. • Will we be able to view the RIN in the ABE Portal? • Not in the first phase of the Report of Birth function, but hopefully in the future. • When can we begin to register ASAs and Staff? • The new functionality was released June 27th. Staff can begin to create accounts Immediately.
Questions and Answers • Can we still send the 2636 to newborn unit? • Yes, but adding the newborn to the case and RIN generation will be delayed. • Is the process the same if mother has an MCO such as Meridian, Illinicare, etc.? • Yes • You switched between agency and hospital a few times, if a hospital has a vendor doing these applications and vendor has their own Medicaid provider number, should they access portal with the Hospital Provider ID or Vendor Company ID? • Vendor agencies will use the Hospital’s Provider ID number to report births at that hospital. The worker will create one account with multiple Provider ID numbers listed, one for each hospital. The Vendor user must be approved by the ASA at each hospital before reporting any births for the corresponding hospital. When the Vendor logs in to ABE they will choose the location where they are working that day so the child is tied to the hospital in which the they are born. • How do I add the newborn if Mom has MPE? Is it an option for submission? • No, a newborn cannot be added to an MPE case, the Mom must have a regular medical case/Moms and Babies. In this case you would assist the Mom in completing a full application for herself and the newborn. If the Mom is not eligible for regular coverage, but the newborn is, then you would submit a new application with just the newborn.
More Q & A • Would we follow the same procedure if DCFS is taking custody of the baby? • No, this group cannot use the Report of Birth functionality. Continue processing these newborns as you always have. • Will this work if the mother has QMB/Dual Medicaid? • Yes, this functionality should work for this group of Medicaid recipients. • Can we use this function for newborns whose Mother has IDOC Medicaid/are incarcerated? • No, this group cannot use the report of Birth functionality. Continue processing these newborns as you always have.