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Analysis and Reporting - OBDs and Admissions Alan Paton Service Planning Analyst NHS Highland

Occupied Bed Days

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Analysis and Reporting - OBDs and Admissions Alan Paton Service Planning Analyst NHS Highland

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Analysis and Reporting - OBDs (and Admissions) Alan Paton Service Planning Analyst NHS Highland

    2. Occupied Bed Days… Source data How we calculate/attribute OBDs Trend Graph - Emerg Over 64s OBDs/1,000 Population Over 64 Demo of Reporting Tool – to compare CHPs, Localities and Practices OBDs – “Pro-Rata”, Advantages/Disadvantages

    3. Source Data… Inpatient/Daycase SMR01 Records (i) Local iSoft (PAS) Data & (ii) ISD Data Source Equivalent ISD Data contains Argyll and Bute patients activity ISD Data only contains activity for patients once discharged

    4. OBDs – ‘Pro-Rata’… OBDs normally attributed to month of discharge? What about a length of stay between 01/01/10 and 30/04/10? 4 months of OBDs (120 days)… Attribute no OBDs to financial year 2009/10? Attribute all to financial year 2010/11? Instead… Attribute 90 OBDs to financial year 2009/10 Attribute 30 OBDs to financial year 2010/11 … and similarly “by Month” i.e. 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 = 120

    6. Demo

    7. Demo

    8. Demo

    9. Demo

    10. Advantages/Disadvantages… Advantages Accurate – we need to be (we’re measuring very small fluctuations) Accounts for current inpatient activity Can report on small cohorts of activity e.g. by Specialty (smoother trends) Can make systematic – regular reporting to CHPs/Improvement Programmes/GPs etc Meets National and Board level requirements whilst providing operationally what’s required to evaluate performance (and push-up the agenda) Disadvantages More work! Care/training required when manipulating source data Not immediately comparable with other published data e.g. ISD Advantages not immediately applicable to Long Term Condition (requires to be coded)

    11. Contact alan.paton@nhs.net 01463 70 6761

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