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ASSASSINATION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY, THE O SWALD THEORY. C.S.I investigators: Gabriela Azios, Shelby Alkek, and Kaitlin Adam. November 22, 1963.
ASSASSINATION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY, THEOSWALD THEORY C.S.I investigators: Gabriela Azios, Shelby Alkek, and Kaitlin Adam
November 22, 1963 A sad day in history to all…the day we lost our beloved 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Something nobody expected on that beautiful day in Dallas Texas, a day of such perfect “Kennedy weather”. At 12:30pm a blue Lincoln convertible limo turned into Dealey Plaza with President Kennedy aboard. Then all too soon 3 shots rang out frightening the surrounding audience. Nobody was sure of where they had hit, until looking up to see their president with his scalp pealed back in pieces. Thoughts ringing through the citizens minds as president Kennedy was rushed to Parkland hospital. Too much had happened too quickly and the life of possibly the most loved President in history was in jeopardy. At approximately one O’clock p.m. the President was announced dead.
Our #1 suspect Meanwhile, Officer Baker had seen Lee Harvey Oswald leaving the book depository. He was an employee there, and had been seen the morning of walking in with a large brown bag that he stated “held curtain rods”, but could have easily held a rifle. On the 6th floor of the depository they found a snipers nest with a Mannlicher Carcano rifle and 3 bullet casings. After hearing that a witness had seen a man firing at JFK from the window, officer Baker sent out a description of Oswald. The first responding officer was J.D. Tippit. He went after Oswald and found him in the Oak Cliff area, Tippit motioned for him to stop the car. That’s when Oswald pulled a Smith and Wesson.38-caliber revolver and fired several shots, hitting Tippit. Oswald was now charged with Tippits murder. About half an hour later Oswald was seen at a shoe store , then caught sneaking into a dark movie without buying a ticket. Officers soon surrounded the theatre, and when Oswald tried to shoot another policeman they grabbed the weapon and took Lee Harvey Oswald into custody.
Hardcore Evidence On the 6th floor of the depository inside the so called “snipers nest” they found the rifle used to kill Kennedy along with, little did he know Oswalds finger prints and fibers from a blanket found in his home where he stored his gun. Also pictures were found in his home with him holding the rifle. The rifle was purchased under the name of A.D. Hidell, but was a fake name for Oswald, who oddly enough carried the fake I.D. that was found by Policemen. Oswald had stated that he wanted to become famous for something, and to get back at the government. Their original plan was to kill the governor, but the president would have more affect on the C.I.A. Also why would Oswald have killed Tippitenless he had something to hide. On the next slide is a conversation between Jack Ruby and Oswald.
LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND JACK RUBY..THE PLANNING STAGEPart of the two-page transcript reads: Lee: You said the boys in Chicago want to get rid of the Attorney General. Ruby: Yes, but it can't be done ... it would get the Feds into everything. Lee: There is a way to get rid of him without killing him. Ruby: How's that? Lee: I can shoot his brother....Ruby: But that wouldn't be patriotic. Lee: What's the difference between shooting the Governor and in shooting the President? Ruby: It would get the FBI into it. Lee: I can still do it, all I need is my rifle and a tall building; but it will take time, maybe six months to find the right place; but I'll have to have some money to live on while I do the planning." Later, Ruby warns Oswald that the mafia will ask Ruby to kill him if he's caught.
What do you think? We think that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter involved in the assassination. But… In planning we think that the Mafia had a part in the decision.