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Australian animals. Dingo. The Dingo is a domestic dog which has reverted to a wild state for thousands of years and today lives largely independent from humans in the majority of its distribution. Kangaroo. A kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodida e (large foot)
Dingo The Dingo is a domestic dog which has reverted to a wild state for thousands of years and today lives largely independent from humans in the majority of its distribution.
Kangaroo A kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (large foot) The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia.
Thorny Devil Often referred to as a Moloch (another name for Devil) the Thorny Devil is a slow moving harmless reptile. Description Easily identified by its prominent spines which are soft and its colouring . Which ranges from yellow to reddish-brown to black depending upon which type of soil it is crossing to serve as camouflage. They can grow to a total length of 20 cm.
Koala Koalas are found in South Eastern Australia and has been described as an "ash coloured pouched bear". Description Koalas are usually ash grey with a white chest and the males are larger than females. Thick fur, fluffy ears and a broad flat nose give them their "cuddly" appearance .They have strong limbs and large hands to help with climbing trees.
SEADRAGON Much like the seahorse, the leafy sea dragon's name is derived from its resemblance to another creature. While not large, they are slightly larger than most sea horses, growing to about 20-24cmThey feed on plankton.The lobes of skin that grow on the leafy sea dragon give it the appearance of seaweed, allowing it to camouflagewith its surroundings. Its leafy appearance also enables it to appear to move through the water like a piece of floating seaweed. It can also change colourto blend in, but this ability relies on the sea dragon's diet, age, location, and stress level.
Sugar Glinder Sugar Glider, scientifically called “Petaurusbreviceps "short-headed rope-dancer" is a small arboreal gliding possum, and a type of marsupial mammal. Their name came from early bushman who found they liked sweet things like honey and sugar and from their ability to glide between trees . They are silvery blue grey in colour(dark stripe on back) , very light (100 to 160g), their body length is around 200mm long with a similar length tailIt is thought that Sugar gliders live for 9 years in their natural habitat .
Bilby They are a rabbit size marsupial with large ears and their fur is soft grey with a bluish tinge. A long pointed snout and a large black and white tail with a white brush tip makes this a striking looking animal Strong claws enables this marsupial to burrow quickly through sandy soil and the Bilbyspouch faces backwards. Size wise they range from 30 to 60 cm in length with roughly a 20cm tail. The female is smaller than the male, and the species tends to be very solitary .Marsupialsare an infraclassof mammals, characterized by a distinctive pouch(called the marsupium), in which females carry their young through early infancy.
AustralianNUMBAT The numbat, also called the Banded Anteater or marsupial anteater, This Australian marsupial mainly eats termites or 'white ants' with its very long sticky tongue. This gentle and squirrel-like solitary animal the Numbat, is active by day, each numbat having its own home range. At night they sleep in a hollow log or under fallen timber. Numbats are slow moving animals that "trot" about with its bushy tail held high.
SulphurCrestedCockatoo The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is a white bird with a striking sulphur yellow crest. This crest is normally "sleeked" back but can be raised which shows the bird is either afraid, curious or putting on a display. It normally has yellow markings under its wing and tail.