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Engineering Documentation

Engineering Documentation. We Love Paperwork!. Introduction. Technical Information Systems Engineering Operational Guidelines Logs and Records Tagouts. Technical Information Sources. Naval Ships’ Technical Manual (NSTM)

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Engineering Documentation

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  1. Engineering Documentation We Love Paperwork!

  2. Introduction • Technical Information Systems • Engineering Operational Guidelines • Logs and Records • Tagouts

  3. Technical Information Sources • Naval Ships’ Technical Manual (NSTM) • Provides general interest information to entire fleet (electrical safety precautions, shipboard firefighting, damage control) • Ship Information Book (SIB) • Specific ship information generated by the shipyard who built the ship (schematics, equipment information, data)

  4. Technical Information Sources • Equipment Technical Manuals • Specific information and instructions for individual equipment • Written by manufacturer • Blueprints and drawings • Microfiche & paper form • Used for piping systems, wiring diagrams, & drydocking plans

  5. Engineering Op Guidelines (Conventional) • Engineering Operational Procedure (EOP) • Instructions and guidelines for completing all normal evolutions (ex: plant startup) • Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) • Instructions and guidelines for combating all casualty conditions (ex: steam line rupture)

  6. Engineering Operational Guidelines (Nuclear) • Reactor Plant Manual (RPM) • Provides all instructions and guidelines for normal evolutions and casualty conditions for the reactor plant • Steam & Electric Plant Manual (S&EPM) • Same as RPM but for engineering plant (electric plant and propulsion plant)

  7. Logs and Records • Legal Records • Engineer’s bell log • Engineering log • Informational Logs and Records • Fuel, oil and water report • Engineer officer’s night order book • Water chemistry records • Watch station operating logs

  8. Engineer’s Bell Log

  9. Engineering Log

  10. Informational Logs and Records • Fuel, Oil and Water Report • Boiler Water Treatment Log • Engineer Officer's Night Order Book • Draft Report • D.C. Closure Log

  11. Watchstation Operating Logs • Historical data base to observe equipment operating trends for both short and long term analysis • Aid in identifying possible abnormalities • TRENDS!!!

  12. Watchstation Log

  13. Tagouts • Purpose: Aid in ensuring safety of personnel and equipment • Danger • Used when safety of personnel and/or equipment would be jeopardized • Prohibits operation of equipment to which the tag is attached • Mechanical or Electrical systems

  14. Danger Tag

  15. Tagouts • Caution • Convey amplifying information or special instructions to ensure safe operation of system or component

  16. Caution Tag

  17. Writing Tagouts • One person identifies scope of work and writes tags to isolate work boundaries • Second person independently verifies the scope of work and ensures the tags adequately isolate the work boundaries

  18. “Hanging Tags” • An officer verifies the tags and authorizes hanging the tags -> One person places valves, breakers, etc, in correct position and hangs tags • Second person independently verifies that the tags are hung in the correct places and that the valves, breakers, etc, are in the correct positions • Once work is complete and the system is restored, an officer authorizes the removal of the tags

  19. Questions?

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