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HERITAGE FOOTBALL. 2012 Spring Parent Meeting. Tonight’s Agenda. Program Goals Player & Parent Expectations Parent Involvement Fundraising & Volunteering Paperwork & Physical Night Summer Calendar End of Summer & Start of Practice Equipment Odds & Ends. Program Goals.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HERITAGE FOOTBALL 2012 Spring Parent Meeting

  2. Tonight’s Agenda Program Goals Player & Parent Expectations Parent Involvement Fundraising & Volunteering Paperwork & Physical Night Summer Calendar End of Summer & Start of Practice Equipment Odds & Ends

  3. Program Goals Excel on and off the field Set Priorities and Goals Work to Achieve them Teach skills that will last a lifetime Hard Work, Commitment, Loyalty, & Team Work Help Student Athletes reach their fullest potential On and Off the field Academics will take you father than Football

  4. Program Goals Do Things the RIGHT way and WIN the right way Work Hard and Earn what we get Have Fun while winning the Dulles District Championship Region II Championship AA State Championship

  5. Player Expectations • Be a STUDENT Athlete • Take Care of Academic Responsibilities • Demonstrate Good Character and Behavior • Be a Leader on and off the field • Demonstrate Respect and Loyalty • Commit to Team Goals over Personal Goals • Mentally and Physically Prepare • Off Season Training, Playbooks, HUDL, Quizlets • Have a desire to Compete and Improve • Get Better EVERY Day • Be Aggressive • Be Physically and Mentally Tough

  6. Parent Expectations Understand the sacrifice & commitment involved Encourage it Be a Parent, not a coach Don’t put your child in an awkward position Don’t fight battles your child isn’t fighting For themselves. Help them, don’t enable them Get Involved in a POSITIVE way Your attitude & Involvement affects your child Do so in a POSITIVE way

  7. Ways for Parents to get Involved Volunteering Expectation of the Athletic Program Concessions, Ticket taking, Chain Crew, Etc. Becoming an HHSABC Member $ Reward for the team if we reach a target % Administrative Assistance Submitting Stats to Media, Website Updates, Volunteer Caller Parent Committees Social (team meals), Communication, Fundraising

  8. Heritage HS Football ProgramParents Club Introduction April 30 – May 1, 2012

  9. Objective Build a strong parent organization supporting the Heritage Football Program, team members and coaching staff

  10. Desired Outcomes • Increase the desire of students and parents to actively participate in the program • Provide strong support at every level of football (Freshman, JV and Varsity) • Help the student/athlete meet and exceed their football and academic oriented goals • Increase the “Game Day Experience’’ for all • Improve the health, safety and performance of our athletes • Off-load the coaching staff from the ‘back-office’ administrative duties • Build a program whose legacy perpetuates into the future • Create strong Heritage HS Football Program PRIDE loyalty and teamwork

  11. Inaugural meeting identified seven key themes for our attention • Communications • Training • Fundraising • Academics • Recruiting • Social • Team Building/Development

  12. Parent members established “teams” for each target/theme area- Parent can volunteer their name to apply particular gifts, talents and resources to advance a theme- Suggest that one ‘leader’ step forward to manage each team. Each team’s specific need can be led by various individuals

  13. Communication team topics (examples): E-mail communications Web-site management New member registration/campaigning Game day announcer Schedule planning and coordination Carpooling for practices/events Teach the game to the parents - Football 101

  14. Training team topics (examples): Nutrition guidance Weight training and conditioning program Camp options Weekend events Summer camps 7 on 7 competitions Technique training for position groups Equipment safety Medical baseline review for concussions

  15. Upcoming Fundraising and Team Building Event: CAR WASH – Sunday, May 20th 11:00AM to 3:00 PM Location - Roy Rogers East Market Street & Plaza Please bring boys, brawn, buckets and towels!

  16. Fundraising For Football Lift-A-Thon Summer Youth Flag Football Camp (through Parks and Recs.) New this Summer Sponsorship Program Mid-Season

  17. Fundraising For HHSABC HHSABC Discount Cards Summer – Start of Season Mulch Sale Spring HHSABC Membership Drive Each Season – Year Long

  18. Required Paperwork 1. VHSL Physical (dated after May 1, 2012) Athletic Consent Form Athletic Insurance Form Training Rules Emergency Care Card 6. Concussion Guidelines

  19. Required Paperwork All Required forms can be found on the Heritage Football Website Current physical must be on file to participate In off-season practices (not for weight room or conditioning) No equipment will be issued until ALL Paperwork is turned in Please turn in ASAP

  20. Physical Night May 30th@ Tuscarora HS $30 (Benefits HHS Athletic Training) Limited Spaces – By Appointment Only http://webinter.lcps.org/SPAR/ Once registered, Contact Ron Petrella (Heritage AD) 571-252-2810 For Reservation Time

  21. LCPS Athletic Fee $100 – Paid to the County None of this Revenue stays at the school level Fees will be collected at Parent Meeting at the start of the season Cannot participate in contests until fee is paid Fee is waived for those on Free Lunch


  23. Summer Calendar 2012 Starts on Monday, June 11th New Program starting this Summer Research Collaboration w/ Experts Clinic Presentations “Best Practice” Goal Driven Evidenced Based Results

  24. Summer Calendar 2012 Goals Increase Size & Strength through lifting and proper nutrition (Body Composition) Improved Quickness, Speed, & Agility Maximize Explosive Strength & Power Increase Flexibility Injury Prevention

  25. Summer Calendar 2012 Monday & Thursday Skill Positions – Upper Body & Speed Training “Bigs” – Yoga & Lower Body Tuesday & Friday Skill Positions – Yoga & Lower Body “Bigs” – Upper Body & Speed Training Wednesday Explosive Power & Functional Weight Training Position Conditioning

  26. Summer Calendar 2012 Every Session will begin with a Warm up and Dynamic Stretch We will Follow Warm Ups w/ a Team – “Starting Activity” Team Building Extension of the Warm Up We will End Each Session with a “Finishing Activity” Learning to Compete

  27. Summer Calendar 2012 No Activity the Week Of July 4th Mandatory “Dead Period” Attendance Expectations for 10th -12th Graders 30 out of 38 (80%) Summer Activities Includes Lifting and Out Of Season Practices Rule of Thumb When you are in town, you need to be here!

  28. Summer Calendar Important Dates Physical Night is May 30th Summer Workout Sessions Start June 11th Paperwork should be turned in ASAP No paperwork = no out of season practice and no equipment We will issue equipment on Friday, July 27th Times by grade to be announced. Practice Starts Monday, July 30th at 8:00 am

  29. Summer Practice Summer Practice Calendar Coming out Soon All Practice and Scrimmage Dates and Times Will be posted on the Website Most days we will go 8:00 am – 2:30 pm Until Teachers Return to Work Practices starting July 30th are MANDATORY Three unexcused absences could result In dismissal from the team

  30. Odds & Ends Every Participant will need to purchase a T-shirt and Shorts for summer Practice Cost will be less no more than $20 Spirit Pack Orders will be online again this year Information will be sent out late summer We will wear BLACK cleats. Cleats can have other colors (grey, red or white), but must be predominantly black In order to have a coach place an eye shield on your helmet, we must receive a Doctor’s note We are a team, we will not adorn uniforms to set ourselves apart as individuals

  31. Head Coach Contact Information Please Contact Coach Williams With any questions or concerns At Steven.Williams@LCPS.org 571-252-2800

  32. When you want to SUCCEED as badly as you want to BREATHE, then you’ll be SUCCESSFULL

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