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Los adjetivos. Let´s look at the possessive adjectives first. There are two sets; the short form and the long form The short form goes before the noun. The long form goes after the noun. Los adjetivos cortos. Mi, Mis my Tu, Tus your Su, Sus his, her, your. Nuestro / a our
Los adjetivos Let´s look at the possessive adjectives first. • There are two sets; the short form and the long form • The short form goes before the noun. • The long form goes after the noun.
Los adjetivos cortos Mi, Mis my Tu, Tus your Su, Sus his, her, your Nuestro / a our Nuestros / as Vuestro / a your Vuestros / as Su, Sus their your
Los adjetivos cortos • Choose the adjective by the person. yo = mi or mis • Choose the form of the adjective by the noun it describes. calcetines = mis My socks = mis calcetines
Los adjetivos cortos mi suéter mis suéteres tu suéter tus suéteres su suéter sus suéteres nuestro suéter nuestros suéteres vuestra sudadera vuestras sudaderas su suéter sus suéteres
Los adjetivos largos mío my míos tuyo your tuyos suyo his,her suyos your Nuestro / a our Nuestros / as Vuestro / a your Vuestros / as suyo their suyos your
Los adjetivos largos • el suéter mío, los suéteres míos my sweater my sweaters • la sudadera mía, las sudaderas mías my sweatshirt my sweatshirts • el suéter suyo, los suéteres suyos (___________ ___________ ) • la sudadera suya, las sudaderas suyas (___________ ___________ )
Los pronombres • To form the possessive pronoun , use the long formof possessive adjectives proceeded by the definite article . • Both the pronoun and the article must agree in gender and number with the noun they replace.
Los pronombres El suéter mío (my sweater, A) El mío (Mine ,P) La sudadera nuestra (our sweatshirt ,A) La nuestra (our ,P) El libro suyo (his book ,A) El suyo (His ,P)