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O.G.T. Social Studies Test Preparation Power Point. Mr. Leasure Harrison Career Center Third Nine Weeks - 2014. Forms of government. Forms of Government: Monarchy. All MONARCHS gain power through heredity and there are two types of monarchs: ABSOLUTE MONARCH LIMITED MONARCH.
O.G.T. Social Studies TestPreparation Power Point Mr. Leasure Harrison Career Center Third Nine Weeks - 2014
Forms of Government: Monarchy • All MONARCHS gain power through heredity and there are two types of monarchs: • ABSOLUTE MONARCH • LIMITED MONARCH
Forms of Government: Monarchy • An ABSOLUTE MONARCH has sole control over the government and people have few or no rights.
Forms of Government: Monarchy • A LIMITED MONARCH’S power is restricted by the constitution and/or legislative body (i.e. Parliament.) • Some MONARCHS are figureheads – they have no real power.
Forms of Government: Monarchy • The MONARCHS maintain their power over government (absolutely or limited) because they were put on the throne by God. • This is known as the DIVINE RIGHT of Monarchs.
Forms of Government: Monarchy • The MONARCHS maintain their power over government (absolutely or limited) because they were put on the throne by God. • This is known as the DIVINE RIGHT of Monarchs.
Forms of Government: Monarchy • Some titles monarchs hold include King/Queen, Emperor/Emperess, or Czar/Czarina.
Forms of Government: Dictator • A DICTATOR typically comes to power through military force and has absolute power. • When a DICTATOR is removed from power, there is no clear succession.
Forms of Government: Dictator • Under a DICTATORSHIP, people have few rights or no rights. • A type of dictatorship is an OLIGARCHY. It is like a dictatorship except a small group rules instead of a single person.
Forms of Government: Democracy • Under DEMOCRACY, Government is of the people and by the people. There are two types of DEMOCRACIES: • DIRECT DEMOCRACY • INDIRECT DEMOCRACY
Forms of Government: Democracy • A DIRECT DEMOCRACY is when the people directly vote on all matters. • A REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY is when the people elect representatives to make decisions for them.
Forms of Government: Democracy • Power is limited by the constitution and there are regular elections.
Forms of Government: THEOCRACY • Under THEOCRACY, there is no separation of church and state. The church and the government are the same.
U.S. Constitution and Government • Constitution known as the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. • The only way to change the Constitution is through the AMENDMENT PROCESS.
U.S. Constitution and Government • The U.S. Government can only limit or place restrictions on your rights if: • Clear and Present Danger • Public Safety • National Security • Libel • Equal Opportunity
U.S. Constitution and Government • The Supreme Court case that established clear and present danger is Schenck v. US (1919).
U.S. Constitution and Government • The THREE BRANCHES of American Government include • The Office of the POTUS (Executive) • The U.S. Congress (Legislative) • The U.S. Supreme Court (Judicial)
U.S. Constitution and Government • The three branches of government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) operate on a system of CHECKS AND BALANCES.
The Amendments • 1st Amendment: Freedom of Press, Religion, Petition, Assembly, and Speech. • 13th Amendment: Abolished Slavery
The Amendments • 14th Amendment: Citizenship granted to every individual born in the United States. • 15th Amendment: The right to vote to all adult males.
The Amendments • 16th Amendment: Government can collect income tax. • 17th Amendment: Direct election of U.S. Senators. (Progressive Reform)
The Amendments • 19th Amendment: Women's Suffrage. • 24th Amendment: Outlaws literacy test and poll taxes as requirements for voting.
The Amendments • 26th Amendment: Lowered the voting age to 18.
SUPREME COURT CASES • Plessy v. Ferguson: Declared Segregation to be LEGAL. • Brown v. Board of Education: Later declared segregation to be ILLEGAL. This court case OVERTURNED Plessy v. Ferguson.
SUPREME COURT CASES • Bakke v. California: Allows for affirmative action. • Affirmative Action is a program to stop discrimination: a policy or program aimed at countering discrimination against minorities and women, especially in employment and education
ECONOMICS: TYPES OF ECONOMIES • There are three types of economies: A COMMAND economy, a MARKET economy, and a MIXED economy.
ECONOMICS: TYPES OF ECONOMIES • In a COMMAND ECONOMY, all economic decisions are made by the central government.
ECONOMICS: TYPES OF ECONOMIES • In a MARKET ECONOMY, all businesses are privately owned. • A MIXED ECONOMYis a combination of privately owned and government controlled businesses.
ECONOMICS: TRADE • TRADE is the buying, selling, and exchanging of goods within and between countries. • EXPORTS are products leaving a country and IMPORTS are products entering a country.
ECONOMICS: TRADE • A TRADE IMBALANCE occurs when a country’s imports and exports are not equal. • More IMPORTS than EXPORTS hurts a country’s economy.
ECONOMICS: TRADE • A TARRIFF is a tax placed on IMPORTS to protect domestic products. • An EMBARGO/BLOCKADE is when one country refuses to trade with another country for political or economic reasons.
ECONOMICS: TAXES • A government will raise money (also known as revenue) by collecting TAXES. • The 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allows the Federal Government to TAX our income directly.
ECONOMICS: TAXES • The FEDERAL RESERVE will raise the interest rate to get people to save and lower the interest rate to get people to spend.
ECONOMICS: TAXES • Congress created the FEDERAL RESERVE to manage the nation’s economy and the FEDERAL RESERVE set’s monetary policy and the interest rate.
GEOGRAPHY • A REGION is an area with one or more common characteristics or features. • There are GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS (Rocky Mountains), POLITICAL REGIONS (U.S.A.), and CULTURALREGIONS (Middle East).
GEOGRAPHY • Geographic changes over time as a result of human activity. • Human activities such as mining and logging will change the physical geography of an area..
GEOGRAPHY • Technology has impacted the way humans deal with the natural geography of the area. • Advanced transportation allows for the settlement in remote areas.
GEOGRAPHY • Technology allows for the transfer of ideas from one place to another. • Throughout history people have moved for political, social, and environmental reasons.
GEOGRAPHY • There are two types of movement – IMMIGRATION and EMIGRATION. • IMMIGRATION is the movement into a country. • EMIGRATION is the movement out of a country.
GEOGRAPHY • GLOBALIZATION is the act, process, pr policy of making something world wide. • INDIGENOUS people are native to an area.
GEOGRAPHY • INTERDEPENDENCE occurs when individuals or nations are mutually dependent. • TOPOGRAPHY is the graphic representation of the surface features of a place or a region on a map.