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Оптические наблюдения радиопульсаров.

Оптические наблюдения радиопульсаров. Сергей Жариков Национальная Астрономическая Обсерватория Институт Астрономии Национальный Автономный Университет Мексики. В сотрудничестве: Ю. А. Шибанов (Иоффе ФТИ) R. Mennickent (Chile)

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Оптические наблюдения радиопульсаров.

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  1. Оптические наблюдениярадиопульсаров. Сергей Жариков Национальная Астрономическая Обсерватория Институт Астрономии Национальный Автономный Университет Мексики В сотрудничестве: Ю. А. Шибанов (Иоффе ФТИ) R. Mennickent (Chile) В. Комарова (САО РАН) R. Mignani (UK)

  2. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. ~1500 радиопульсаров < 1% в оптике

  3. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. радио оптика рентген гамма

  4. The illustration of the spectral evolution of the optical emission with pulsars age, from younger Crab pulsar in the top panel up to the older pulsar PSR B0950+08 in the bottom. The ages [yr] of pulsars in are shown.

  5. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. Молодые пульсары: We calculated X-ray efficiencies in the range 2-10 Kev using data from Possenti et al., 2001. And in the range 0.1-2.4 Kev from Becker & Trumpler, 1996. We used pulsed luminosity of middle-age pulsar PSRB0656+14 and Geminga and total luminosity for young and old pulsars where a contribution of thermal component is less than non-thermal. Efficiency in the radio band was calculated using average radio luminosity Lradio=d2S408MHzDn where d is distance, S408MHZ is flux density and Dn is the channel bandwidth. 1 from Tailor et al., 1993 A at 102MHz from Kuz’min & Losovskii, 1997 B from V band up limit of Mignani et al., 1999 C see Tompson et al., 1999 D F342W band from Mignani et al., 1997 E F342W band from Pavlov et al., 1996

  6. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation.

  7. V R SN~1700yr PSR~2900yr P=135ms Lx=7.2x1032 ergs s-1 I PSR J1124-5916

  8. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. Пульсары типа Vela(~104 лет):

  9. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation.

  10. The illustration of the spectral evolution of the optical emission with pulsars age, from younger Crab pulsar in the top panel up to the older pulsar PSR B0950+08 in the bottom. The ages [yr] of pulsars in are shown.

  11. The Optical Spectrum of the Vela Pulsar R.P. Mignani (UCL, MSSL), S. Zharikov (UNAM), P. A. Caraveo (IASF, INAF) arXiv:0707.2036

  12. The illustration of the spectral evolution of the optical emission with pulsars age, from younger Crab pulsar in the top panel up to the older pulsar PSR B0950+08 in the bottom. The ages [yr] of pulsars in are shown.

  13. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. Пульсары среднего возраста: We calculated X-ray efficiencies in the range 2-10 Kev using data from Possenti et al., 2001. And in the range 0.1-2.4 Kev from Becker & Trumpler, 1996. We used pulsed luminosity of middle-age pulsar PSRB0656+14 and Geminga and total luminosity for young and old pulsars where a contribution of thermal component is less than non-thermal. Efficiency in the radio band was calculated using average radio luminosity Lradio=d2S408MHzDn where d is distance, S408MHZ is flux density and Dn is the channel bandwidth. 1 from Tailor et al., 1993 A at 102MHz from Kuz’min & Losovskii, 1997 B from V band up limit of Mignani et al., 1999 C see Tompson et al., 1999 D F342W band from Mignani et al., 1997 E F342W band from Pavlov et al., 1996

  14. Broad band spectra of PSR B0656+14

  15. Broad band spectra of Geminga

  16. The illustration of the spectral evolution of the optical emission with pulsars age, from younger Crab pulsar in the top panel up to the older pulsar PSR B0950+08 in the bottom. The ages [yr] of pulsars in are shown.

  17. PSR B0656+14 spectroscopy. 25200 sec = 7h <0.6”> 4300-9600A 3.35A/pixel Slit = 1” Nov. -Dec. 2004 Jan. 2005 VLT/UT1/FORS2

  18. S/N ~ 4 per pixel 4500-5500A B(l=4448A;FWHM=1008A)=25.27+/-0.07; R(l=6588A; FWHM=1568A)=24.65+/-0.08; I (l=8060A; FWHM=1542A)=24.52+/-0.13.

  19. B(l= 4448A;FWHM=1008A)=25.27+/-0.07; R(l= 6588A; FWHM=1568A)=24.65+/-0.08; I (l= 8060A; FWHM=1542A)=24.52+/-0.13

  20. Cyclotron absorption at 360km, B~108 G 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

  21. Geminga PSR B0656+14

  22. Themultiwavelength observations of PSR B0656+14 show that its emissionin the NIR-optical, hardX-rays, and -rays isnonthermal, presumably generated inthe NS magnetosphere. The optical andX-ray emission are generatedby the same populationof relativistic particles witha power law energy spectrumand by the same(likely synchrotron) mechanism. Thisconclusion is supported bythe fact that theratio of optical-toX-ray luminositiesis about the samefor all the pulsarsobserved in both X-raysand optical. The absorption detected in optical spectrum of PSR B0656+14 are probably electron/positron cyclotron absorption formed in the upper magnetosphere of the pulsar at an altitude ~360km where B~108G. The source altitude is < 360km and much below the light cylinder radius r~18x103km, likely suggesting its polar cap origin.

  23. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. Старые пульсары:

  24. PSR B0950+08

  25. Optical and X-ray observation of PSR B0950+08. The solid cross in the X-ray range corresponds to the mean flux in the ROSAT band derived from BB spectral fit. Square-filled belt shows unabsorbed spectrum resulted from this fit. Dot-dashes outline the results of the PL fit. Stripe-filled belt shows unabsorbed BB fit of the HST/FOC data, and dashed cross shows corresponding mean flux as one would expect in the ROSAT band. The optical emission is likely to be of non-thermal origin and apparently follows the extrapolations of the X-ray PL fit of the ROSAT data with spectral index ~0.4, close to the low boundary of 1 s errors of the fit.

  26. Zavlin, Pavlov, 2004

  27. The illustration of the spectral evolution of the optical emission with pulsars age, from younger Crab pulsar in the top panel up to the older pulsar PSR B0950+08 in the bottom. The ages [yr] of pulsars in are shown.

  28. PSR B1133+16

  29. . The efficiencies h = L / E of transformation of the rotational energy loss of radio pulsars in electromagnetic radiation. We calculated X-ray efficiencies in the range 2-10 Kev using data from Possenti et al., 2001. And in the range 0.1-2.4 Kev from Becker & Trumpler, 1996. We used pulsed luminosity of middle-age pulsar PSRB0656+14 and Geminga and total luminosity for young and old pulsars where a contribution of thermal component is less than non-thermal. Efficiency in the radio band was calculated using average radio luminosity Lradio=d2S408MHzDn where d is distance, S408MHZ is flux density and Dn is the channel bandwidth. 1 from Tailor et al., 1993 A at 102MHz from Kuz’min & Losovskii, 1997 B from V band up limit of Mignani et al., 1999 C see Tompson et al., 1999 D F342W band from Mignani et al., 1997 E F342W band from Pavlov et al., 1996

  30. The X-ray luminosity in the band (2-10)keV against the spin-down luminosity for the 41sources. (From Possenti et al., 2002) . log Lx,(2-10) = 1.34 log E – 15.34

  31. The correlation between X-ray and optical efficiencies of pulsars detected in the optical range. The solid line is a linear fit : log(hopt) = 1.55 log(hXsoft) -1.62 (formal X2 = 81/8)

  32. Lopt ~ 10-2.5 Lx~10-6 Lsd

  33. Что дальше в оптическомдиапазоне? 26-29 величины для новых отождествлений. В0656+14 и Геминга !!!

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