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Evolving RD and Acquisition Strategies for GWOT

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Evolving RD and Acquisition Strategies for GWOT

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    1. 27 March 2008 David Ludwig Deputy Program Executive Officer, PEO Command, Control, Communications Tactical Evolving R&D and Acquisition Strategies for GWOT These slides provide an Acquisition perspective on the challenges of transitioning S&T efforts to the current fight. Theme: Creating a tighter coupling of S&T/R&D and Acquisition strategiesThese slides provide an Acquisition perspective on the challenges of transitioning S&T efforts to the current fight. Theme: Creating a tighter coupling of S&T/R&D and Acquisition strategies

    2. A Warfighter’s Perspective Slide 3 – A Warfighter’s Perspective - Voice Track – In today’s environment, the warfighter is looking to the acquisition community to quickly deliver mission-relevant capabilities that are easy to use. The soldier does not have ORDs or even care what they say, he compares the capability he gets to that which he can get from the commercial market place. The warfighter becomes the proponent… drawing from their experience with readily-available commercial solutions… and adapting this technology to meet their immediate needs… Although we’ve adopted some rapid response fielding strategies to meet OIF unit needs, traditional R&D and acquisition processes cannot keep up with the pace of change of technology and mission demands. Slide 3 – A Warfighter’s Perspective - Voice Track – In today’s environment, the warfighter is looking to the acquisition community to quickly deliver mission-relevant capabilities that are easy to use. The soldier does not have ORDs or even care what they say, he compares the capability he gets to that which he can get from the commercial market place. The warfighter becomes the proponent… drawing from their experience with readily-available commercial solutions… and adapting this technology to meet their immediate needs… Although we’ve adopted some rapid response fielding strategies to meet OIF unit needs, traditional R&D and acquisition processes cannot keep up with the pace of change of technology and mission demands.

    3. Aligning the Requirements, S&T, and Acquisition Communities

    4. PEO C3T S&T Integration Strategy

    5. Direct quote from Dr. Killion (27 Sep 2005) during FY05 ASTWG teleconference call for applying the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Prior to the T2Matrix, analysis of program-to-gap relationships showed that because programs were initiated without a significant focus on priority, some of the higher priority gaps were left unaddressed and research efforts and resources would sometimes be addressing gaps that were not priorities. The T2Matrix enables C4ISR leadership to focus their research efforts towards technology gaps that are of the greatest priority to the PMs and the current-force warfighter. Challenge – What is the common evaluation criteria for prioritizing technology gaps at the PEO- and C4ISR-level?Direct quote from Dr. Killion (27 Sep 2005) during FY05 ASTWG teleconference call for applying the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Prior to the T2Matrix, analysis of program-to-gap relationships showed that because programs were initiated without a significant focus on priority, some of the higher priority gaps were left unaddressed and research efforts and resources would sometimes be addressing gaps that were not priorities. The T2Matrix enables C4ISR leadership to focus their research efforts towards technology gaps that are of the greatest priority to the PMs and the current-force warfighter. Challenge – What is the common evaluation criteria for prioritizing technology gaps at the PEO- and C4ISR-level?

    6. Transitioning S&T Solutions to PORs Challenges “Operationalizing” Delivering Warfighter-Focused v. Technology Policy-Driven Solutions Resourcing Aligning S&T Funding with Acquisition/ Warfighter Priorities Execution Ownership Engaging PMs early (and often) in the S&T process

    7. Command Post of the Future (CPOF) DARPA developed, PEO C3T fielded executive level decision support system provides shared situational awareness and collaborative tools to support decision making, cross functional planning, and execution “CPOF was first deployed operationally in a handful of locations in Baghdad, Iraq by the First Cavalry Division of the US Army in 2004, and is now deployed at over 500 workstations throughout Iraq. Variants of CPOF have participated in United States Joint Forces Command's Urban Resolve 2015, the United States Air Force's Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment 06 (and will participate in 08), and is being investigated by the Marines for use in their Combat Operations Centers.” - Wiki CPOF became part of an official US Army program of record in 2006 under PdM TBC. “CPOF was first deployed operationally in a handful of locations in Baghdad, Iraq by the First Cavalry Division of the US Army in 2004, and is now deployed at over 500 workstations throughout Iraq. Variants of CPOF have participated in United States Joint Forces Command's Urban Resolve 2015, the United States Air Force's Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment 06 (and will participate in 08), and is being investigated by the Marines for use in their Combat Operations Centers.” - Wiki CPOF became part of an official US Army program of record in 2006 under PdM TBC.

    8. Rifleman Radio Challenge

    9. PEO C3T Technology Transition POCs Kay Griffith-Boyle, Linda.GriffithBoyle@us.army.mil Grace Xiang, QiPing.Xiang@us.army.mil

    10. Commercial Best Practices vs. PEO C3T S&T Management Processes

    11. Technology Transition Barriers Lessons Learned “Valley of Death” --- Term used by DAU (STM Courses) #2 --- Guidance on TTA Requirement TTA is an internal agreement between the Acquisition Community (Customer) and S&T Community (Provider). TTA is an “Actionable CONTRACT”, but without participation of legal officers and Contracting Officers. Using ATO-D Program (typically 3-year) as an example, a TTA is only required at the last year of the program execution. Therefore, there is currently NO REQUIREMENT to fully staff the TTA shortly after the Transition PM endorse an ATO-D Program. QUESTION: Will you be willing to endorse and invest a provider for developing certain types of technologies without: 1) understanding what the deliverables are? 2) knowing the schedule for delivery, testing, and fielding? 3) defining the acceptance criteria; and most importantly? and 4) putting it in writing? “Valley of Death” --- Term used by DAU (STM Courses) #2 --- Guidance on TTA Requirement TTA is an internal agreement between the Acquisition Community (Customer) and S&T Community (Provider). TTA is an “Actionable CONTRACT”, but without participation of legal officers and Contracting Officers. Using ATO-D Program (typically 3-year) as an example, a TTA is only required at the last year of the program execution. Therefore, there is currently NO REQUIREMENT to fully staff the TTA shortly after the Transition PM endorse an ATO-D Program. QUESTION: Will you be willing to endorse and invest a provider for developing certain types of technologies without: 1) understanding what the deliverables are? 2) knowing the schedule for delivery, testing, and fielding? 3) defining the acceptance criteria; and most importantly? and 4) putting it in writing?

    12. PEO-Level S&T Management Policies

    13. PEO C3T S&T Mgt Process is Synchronized with DA S&T Activities

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