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Expelled. Documentary by Ben Stein *Was the Doctor in Osmosis Jones *Played Dr. Newman in the Mask *Played Rugg in Casper * Host of Win Ben Stein’s Money. Ben Stein’s, “Expelled”. Freedom is the essence of America The way we think, what we believe, what we learn, who we are .
Expelled Documentary by Ben Stein *Was the Doctor in Osmosis Jones *Played Dr. Newman in the Mask *Played Rugg in Casper * Host of Win Ben Stein’s Money
Ben Stein’s, “Expelled” • Freedom is the essence of America • The way we think, what we believe, what we learn, who we are. • 1. What would happen if our freedoms were taken away? • 2. Why was Dr. Steinberg viewed as a terrorist? (It was the same reason he was let go from his job)
3. In what ways have people in the video been closed minded so far? (list a minimum of 2) 4. Should you have to keep your opinions to yourself? Why or Why not.
Ben Stein’s, “Expelled” 5.What do scientists say about intelligent design? 6. Are the scientists being open-minded? How can you tell? 7. Is intelligent design about bringing God into the classroom?
8. Is there a debate among scientists about evolution (decent of all life on earth from a common ancestor)? 9. How did the discovery institute/professor describe Intelligent Design (ID)?
Ben Stein’s, “Expelled” 10. How did life begin (According to the ideas presented in the video, list a minimum of 3)? If you are aware of your biases, then you can have an intelligent conversation/discussion/argument.
11. How has the video (so far) shown you what happens when people are closed-minded? Give at least 2 examples) 12. When people are arguing their point (in the video) are they convincing?
Ben Stein’s, “Expelled” 13. Which ideal (theory) is the most supported (according to what you have seen in the video)? 14. How is Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest compared to Hitler?
15. What is Eugenics? 16. Is there really academic freedom if you are forced to stay on one side of the wall (argument)? Explain.
Creationism • Creation Science • Biblically based • Earth is only a few thousand years old to millions of years old • Depends on religion and translation of bible • Typically 6,000-10,000 years old • World and all life created in 6 days • ICR – Institute for Creation Research (began in 1972) • Henry Morris (now, John Morris – his son) • AIG – Answers in Genesis • Ken Ham
Intelligent Design • Theistic Science • The complexity of the natural world could not have occurred by chance • Some intelligent entity must have created that complexity • Natural things act to achieve the best result which requires intelligence • Idea was popularized by William Paley’s divine watch-maker analogy • Watch is fashioned by a watch-maker • Assume, universe fashioned by a universe-maker (divine creator)
There have been repeated miraculous interventions in the history of life – It wasn’t “poor design” as many say. DNA = specified complexity – “must” have originated with an intelligent agent The world exhibits design & adaption, therefore it was produced by an intelligent designer Some believe this was created to circumvent court rulings which bared the teaching of “creation science”
TimeLine • Late 1800’s – till 1910’s – Theistic Evolution taught • Combination of creationism and evolution • Began by Asa Gray • 1920’s – Fundamental Christianity took over, no evolution taught in US schools. • 1950’s – Evolution took over, separation of church and state, no creationism taught. • Establishment Clause in the constitution • 1960’s – Creation science re-emerges as an “alternative scientific explanation” for the world in which we live. • 1980’s – Intelligent Design (ID) emerges