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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter “Ohio Chapter of the Year!”. General Body Meeting May 15, 2008. Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Officer’s Reports
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter“Ohio Chapter of the Year!” General Body Meeting May 15, 2008
Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Officer’s Reports President First Vice President Second Vice President Third Vice President Financial Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Ways & Means Scholarship Ebony Fashion Fair Financial Fortitude New Business Gift for Outgoing National Officers Rho Xi Sponsor Request Announcements Ritualistic Closing Ohio Chapter of the Year!”General Body MeetingMay 15, 2008ORDER OF BUSINESS Note:Italic and shadowed items are reports containing recommendations and will require action
General Body Meeting Minutes April 19,2008 The April meeting was called to order at 10:40 am. A quorum was present with 18 financial members and 2 non-financial/ visiting sorors. Sor Evelyn Ellington moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded. Motion carries . The March General Body Meeting minutes were read silently. Sor. Lisa Rowell moved to accept the March minutes. Seconded. Motion carries. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Several Ad Requests (see new business) President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. She stated that the Cotillion Committee did an outstanding job with this years’ event which was sold out. The Scholarship Committee is conducting interviews. Also, Soror Vashti McKenzie gave a powerful presentation this morning at Duke Energy Center during the Prayer Breakfast for Closing The Health Gap. Three tables of Deltas attended the inspiring event. Discussions continue with CAC and Queen City concerning the service area for each chapter. 1st Vice President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave the report. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave the report. 3rd Vice President Sor. Vickie Fairley gave the report. Financial Secretary See financial packet for report. Treasurer Sor. Gayle DeBrossard gave her report. The proposed 2008-2009 budget was discussed. Voting for the budget will take place in May.
General Body Meeting Minutes April 2008 ….continued • Committees • Scholarship: Sor. Kim Hull gave the report. The committee is down to identifying the top 4 finalists for scholarships. Final Report for the Scholarship workshop given. Motion to accept the final report by Sor. Lisa Rowell. Seconded. Motion carries. • Ways and Means: Sor. Lisa Rowell gave the report. Items are needed for the May 17 Golf Outing. Plans are underway for additional sponsors. Sorors are encouraged to sign up to golf and volunteer. • Delta Academy: Sor. Marena Brown and Sor. Candice Higgins gave the report. The Academy is focusing on Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Self Esteem. They have completed their second workshop for I space 2. • Unfinished Business • None • New Business • CYC is requesting a financial contribution for the Chapter to support their mentoring program. A motion was made by Sor. Elsie Brown to pass the hat. Seconded by Sor. Danelle Carter. Sor. Frances Glover led the discussion to support CYC at a later time during our next calendar year. Motion fails. • National Headquarters has submitted an ad request for the 2008 National Convention Program Booklet. Prices are $750/full page color; $600/full page black & white; $500/half page color; $350/half page black & white. Sor. Danelle Carter made the motion for the Chapter to purchase a half page ad with picture in the amount of $400. Sor. Elsie Brown seconded. A friendly amendment was made by Sor. Sylvia Young to purchase a full page ad. Motion carries. Sor. LaTonya Cole volunteered to donate $100 towards the cost of the ad. Pass the hat was done for the balance.
General Body Meeting Minutes April 2008 ….continued • Announcements • Sor. Irene Renfro is in the hospital. • Sor. Kim Hull moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Sor. Charlotte McKenzie. Motion passes. • Meeting adjourned at 12:17 pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. • ____Stacey Fulgham_____ ______________________________ • Stacey Fulgham Veronica Chapman • Recording Secretary President
Correspondence ReportMay 15, 2008 Greetings, Sorors! Thank you for keeping our Chapter connected to one another and the community. Please review the guidelines listed below that will help in our correspondence process. • All committee meetings, updates, announcements, etc. that you would like included in the upcoming CAC Weekly Update should be submitted to me each week, no later than Sunday, 5:00pm, dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. You must write your own submission in its’ entirety. This will insure inclusion of any early week meetings, as the Update will be emailed during the early part of each week. If you have an exception/emergency, feel free to call me at 513-258-3799. • Please submit your info in the format as you would like for it to appear in the update. Your info should be inclusive, in standard type, and brief. Include pertinent info such as date, time, location, contact person, email, phone number, etc. Only minor editing will be done. • Keep in mind that NOT EVERY FLYER/ATTACHMENT CAN BE INCLUDED. Therefore, submit your info as bullet points that can be included in the body of the update or send an attachment that is small in capacity. • Please UPDATE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC. with our Sergeant at Arms as you sign in for the Chapter Meeting. Also, if you have information that is currently not on file for another Soror, please provide it to us. We need correct information so that we can keep you in the communication loop of CAC. • Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Remember, ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ONLY BE SENT TO THE CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS: dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. Thank you Sorors! Correspondence: • Information from the Urban League regarding Free Community Seminars designed to answer your questions on the Cincinnati Police Department. • Thank you letter from Scholarship Interviewee, Charae Parks. • Invitation to Urban League’s Gala DeMonte Carlo – May 17, 8 pm – 12 am, The Phoenix, Cincinnati, OH, Cost is $150 per ticket
Correspondence Report continued….. Invitations: • Invitation from former Debutante Frederica Piphus to join her in celebrating her graduation from Tennessee State University on Saturday, May 31, 4:30 – 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of Zion Global Ministries. Please RSVP by May 19, 2008 to Ms. Renea Young at 513-942-0776 or via email to peryourrequest@fuse.net Requests/Ads/Donations: • As a expression of appreciation to the outgoing executive committee officers, the regional officers and the Midwest leadership team are requesting that each chapter contribute $75.00 (or an amount within the capacity of the chapter) toward the purchase of a gift. The Mighty Midwest Region’s collective gift will be presented as monetary gift cards at the closing banquet. • Sponsor Request from Rho Xi Chapter for $250 to assist with hotel fees and transportation to the National Conference. Requested response date is May 31, 2008. Submitted in the spirit of Delta, Charlotte McKenzie Corresponding Secretary
Presidents ReportMay 15, 2008 • Greetings Sorors! • The end of the Sorority year is just around the corner and the chapter is still going strong! We have several more events planned for the year including our Golf Outing, hosting the Legislative Conference, distribution of our Scholarships, attending the Freedom Sisters Outing and the June Luncheon. Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now!! • Local Updates • Freedom Sisters Event on Saturday, June 14, 2008. We have 40 free tickets for our program participants. Sorors will need to pay the $7.25 admission fee. More details to follow. • The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) will be hosting their annual Founders Day Weekend May 16-May 18, 2008. The weekend’s activities include: Happy Hour, Friday, May 16, 6pm-8pm at Mr. Pitiful’s, 1323 Main Street; Community Service event at the Freestore Foodbank Warehouse, 1250 Tennessee Avenue, Saturday, May 17,1pm-4pm. Each organization is asked to send a minimum of 4-5 volunteers from your chapter and to arrive at 12:45pm; annual NPHC cookout, Sunday, May 18, 1pm-5pm at Central Park (corner of Winton Rd and Waycross Rd). • Violets to: the Cotillion Committee for an awesome, record-breaking Cotillion Ball, the Delta Academy Committee for being recognized by the Interactive Science, Space, and Aeronautics Center for Education (iSPACE) in their recent newsletter; the Scholarship Committee for interviewing and selecting our scholarship recipients; the DA and GEMScommittee for a successful retreat; and the Newsletter Committee for distribution of our May newsletter.
Presidents Report cont’d.May 15, 2008 • RegionalUpdates • The Chapter received a request from the Ohio State Coordinator us to host the Midwest Leadership Team meeting in Cincinnati in the spring of 2009 along with the Queen City Chapter. • National Update • The National Commission on Arts & Letters is promoting an art collectors handbook titled "Basic Ideas for Collecting African American Art". Our Commission Member and renowned visual artist, Laurel Duplesis authored the handbook and stars in the accompanying video. HQ has a limited quantity of the books. They sell for $10 each. The National Executive Board has approved chapters to use this as a fund raiser with a 60/40 split $6 to HQ and $4 to the chapter for every book sold. The Arts & Letters Commission encourages chapters to partner with local galleries and arts organizations to increase sales opportunities. • Sorors interested in participating in the 49th National Convention Choir must complete a form and send it to NHQ by Monday, June 2, 2008. A $20.00 fee MUST accompany the form to cover the cost of music and tapes to be provided to each choir member. Yours in Delta,Veronica L. Chapman
First Vice President Report Sorors our chapter is still on the move and we continue to make our presence known in the Cincinnati community. April was a world wind of successful activities: 2008 Debutante Cotillion Ball, Delta Academy & GEMS annual college retreat, and Scholarship interviews. During the month of May we continued our program efforts with the Delta GEMS and Delta Academy public service activities, scholarship announcements, and social action political form. As we reflect on our efforts this year, prepare our final reports, and awards nominations we are excited about next year. We have some great activities outlined in our 2008/2009 program proposals and we look forward to your continued support as we wrap the current sorority year and anticipate another remarkable year of service to our community next year. The Delta Academy committee chaired by Sorors Marena Brown and Candace Higgins conducted another public service activity with the Academy girls, Great American Cleanup on April 26th as well as conducted the second section of the Lights! Camera! Action! educational component on the May 5th which included a “Girls Talk” session on puberty. The Academy was also represented at the annual college retreat at Indiana University on April 19th, four Academy girls were in attendance. The girls continue to have a great time learning while giving back to the community. You are invited to participate in the Academy’s upcoming activity: • June 7th – Lights! Camera! Action! the committee will wrap up this education component with Media Bridges at Cincinnati Fire Museum., 12-4pm. Final session, girls will edit their video projects and the committee will conduct a closing/award ceremony from 3PM – 4PM.
First Vice President Report The GEMS committee chaired by Soror Camille Woods took over 15 young ladies including 4 Delta Academy girls on the Annual College Retreat held during the weekend of April 19th thru 20th at Indiana University. Violets to Camille and the committee on a job well done! The young ladies took part in friendship activities, toured the campus, and participated in a question/answer session with the admissions office. The young ladies had fun and look forward to next years retreat. The GEMS also conducted a public service activity at the Bethany House, hosting an ice cream social for the residence on May 13th. Sorors Shawnda DeRamus and Marviette Dale co-chair persons and the cotillion committee pulled off another successful cotillion on April 19th and was able to distribute over $21,000 in scholarship money to the 2008 participants. Violets to Soror DeRamus and Dale and the cotillion committee! The Cotillion was featured in the May 10th Cincinnati Herald section-1and the Cincinnati Enquirer “Good Things Happing” section on May 6th. Soror Kim Hull committee chairperson and the scholarship committee have selected 4 scholarship recipients out the 15 candidates. The committee will be announcing the awards during their report. The Financial Fortitude committee chaired by Soror Michelle Story-Stewart will share volume-4 of the “Big Bucks” financial fortitude newsletter. The Social Action committee in conjunction with Queen City Alumnae will host our first political issue awareness form by partnering with the Community Action Agency (CAA) for their annual legislative agenda breakfast.
First Vice President Report The local, state, and national legislative agendas will be shared during the breakfast on Friday, May 23rd from 8:30AM-10AM, CAA Jordan’s Crossing. Our second political form is targeted for the August timeframe and we are currently in need of sorors to help plan the event. If you are interested please join the next planning call on Monday, June 2nd, 7PM, conference call #: 641-715-3200 passcode 830698 . Sorors thank you for submitting your program proposals. The program and fundraising proposals are in a separate packet which details the program purpose, the 5-point thrust that is addressed, the estimated revenue/expenses/profit, and proposed budget amount for 2008/2009. We will vote on these proposals during our May meeting. Thanks again for your support of the program committee! Yours in Delta Tina A. Welch First Vice President
Delta Sigma Theta SororityCincinnati Alumnae ChapterThird Vice President’s Report – May 2008 Happy Mother’s Day belated! See Resources Management Committee updates below. • Ways & Means Committee: Soror Lisa Rowell • Third Annual Golf Outing – May 17, 2008 at Walden Ponds!! • Meeting Wednesday (5/14) to stuff goodie bags. • Still accepting players and sponsors and donations for goodies. • Full report from Soror Rowell. • Historian ~ Soror Ebonie Byndon • Looking for pictures, articles and items of historical interest. Also seeking committee members. • Contact Ebonie at 513-283-3066 or ebyndon2003@yahoo.com for more info. • Journalist ~ Lynadius Joseph & Camile Woods • Recently distributed latest Minerva’s Pen Newsletter. • Send submissions for the next edition via e-mail to informcac@gmail.com or regular mail to Soror Camille Woods at P.O. Box 19955 Cincinnati, OH 45219. Poems, guest columns, committee updates, announcements, and photos are welcomed. • Web Mistress ~Soror LaCosta Mackey • Updating website! Click www.cacdst.org for happenings • Send updates to Soror Mackey at ltmackey@gmail.com • Publicity ~ Soror Cassandra Bolden • Disseminating information on chapter programs and accomplishments.
Delta Sigma Theta SororityCincinnati Alumnae ChapterThird Vice President’s Report cont’d • Audit ~ Soror Mary Coleman • Maintaining our internal controls and financial structure. • Custodian ~ Soror Sandra Wiggins & Olivia Montgomery • Coordinating with Golf Committee for 5/17 event. • Chaplain ~ Soror Wanda Owens • - “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” • Ephesians 2:10 • Dial-a-Delta ~ Sorors Melba Morgan & Pearline Singletary • Committee staffed and ready to serve. • Parliamentarian ~ Soror Esther Cash Mills • Do you know the basic rules? • Sergeant at Arms ~ Soror Maurine Allen • Professional attire must be worn during meetings. • Housing Management ~ Soror Glenda Leonard-Wilkinson • Coordinating our housing feasibility study. YID - Soror Vickie D. Fairley Third Vice President
Ways and Means/Golf Outing ReportMay 15, 2008 The date is May 17, 2008 at Walden Ponds Golf Course with a 1:00 shot gun start. This year we will start on TIME. We do need volunteers. Please give donations to me after the chapter meeting. We have a total of 22 teams 88 golfers and 35 Hole Sponsors. Contact Soror Lisa Rowell at (513) 260-3323 or e-mail at lrowell@current.net. Respectfully Submitted: Soror Lisa Rowell, Ways and Means Chair
Scholarship Committee ReportMay 2008 The Scholarship Committee has completed the selection process to identify this year’s scholarship award winners. All four scholarship recipients have been notified of their selection and will receive a one time cash award in the amount of $2,500 provided she continues to meet the eligibility criteria upon college enrollment. As a Chapter we are delighted to award $10,000 this year to four very deserving young scholarship recipients. The 2008 Scholarship Winners are the following graduating Seniors: Helen Jones- Princeton High School Charae Parks- Hughes High School Joanna Pollard- Princeton High School Evvan Morton- Indian Hills High School The committee will personally congratulate each recipient during several scheduled events: Senior Awards Ceremony at the respective Schools, our upcoming Golf Outing and immediately following the Chapter’s June Luncheon. If any Sorors are interested in attending any of the Senior Awards Day Ceremonies listed below, please contact Kim Hull 207-1354 to obtain details or email khulldst@fuse.net Hughes High School, Fri., - May 9th 7pm Princeton High School, Wed., May 21st, 7pm Indian Hills High School, Tues., June 3rd 7pm Scholarship Committee: Maurine Allen, Tina Bowen, Ester Cash-Mills, Angela Cook, Minnie Everett, Reynell Frazier, Celeste Goodloe, Tekeia Howard, Kim Hull Co- Chair, Gail McCullum, Daniel Pankey, Michelle Rogers, Nikki Taylor, Jackie Turner, Rhonda Twitty, Deatria Walker
Ebony Fashion Fair ReportMay 15, 2008 Greetings Sorors! The 51st anniversary Ebony Fashion Fair is coming to town and we want you to be there! Thank you again for all of your wonderful sisterly support that made our hosting a true success in 2007. Violets to the EFF Committee who put their heart and soul into planning this spectacular event and continue to move ahead for 2008. Much love to you, Sorors. This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 31 at the Duke Energy Center in downtown Cincinnati. • Sorors, you will have an opportunity to get the Best Seats in the House! Calling all Deltas to gather up your guests and put your lists together so that we can make this a sellout event! That is right-starting in June, CAC Deltas will have any opportunity to purchase and pick out your seats in advance. Be sure to contact all of your guests and get their checks in advance to turn in at our June chapter meeting. Tickets are $75 (VIP reception/6:00pm & show), $50 Show only (8:00pm), and $25 for students (21 and under with valid school ID). Each ticket includes a one year subscription to Ebony or 6 month subscription to Jet, plus a chance to win great prizes! Ebony will give to the highest ticket seller special recognition and a chance to win an all expense paid trip for you and a guest to a U.S. city of your choice, once the tour concludes in 2009. Also, as a very special bonus, we are offering to pay local dues for the top ticket seller in our chapter!! The second ($50) and third ($25) place winners will receive DELTA DOLLARS. WOW!! Sorors, this is exciting! Thank you in advance for your support. For questions, feel free to call 258-3799 or charmac10@yahoo.com
Ebony Fashion Fair Report ….continued Submitted in Sisterhood, Charlotte McKenzie, Chair Committee Members: Aisha Abernathy Tekeia Auster Howard Cassandra Bolden Tina Bowen Marena Brown Kyndal Burton Danelle Carter Veronica Chapman Marviette Dale Gayle DeBrossard Shawnda DeRamus Vickie Fairley Stacey Fulgham Margaret Horton Kim Hull Katelyn Jackson Carmen Jett Crystal Kendrick Edna Keown Jennifer Lewis Thornton LaCosta Moore Gail McCullom Malinda McReynolds Julia Montier Ball Nancy Moody Jovan Moore Melba Morgan Wanda Owens Donna Pickard Lisa Rowell Vanessa Sams Candie Simmons Karla Stewart-Tyson Michelle Story-Stewart Jackie Turner Tina Welch Ligaya West