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  2. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK potential – needs - projects


  4. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK POTENTIAL • developed system of primary and university education • good natural terms • free investment area • low costs of work • significant for the country food and agricultural processing • large part in population of young people especially in productive age and preproductive

  5. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK Barriers prevent the development of metropolitan area • the government initiative to take away the metropolitan status of three metropolitan areas • government documents do not create chances on efficient useing of structural sources • the communication arrangement is not adapted to fulfill metropolitan functions • the limitation results from areas of Nature 2000

  6. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK NATURAL ENVIRONMENT • The podlaskie province occupies the area above 20000 km2 what makes up 6,5% surface of Poland. • Here are preserved: • large forest complexes - Forests: Białowieska, Knyszyńska and Augustowska, • the valley of Narwia - swamps with strongly developed system of river troughs • the picturesque valley of Bug with large landscape values • the most natural in Central Europe Biebrzańskie Swamp • picturesque post-glacial scenery of northern Suwalszczyzna.

  7. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK The podlaskie province Area Nature 2000 The final list marking areas of Nature 2000 Should be the consequence of Planned earlier the Communication arrangement in the province. plan or the projects of undertaking with potencialdirect or indirect influence on the Natura 2000 area are taken to evaluation made on the basis of the law - the enviroment protection law.

  8. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS • The communication arrangement • in the podlaskim province • unadjusted to the metropolitan area • National 8 - No. S 8, operating the road draught "Via Baltica„ • National 19 – No. S 19 – leading from Białegostok to Lublin and farther to Rzeszów

  9. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS Road infrastructure in the region of białystok agglomeration on the background of the natural environment

  10. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS The patern of the target communication arrangement of Białystok

  11. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS VIA BALTICA The communication route joining northern Europe with south and western. In Poland it would have run from the Polish-Lithuanian passage in Budzisk to the Warsaw. Via Baltica is the shortest route joining the Finland with central Europe through three Baltic countries - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

  12. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS RAIL BALTICA Transeuropean Railway Transportation Corridor Railway line E75 Warsaw-Białystok-Suwałki (Kowno-Ryga-Tallin)

  13. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS RAIL BALTICA In the podlaskie province • the main railway junction in the province is situated in the capital city • The international railway line Warsaw –Białystok –Wilno- Petersburg rund by Białystok

  14. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS • Białystok Metropolitan railway • The aim of the project is to use the existing railway lines to the services of the municipal movement and connection of the Quick City Railway with the net of roads and routs of the municipal collective transport in the metropolitan arrangement. • I phase - utilization of railway lines on routs: Kuriany – Białystok – Bacieczki (the length approx. 23 km), Kuriany – Bacieczki – Lewickie (the length approx. 21 km) • Cost: 150 mln PLN • Realization period 2007 - 2013

  15. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS • The building of the temporary airport on the terrain of Krywlan • Range: • Range - take-off belt about the length 1300 m, circling roads, halting plate for airplanes, lighting, indispensable navigational devices, passenger terminal • Realization period 2006 - 2007

  16. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS Road projects co-financed from the UE funds

  17. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK The examples of projects realized from UE funds 1. Building of the tunnel on the bypass around Białystok 2. Building of road arrangement in the region of the tunnel in Białystok 3. Enlargement of the investment attractiveness of neighbourhoods of Białystok 4. Building of the crossroads of streets Baranowicka and Plażowa in Białystok

  18. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS Building of the tunnel on the bypass around Białystok – project realised • Project co-financed for PHARE SSG 2000 program • the amount of co-financed from UE funds 4 320 000 EUR • Total cost of the project 13 018 991 EUR • Project realised in 2001 - 2004

  19. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK • The examples of projects realized from the UE funds • The improvement of the quality of functioning the system of the public transportation in the City of Białegostoku – I stage • Improvement of the water quality in the City of Białystok • 3. Building the main streets on housing estate Bacieczki (the St Hugo Kołłątaja and Herberta) in Białystok • 4. Scholarships for youth from the secondary school from the European Social Fund 2005 - 2006

  20. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS The improvement of the quality of functioning the public transportation of the city ofBiałystok - the Stage I and II • I stage realized in frames of ZPORR 2004 - 2006 • Aim: • Improving the attractiveness and the degree of utilization by the passengers of bus collective transportation in the centre of Białystok I stage – realization period 2005 – 2007 • the value of the project 71,1 mln PLN, • co-finance 42,645 mln PLN, • range of 43 new buses and the modernization of the main communication routes in the city: St. Kopernika, Zwierzynieckiej, 11-November, Skłodowskiej, Kalinowskiego and Liniarskiego II stage - realization period 2007-2009 • the value of the project 70 mln PLN, • range of 47 new buses and the modernization of the main communication routes in the city: St. Sienkiewicza, Wasilkowska, Produkcyjna,Antoniukowska, Antoniuk Fabryczny i Knyszyńska

  21. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK NATURAL ENVORONMENT - PROJECTS The improvement of the quality of water in the city of Białystok in the project were grouped three investment taks from the range of drinking water quality improvement and the modernization of the sewage treatment plant . • The project is co-financed from the ISPA fund • The sum of refinancing from UE 256 960 EUR • The total cost of the project 18 316 000 EUR The building of preliminary ozonization in SUW in Jurowce

  22. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK • The examples of projects planned for realization from the UE funds • Generalska Rout • 2. The integrated waste disposal system for the Białystok agglomeration • 3. European Music and Art. Center – Opera Podlaska • 4. Culture Station • 5. The reconstruction of baroque gardens of Branickich • 6. Revitalization • 7. The sport infrastructure

  23. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS Generalska Route The basic assumption of the project is to build the communication corridor which will run through the streets of the city Białystok and joins the national road no. 8 with national road no. 19 to Lublin and national road no. 65 in the direction of the road passage in Bobrowniki I stage - Maczka Street from 1000-lecia PP to Produkcyjna St will have two roads, new sidewalks, bicycle path and new lighting. The 1000-lecia PP St from the borders of the city to the Maczka St will have similar parameters. II stage - the Andersa street will be prolonged to the Zaścianek. The rout will run first through 27 Lipca street to the Zacisze street, and from this crossroads will be built 4,5 kilometre of the road section.


  25. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK COMMUNICATION - PROJECTS • Generalska Route– crossroads streets General Maczek, Lodowa and Oliwkowa • the road will hang on special tenches, • crossroad will be safe and free from collisions

  26. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK NATURAL ENVORONMENT - PROJECTS • The integrated system of the waste disposal for the białystok agglomeration • The project is planned to the support from the Cohesion Fund • Aim: • the complex solution of the problem of the waste disposal on the area of the Agglomeration of Białystok • Tasks: • The implementation of the system of selective collection of wastes, • building the segment crumbles building materials from the demolition e.g. the rubble, concrete, bricks • The building the segment of management high-volume wastes and used AGD equipment • closing and reclamation of existing storage yards Przygotowanie nowego pola składowego, • The building of the segment of the mechanical segregation of wastes, • The building of the segment of final neutralizing of wastes

  27. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK CULTURE - PROJECTS European Music and Art. Center – Opera Podlaska • Costs – about 70 mln zł • Realization period 2006-2009

  28. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK CULTURE - PROJECTS European Music and Art. Center – Opera Podlaska

  29. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK CULTURE - PROJECTS „Culture Station” • the principal aim of the project is to transform existing functions for the needs of municipal cultural institution - the creation of the recreational and cultural centre. • I stage cost – 18 mln zł • Realization period 2007-2013


  31. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK CULTURE - PROJECTS The reconstruction of baroque gardens of Branickich • The project foresees the reconstruction 4 fountains situated in the baroque Garden Branickich in Białystok. • Project value – 4,5 mln zł • Realization period 2007-2009

  32. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK REVITALIZATION - PROJECTS Revitalization • 1. The project foresees the reconstruction of 4 fountains situated in the Modernization of the building together with with surroundings laid near the Proletacka street 21 in Białystok • 2 The revitalization of the part of Settles Bojar about the highest cultural values • 3. The revitalization of terrains in the valley of rivers Biala and Bażantarki, and the dojlidzkie terrains • 4. The revitalization of the area of the City centre • The revitalization of the team grows antique green and the and the Planta Park • 6. Post – industrial areas near the Augustowska street

  33. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK REVITALIZATION - PROJECTS Revitalization • Delimitation of terrains to revitalization • Creation the team for revitalization • The resolution of the Local Programme of Revitalization The revitalization of the Settles Bojar - the part ofthe City with the highest cultural values

  34. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK REVITALIZATION - PROJECTS Revitalization I Stage • „The modernization of the building together with surroundings laid near the Proletariat Street number 21 in Białystok” The realization of the project will contribute to the enlargement of the range and growth of the given help through the Environmental Family House „Our House”. In the effect there will be the possible assumption in the complex the larger number of children / youth and their families and the elevation the quality of given help. • The value of the project – 2 mln PLN • realization period 2006-2007

  35. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK REVITALIZATION - PROJECTS Post – industrial areas near the Augustowska street

  36. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK • The sport infrastructure with the over regional meaning • The soccer stadium in the north-eastern region of Poland • Project budget 50 000 000 PLN • Realization period 2006 – 2011 r. • The building of the Podlaski Training Soccer Centre • Project budget 18 000 000 PLN • Realization period 2006 – 2010 r. • The building of the athletic Centre „Zwierzyniec” in the support of the existing stadium • Project budget 25 000 000 PLN • Realization period 2006 – 2010 r.

  37. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK • The soccer stadium in the region of the north – eastern Poland • The modernization of the soccer stadium having on the aim to fulfill the requirements • to the organization the soccer games in national and international rank. • Range: • The modernization of tribunes, • The modernization of the infrastructure around the object, • The installation of roofing and the realization of the lighting of the stadium, • The modernization of the plate of field (the realization of heating up • the plate of the field), • The building of back up facilities (changing rooms, rooms for the media, • car parks etc.).

  38. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK EXPERIENCES The experiences of the Białystok City Composition of resources gain through the City Białystok from the external sources of funding in years 2004 - 2005 (in the million of the zloty)

  39. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK EXPERIENCES • Experiences of the City of Białystok • Structure of funding the projects in seperate programmes • in years 2004 - 2006 (in the million of the zloty) PHARE ZPORR ISPA

  40. METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIAŁYSTOK EXPERIENCES Barriers in gaining the european union financial sources: • The lack of clarity and the invariability of criteria • The lack of the possibility of the complex realization of projects (in the case of complex investments the necessity of applying to many programmes) • Expensive and complicated aplication procedures, • Long procedures connected with the implementation of union projects, • Complicated: reporting, project accounting, financing and qualifying rules • Unfavourable algorithm of the division the sources in years 2004 - 2006, • Government documents - they do not create the chance of the development for the metropolises from the terrains of the Eastern Poland.

  41. Urząd Miejski w Białymstoku Thank You for Your attention Urząd Miejski w Białymstoku 15-950 Białystok, ul. Słonimska 1 tel. (85) 878-60-00, fax: (085) 878-60-00 www.bialystok.pl

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