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Case Studies: Expectations of the Commission

Explore the conceptual basis and benefits of using case studies within evaluations, including regional, sectoral, and mini-case studies. Learn about the data gathering process, reporting, and expectations for a coherent and insightful analysis. Available in multiple languages.

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Case Studies: Expectations of the Commission

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  1. Case Studies: Expectations of the Commission Veronica Gaffey Head of Evaluation Directorate General for Regional Policy

  2. A New Approach to Ex Post Evaluation • Thematic not national • Selectivity – not everything would be evaluated • Therefore, space for case studies to deepen analysis

  3. Case Studies within the Evaluations • Conceptual Basis • Statistical and administrative data – financial and physical • Case Studies – mostly regional – to deepen analysis • Mini case studies • Conclusions on the performance of the policy

  4. What is a Case Study? • Three types of case study so far for DG REGIO: • Regional Case Studies • Sectoral Case Study • Mini-Case Study

  5. Case Study Guidance • Data Gathering: • Template • Role of core team and local expert • Clarity on who and how many to be interviewed • Reporting – telling the story: • Not a dump of all information on paper • Insights into reality of policy measures on the ground and their interaction with other policies • Validation of hypotheses • Expect interaction within team and several iterations • Cross case analysis – not generalisation

  6. Case Study Expectations • A coherent analysis in narrative form, which explains a complex case: • How is policy decided • How is it co-ordinated with other policies • How it is implemented • The effects of the policy and • Reasons for those effects • A concise text which includes information ONLY if it is relevant to the case

  7. Experiences to Date • More complex and time-consuming than might be perceived • A valuable tool which delivers real insights • Needs indepth local knowledge AND an external validation – an iterative process • Narrative is essential and challenging – a good drafting style is under-rated these days in evaluation!

  8. Thank you for your attention

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