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The Austrian project « Fremdsprachenlernen in der Grundschule » [ language learning in primary education ] Ulrike Haslinger. Séminaire sur l'Education plurilingue et interculturelle dans les curriculums pour l 'enseignement primaire 22-23 novembre 2012, Strasbourg.
The Austrian project« Fremdsprachenlernen in der Grundschule » [languagelearning in primaryeducation] Ulrike Haslinger Séminaire sur l'Education plurilingue et interculturelle dans les curriculums pour l 'enseignement primaire 22-23 novembre 2012, Strasbourg
Foreignlanguagelearning in primaryeducation in AT Chronology • 1983: Introductionof FL learningfromlevel 3Method: integrative approach(e.g. 10 min of FL learning in various subjects: “Mini-CLIL”) • 1988: FL learningbecomescompulsoryfromlevel 1 (5-year-transitional phase) • 2003/04: FL learningbecomescompulsory in regularprimaryeducationfromlevel 1
FL Curriculum (primaryeducation) • characterisedby an opennesstovariousteachingmethods & materials • teachersarefreetochoose
Demands & needsin FL teaching/learning • New languageteachingmaterials • Adaptation oflanguageteachereducation Therefore: Ministryfor Education, theArtsand Culture commissioned ÖSZ toproducematerialsfor FL teaching/learning in primaryschool
FL teaching/learningmaterials • tocaterfor all languagesofferedwithincurriculumforprimaryeducation: • English, French andItalian(= mostcommonlytaught FL) • Croatian, Slovakian, Slovene, Czech, Hungarian(= autochthonouslanguages) • Bosnian/Croatian/SerbianandTurkish(= largestmigrantlanguages) • toputchildren in contactwithotherlanguages • to open upchildren‘smindstolanguagediversity
Products and initiatives for language learning in primary education • Products derivingfromtheproject"Fremdsprachenlernen in der Grundschule 1994-2005" (> Language learning in primaryschool): a seriesofpublicationsunder title “Zoom“ (e.g. 10 min of FL teaching in various subjects) • Teaching materialsformultilingualism in theclassroom(e.g. KIESEL) • “European Language Portfolio“ forprimarylevel • Grundkompetenzen “Lebende Fremdsprache“ 4. Schulstufe(> Basic competences in a foreignlanguage, atthe end ofschoollevel 4)
1. Products deriving from the project "Fremdsprachenlernen in der Grundschule” / Language Learning in primary education 1994-2005 Series ofpublicationsunderthe title “Zoom“ • Purpose: toprovideteaching material forforeignlanguagesesp. for E, F, I, etc. > at a time whennotextbookswereavailable • Objective: toassistteachers in integrating mini sessionsoflanguagelearning (approx. 10min) intovarioussubjects in primaryschool (e.g. Physical Education, Geography, Biology, Arts)
Zoom (7 + 2 publications) Zoom 1: Fremdsprachen integrieren: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Slowenisch – 1. u. 2. Lernjahr (1996) Zoom 2: Englisch integrieren – Curriculum (1996) Zoom 3: Frühes Sprachenlernen in Österreich: Vielfältige Möglichkeiten (1996) Zoom 4: Sprachen integrieren: Burgenländisch-Kroatisch, Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch, Slowakisch, Tschechisch, Türkisch, Ungarisch – 1. und 2. Lernjahr(1997) Zoom 5: Sprachen integrieren: Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch, Burgenländisch-Kroatisch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch, Tschechisch, Türkisch, Ungarisch – 1. und 2. Lernjahr(1998)
Zoom (7 + 2 publications) Zoom 6: Englisch integrieren – Exemplarische Planungshilfe für die 3. und 4. Schulstufe (2001) Zoom 7: Sprachen integrieren – Exemplarische Aktivitäten für die Grundstufe II (3. und 4. Schulstufe) (2002) Zoom Extraheft 1: Vier Jahre Vienna Bilingual Schooling: Eine Langzeitstudie (1997) Zoom Extraheft 2: Sprachenlernen in der Grundschule. Erfahrungsberichte, Forschungsergebnisse und didaktische Modelle. Kommentierte Bibliographie (2000) Availablefrom: http://oesz.at (“Publikationen“); howevermostofthepublicationsare out of stock.
Example Zoom 4: Sprachen integrieren: Burgenländisch-Kroatisch, Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch, Slowakisch, Tschechisch, Türkisch, Ungarisch – 1. und 2. Lernjahr(1997) (seehandout)
Example Zoom 7: Sprachen integrieren – Exemplarische Aktivitäten für die Grundstufe II (3. und 4. Schulstufe) (2002) (seehandout)
2. Multilingualism andIntercultural Education: KIESEL materials Raisingawarenessforthediversityoflanguages! • Forchildrenaged 8-12 • Teaching materialsincludinggames, exercisesforlanguagecomparisonaswellaslisteningcomprehensions • Additional publication “Sprachenportraits“ (Language portraits“): basicinfo on 38 languages (languagesofschoolingandminority/neighbouring/migrantlanguages).
3. European Language Portfolio ELP Grundschule (primarylevel) ESP Mittelstufe (secondary I) ESP Oberstufe (secondary II)
2. European Language Portfolio Pilotingphase: 2009 Implementation: 2010 - 2013 250 teachersareworkingwith ELP forprimaryschool all over Austria
FL Curriculum (primaryeducation) • characterisedby an opennesstovariousteachingmethods & materials > teachersarefreetochoose • therefore: expectedoutcomesoflanguagelearning in primaryeducationwerepinned down to “Grundkompetenzen Lebende Fremdsprache 4. Schulstufe“ (basiccompetences in a FL, end of/4): toprovideorientationforlessonplanning - tochannelteachingmethods (> tasks) - tohelpchildren in achievingequalcomp. (> ofgreatimportancefortransitionalstagefromprimarytosecondarylevel I)
4. “Grundkompetenzen Lebende Fremdsprache 4. Schulstufe“ (basiccompetences in a FL, level 4) Overview: GK4 • definethecompetencesin foreignlanguageswhichchildrenshouldacquirebythe end ofprimaryeducation (level 4), • arebased on curriculum, ELP and CEFR, • are in accordancewithteachers, teachertrainers, schoolauthoritiesandtheMinistryfor Education, • canbetrainedthrough: tasksfor English (otherlanguagesshouldfollow)GK 4 arerightnow in pilotingphase: exercisesarecurrentlybeing on trial in Austria • available online fromthebeginningof 2013
Aimsof GK4 GK4 (summary) • promote competence-orientedlanguageteachingbased on CEFR • safeguardcontinuity> transitionfromprimaryleveltosecondarylevel I • provideteacherswithcompetencedescriptionsfortheirlessonplans • supportlanguagediversitybecausethey do not onlyapplyto English – however, onlytasksfor English currentlyavailable
GK4 arebased on can-do statements/ descriptors ExampleofdescriptorforSpeaking: (dealingwith simple situations such as e.g. shopping, askingfor/givinginformation, expressing a wish, offeringsomething& respondingtoit) Suggestion for a task:
More information: www.oesz.at Ulrike Haslinger: haslinger@oesz.at