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Established the lower Federal Court system. Washington’s foreign policy During the French Revolution. Presidential advisors. Treaty that allowed the US to navigate the Mississippi River & the right of deposit at the port of New Orleans. Failed treaty – the British did
Established the lower Federal Court system Washington’s foreign policy During the French Revolution Presidential advisors Treaty that allowed the US to navigate the Mississippi River & the right of deposit at the port of New Orleans Failed treaty – the British did not leave the Northwest Territory 2 things Washington warned against in his Farewell Address Goal 1 Key Vocab Events that proved the Federal Gov’t. was strong enough to enforce the laws – prevented Another Shays’ Rebellion • Create a National Bank • Pay state & national debts • Tariffs & Excise taxes Violated the 1st Amendment – illegal to speak negatively about the gov’t. & harder to become a US citizen 1st two political parties Part of the US Constitution Hamilton claimed gave him the authority to create the National Bank Case that established Judicial Review Name given to federal judges appointed at the last minute by John Adams Tax on foreign product – goal is to protect American industry Written to protest the Alien & Sedition Acts Said the states had the right to void out Federal Laws that violate the US Constitution 1st election with 2 political parties Decided the winner of the 1800 election The Supreme Court can declare Federal Law unconstitutional Who asked her husband to “Remember the ladies”? Type of person who had the most political rights in the early 1800s
Goal 1 Key Vocab France demanded a bribe to talk things over British policy of boarding US merchant ships & forcing the sailors into the British Navy Last battle of the War of 1812 – occurred after the peace treaty Passed by Jefferson to force England to respect US shipping rights – FAILURE – hurt the US economy Chief Justice whose ruling Strengthened the power of the Federal Government Reason Jefferson wasn’t sure About buying Louisiana from France Treaty that ended the War of 1812 Most controversial part of Hamilton’s financial program Political party that wanted a strong central government, supported by the wealthy & wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution (Hamilton’s party) Bought in 1803; gave the US Ownership of the Mississippi River & the port of New Orleans Tax placed on specific Domestic products, like alcohol Amendment passed changing How we vote for Pres. & VP; Result of the 1800 election Political party that wanted a strong State government, support by Farmers, & wanted a strict Interpretation of the Constitution (Jefferson’s party) Battle that “ended” Native American resistance in Ohio Brings an end of the Federalist Party because they were Against the War of 1812 & Threatened to succeed from the Union Gave Southern states more of A say in politics because the Capital of the US was to be Moved here Belief that the Constitution must Be followed exactly; Jefferson Believed in this Political party that wanted to Pay both state & Federal debts After the Revolutionary War Treaty that opened the Ohio Territory to American settlers Jefferson’s platform Wanted the economy of the new Country to be based on industry
Goal 2 Key Vocab Belief that it was our God-given Right to expand west (coast to Coast) Religious group that headed West & settled in Utah Main migration route west “To Take”; how the US acquired Some territory in the early 1800s Treaty that gave the US Florida War over land – between the USA & Mexico Established a way for territories To apply for statehood & Become equal states in the Union (Success of the AOC) Divided the Louisiana Purchase Into free & slave (36-30 line) Maine = Missouri = President who promised land & Did it! Failed law that stated all land From Mexico would be free Reason many Southerners Disagreed with the Missouri Compromise “54-40 or Fight” refers to this territory Led the Mormons west to Utah Pride in one’s country; unites People/country Pride in one’s region; splits People/country How the Comp. of 1820 Promoted nationalism • California = free state • No slave trade in DC • NM & UT = pop. Sov. • Fugitive Slave Act Invention that expanded the use Of slavery; created by Eli Whitney Invention that made the transfer Of goods more efficient & Faster travel Part of the American System That caused the most controversy Three parts of the American System
Goal 2 Key Vocab Invention that improved Communication during the Early 1800s Practice of giving friends jobs In the government – even if They’re not qualified Nickname of the 1824 Election; Looks like a secret deal btwn. Adams & Clay Won the Election of 1828 & Started the Era of the Common Man Sup. Ct. case that protected The Cherokee nation Message to Europe to stay out Of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas); created Spheres of influences Belief that state gov’ts. should Be more powerful than the Fed. Gov’t. (long term cause of the Civil War) SC threatened to do this as a result of the tariff of abominations Sup. Ct. case that prohibited states From taxing Federal property Jackson ignored this group & Sent the Cherokee to Oklahoma On the Trail of Tears State banks created by Jackson How the American System Contributed to sectionalism Difference in the economies of the North & South Treaty that ended the Mex.-Am. War & declared the Rio Grande As the Southern border of Texas Most controversial part of the Comp. of 1850 Northern laws passed in Response to the Fugitive Slave Laws Political party created in Response to Jackson’s Presidency; against an overly Powerful president Movement to ban alcohol Wanted to reform prisons & Options available to the Mentally disabled Movement to end slavery Meeting of women to gain more Rights; supported by many abolitionists
Goal 2 Key Vocab Created painting of the American landscape to promote nationalism Abolitionist who wrote The Liberator Father of Transcendentalism Former slave who wrote the Abolitionist newspaper The North Star First true American novel – Written in the new American style Revival of religion in the early 1800s Style of writing that puts Emphasis on emotions Guidelines for women in the Early 1800s to live by. Father of Revivalism Economic impact of the Industrial Revolution Social impact of the industrial revolution Country we took Oregon from Idea of Stephen Douglas; allowed States to vote on the issue of slavery Jackson’s response to SC During the Nullification Crisis Early 1800s slave rebellion that Contributed to sectionalism N = Supported rebellion S = Blamed North for rebellion Different way the US acquired Land during the early 180ss 2 events that forced the USA to Begin production of finished products 2 inventions that helped farmers Invention that led to the mass Production of textile materials Law requiring citizens to return Any runaway slave to its owner Political party created in Response to the 1824 election; Jackson was their 1st President; Still around today.
Goal 3 Key Vocab Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe & exposed the horrors Of Southern slavery Law repealing the Missouri Comp. by granting territories Pop. Sov. Failed slave rebellion led by “God’s Angry Man” John Brown Long term cause of the Civil War Immediate cause of the Civil War Sup. Ct. case the declared the Comp. of 1820 unconstitutional; Decision based on property Rights protected by the Constitution Winner of the 1860 Election SC’s response to the 1860 election Name given to the Southern states That left the Union Platform of the Republican Party President of the South during The Civil War Main Union commander during The Civil War Main Confederate commander During the Civil War Constitutional right suspended By Lincoln to prevent spies Name of the Union plan of attack Three parts of the Union plan Battle that introduced a ironclad Warships & led to the creation Of the modern navy Declaration by Lincoln which Gave the war a moral cause Lincoln’s goal at the beginning Of the Civil War What Lincoln’s war aim changed To in the middle of the war Turning point of the Civil War
Goal 3 Key Vocab Where Lee surrendered to Grant; ends the Civil War Advantages of the Union during The Civil War Advantages of the Confederacy During the Civil War Helped establish the Red Cross Battlefield dedication to remind People why we were fighting The Civil War Assassinated Lincoln at Ford’s theater Why the Confederacy believed England would support them During the Civil War Group of politicians who Convinced Lincoln to make the War over slavery Period of rebuilding after the Civil War Difference between the Presidential & Congressional Plans for Reconstruction “Military Reconstruction”; South Divided into military districts Abolished slavery 2 ways southerners economically Limited the rights of freed African Americans Southern segregation laws Political party associated with The KKK Gave African Americans Citizenship & equal protection 1st time African Americans voted Helped newly emancipated Slaves find jobs, get foods, Clothing, education, etc. 2 ways Southerners limited suffrage of African Americans Gave African American males suffrage Law placing the Fed. Gov’t. in Charge of southern elections
Goal 3 Key Vocab Law that allowed poor, illiterate Southern whites the ability to vote Draft during the Civil War Nickname given to Southerners Who wanted to industrialize the south Nickname given to Northerners Who moved from the North to The South after the Civil War To “fix it” Officially ends Reconstruction 3 parts of the Comp. of 1877 Goal 4 Key Vocab Name given to African Americans who were leaving the South after the Civil War Promised 160 acres of free land In the west if you farmed it for 5 Years; Lincoln was spreading Union influence west Territory purchased from Russia For $7.2 million; “Seward’s Icebox”/”Seward’s Folly” Set aside land for agricultural Colleges to help farmers in the West become successful New farming technique of using Shallow fields & a new way of Irrigating crops; learned from Mexican farmers Reasons why people leave an Area Ex: Unemployment; bad Economy; no freedoms, etc. 2 companies that built the Transcontinental railroad Meeting place of the railroads Immigrants responsible for Building the transcontinental railroad Trade route in the Southwest Invention that helped farmers Break up the tough sod of the Great Plains Invention that ended the open range
Goal 4 Key Vocab Law passed in an attempt to Assimilate Native Americans; Promised 160 acres of land if They gave up traditional life & Began farming Most important animal to Native Americans “Custer’s last stand”; 1st battle Of the Indian Wars US military slaughters 300 Native Americans, mostly Women & children; last battle Of the Indian Wars Written by Helen Hunt Jackson; Exposed the broken promises & treaties with Native Americans Main problem facing farmers in The west Early farmers’ organization Created for social & Professional purposes; founded By Oliver Kelly Political party organized to Fight for the rights of farmers Reason why farmers love the railroads Reason why farmers hated the railroad 1877 law the regulated the railroads Main goal of the Populist Party Idea that the people can vote on a Law proposed by the gov’t. Gave citizens the power to Introduce ideas for laws to Congress Democrat/Populist candidate For the 1896 election Winner of the 1896 election Famous speech given by William J. Bryan in support Of bimetallism & against the Gold standard Land where Native Americans Were forced to live Area of the country most Impacted by western migration Compared to Harriet B. Stowe For bring attention to the issues Facing Native Americans Reasons that attract people to A specific area Ex: free land, more jobs, better Economy, more freedoms, etc.
Goal 5 Key Vocab New Immigrants Old Immigrants E. Coast processing station for European immigrants coming Into the USA W. Coast immigration station for Asian immigrants coming into The USA Massive build up of cities Established Chicago’s Hull House Wrote How the Other Half Lives & exposed the problems facing The urban poor 2 new inventions that created More jobs for women “Process” of making steel from iron; Led to new inventions like the plow; Barbed wire, skyscrapers, etc. Wrote the Gospel of Wealth Stating that those with money Have an obligation to help the poor Infamous NYC political machine Name given to the period of Corruption during the 2nd Industrial Revolution Refers to the many different Religions brought to the USA by immigrants Reform movement that Promised salvation for helping The poor Survival of the fittest in business Only one company produces & Sells a product to cut down on Competition; prices usually high Labor union that wanted skilled & unskilled workers Different ways in which unions Fought for workers’ rights Created the railroad monopoly Group of immigrants leaving Russian due to religious Persecution; came to the USA Seeking religious freedom 2 causes of urbanization
Goal 5 Key Vocab The fastest way to assimilate immigrants Created the steel monopoly Led to movement to end child labor Leader of the American Federal of Labor (AFL) 3 problems caused by rapid urbanization Urban centers in poor Communities that offer services To the poor Purpose of labor unions Leader of the Knights of Labor (KOL) Socialist union leader that ran for President Main goals of labor unions Name given to monopolists who Used cut throat tactics Created the oil monopoly 2 ways in which big business Limited unions Infamous leader of NYC’s Political machine – Tammany Hall Person who coined the phrase “The Gilded Age” Major railroad scandal during Grant’s administration New law aimed at ending the Spoils system; applicants must Take a test to prove they are Qualified to do the job Name given to Republicans who Resisted gov’t. reform in the late 1800s Gov’t. form of local gov’t.; NYC’s Tammany Hall is an example Political cartoonists who Exposed Boss Tweed Immigrants with common Backgrounds living in the same Area; Ex: Chinatown, Little Italy
Goal 6 Key Vocab Stronger nations take over Weaker nations; must be Supported by the military 4 reasons the US becomes imperialistic Most important reason why the US became imperialistic Book written by Alfred T. Mahan 4 things Mahan said the US Needed to become imperialistic Led the Rough Riders at the Battle of San Juan Hill Infamous letter that called Pres. McKinley “weak” Economic theory meant to Increase the wealth of a nation Policy stating the US would not Annex or get involved in Cuban Affairs after the Spanish-American War Name of the anti-imperialistic Rebellion in China Island nation the US annexed In 1898 Extended the Monroe Doctrine Granted the US the right to Intervene in Latin America to Protect US interests TR negotiated peace between Japan & Russia How many justified America’s imperialism US Naval ship sunk in Havana Harbor, Cuba Reason the US was interested In Cuba Leader of the US Naval Forces in the Philippines During the Spanish-American War 4 causes of the Spanish- American War TR policy of threatening to use The military to carry out US Foreign policy in Latin America Terms of the Treaty of Paris, 1898 (ends the Spanish- American War) New policy giving the US the Power to get involved in Cuban Affairs; contradicts the Platt
Goal 6 Key Vocab Main cause of the Filipino- American War Leader of the Filipino rebels Allows all countries free trade With China Naval base built in the Pacific; Plays a major role in WWII Gained after the Spanish- American War, this territory Played a major role in the Pacific Theater in WWII One country has natural Influence over other countries Near it Goal 7 Key Vocab Main goal of the Progressive Movement New law requiring food & drugs To be labeled & changed the Processing techniques for food; Result of The Jungle Progressive Governor of Wisconsin who wanted to get Rid of business involvement In the gov’t. Law that lowered tariffs during the Progressive Era Gave citizens the right to elect Their own Senators; idea of the Populists Main goal of Progressive Election reforms Leaders of the Women’s Movement Wrote The Jungle to expose the Meatpacking industry Ida Tarbell exposed the oil Industry by writing this book Roots of the Progressive Movement Amendment that banned alcohol Name given to women who Publicly fought for women’s rights
Goal 7 Key Vocab Leader of the Temperance Movement; had a hatchet Gave citizens the power to Propose laws; idea of the Populists 3 Progressive Presidents Name of TR’s 3rd party Name of Wilson’s platform Segregation by law Sup. Ct. Case that legalized Southern segregation Meeting of the African American Community to discuss specific concerns TR’s platform Law passed by Wilson to Regulate the banking industry; Still around today Established with the help of WEB DuBois to help protect the Rights of African Americans & Other minorities Inventions that led to the Expansion of cities & the Creation of the suburbs 2 ways which limited the economic Rights of African Americans Segregation by choice Showed the possibility of Peanuts to help the South end It’s dependence on cotton Encouraged African-Americans To compete with whites Economically & socially Amendment that instated the Graduated income tax Law passed by Wilson Protecting labor unions & their Right to strike Amendment that granted Women suffrage Wilson’s “triple wall of privilege”; He attacked these 3 things 2 TR laws that further limited the railroads
Goal 7 Key Vocab Name given to investigative Journalists who exposed the Problems of society 1890 attempt to regulate the Railroads; weak at 1st, but TR Made it strong Wanted African Americans to Compete with white economically Chain stores that sold many of The same products Symbols of a rich & successful society 2 yellow journalists who Competed to sell newspapers; Began competition during the Spanish-American War Goal 8 Key Vocab Immediate cause of WWI 4 long term causes of WWI; “MAIN” US foreign at the start of WWI German submarines Merchant ships travel with Military escorts for protection WWI draft Infamous German telegram Trying to get Mexico involved In WWI by attacking the US German policy of sinking ships Wilson’s 1916 campaign slogan 3 causes of US entry into WWI The Allies The Central Powers/Triple Alliance
Goal 8 Key Vocab British liner that was sunk by German u-boats killing 128 Americans Led US troops in Europe & Insisted we fight under out own flag Treaty that ended WWI Turning point of WWI Name of Wilson’s peace plan For after WWI Germany must pay these to the Allies for war damages Germany is forced to take Full responsibility for WWI Main reason Congress rejected The Treaty of Versailles Movement of African Americans to The North from the South How the US raised money for WWI Wilson’s 14th Point How Wilson controlled the Economy during WWI Role of women during WWI Laws making illegal to talk Negatively about the war effort Or interfere with the war effort Established the maximum Number of immigrants allowed In the USA after WWI Payment plan for Germany to Pay back war debts - failed 1920s law which attempted to Make offensive war illegal Scandal involving the illegal Sale of the Navy’s oil reserves Weak international peace Keeping organization created After WWI Italian immigrants executed After WWI; making an example Out them Court case establishing “clear & Present danger”; your freedom Of speech can be limited during war
Goal 8 Key Vocab Year the US entered WWI Wilson’s war aim once the US Got involved in WWI New WWI weapons which Increased the death toll Goal 9 Key Vocab Amendment which made Alcohol illegal Gave women more control over Their own lives by opening the 1st birth control clinic Tradition of have different rules for Men & women Music associated with the 1920s Name given to 1920 authors Who disagreed with the new American lifestyle & left to live In Europe Most power communication tool In the 1920s Young women of the 1920s who Broke traditions – smoked, drank; Short hair, etc. Court case that outlawed the Teaching of evolution in public Schools (Tennessee) Leader of the UNIA Goal of the UNIA Group of Americans who did Not share in the wealth & Prosperity (boom) of the 1920s Piloted the 1st transatlantic flight 2 phases of the business cycle Where the US was during the 1920s Stock Market Crash – Beginning Of the Great Depression Buying on Margin, Easy Credit, Overproduction, Uneven Distribution of wealth, etc.
Goal 9 Key Vocab Attitude of the Federal Gov’t. & Presidents toward businesses During the 1920s (Hands-Off) Group of WWI veterans who Marched in Washington, DC Demanding their bonus Drought in the Great Plain that Made farming nearly impossible; Huge dust storms caused by overproduction Hoover’s belief that people Should help themselves & not Rely on the gov’t. for help 2 phases of the businesses Cycle where the US was during The 1930s Hoover’s election day promise FDR’s platform; focused on Relief, recovery & reform FDR assembled this group to Help give ideas on how to get Out of the Great Depression Reason FDR declared a “bank Holiday” FDR’s weekly radio addresses; Explained what he was doing & why he was doing it Bank inspections that only Allowed safe banks to reopen Amendment that moved the Presidential Inauguration from March to January Main goal of the New Deal New Deal program that Protected bank deposits; still Used today New Deal program that acted As a “yard stick” for measuring Fair electrical prices; provided Many jobs & electricity to many states New Deal agency aimed at Supervising the stock market New Deal program that Required business to report Accurate stock information 1st female cabinet member New Deal critic who promised To “share the wealth” Helped organize the Black Cabinet & bring attention to African American issues Reason FDR attempted to “pack” the Supreme Court
Goal 10 Key Vocab Leader of Nazi Germany Leader of Fascist Italy Leaders of the USA Prime Ministers of England Area Japan invades to gain Control of natural resources German-Italian alliance Invasion of this country began WWII European policy of giving up Principles to pacify an Aggressor (Hitler) US foreign policy at the beginning Of WWII German puppet gov’t. in South France England agreed to give Hitler The Sudetenland as long as he Promised to stop invading Other countries; example of appeasement The “rehearsal for WWII” Allied Powers during WWII US foreign policy of giving old Battleships to England in Exchange for bases in the Caribbean “Prelude to WWII” US policy that banned the US From trading military supplies To any country making war Axis Powers during WWII Pacific strategy of moving from Island to island in order to get Closer to Japan Soviet tactic of burning Everything as they retreated Turning point in Europe “A date which will live in infamy”
Goal 10 Key Vocab Turning point in the Pacific June 6, 1944 Purpose of taking over islands In the Pacific Leader of US troops in the Philippines Leader of Allied troops in Europe American project to create The Atomic bomb Where the US dropped A-Bombs Leader of the Manhattan Project “Night of Broken Glass”; Nazi Storm Troopers attack & burn Jewish homes, businesses & Synagogues Nazi law that required Jews & Other “undesirables” to wear Identify stars on their clothing Secret meeting between FDR & Churchill to discuss the end Of WWII; established the Foundation of the UN US President who made the Decision to drop the A-Bomb Purpose of the UN 5 members of the UN Security Council WWII Draft Organization established to Oversee economic transition From peacetime to wartime production Gov’t. limitations of what Civilians could purchase Nickname of women in the workforce Conference which divided Germany in 4 zones & Stalin Promised to allow free elections In E. Europe US officially enters WII Sup. Ct. case that legalized Internment camps during times Of war
Goal 10 Key Vocab Post WWII law that provided Returning vets with loans for Education, housing & businesses Stalin changed his mind & does Not allow free elections in Poland as promised; sure sign Of problems in the future African American leader who Threatened a march on DC During WWII if blacks were not Allowed to work in the war industry Officially ended the Great Depression Quick & cheap housing Available after WWII; all houses Look alike; building up of the suburbs Name given to the increase in The birthrate after WWII Goal 11 Key Vocab Heightened tensions between The US & USSR after WWII US policy to stop the spread of Communism US policy of providing military Aid to any country in the Middle East fighting Communism How the US helped the citizens of W. Berlin during the Soviet blockade Military alliance against Communist aggression; created In response to the blockade of Berlin Symbolized the Cold War Division of Europe between Communist & Democratic US policy of providing economic Aid to any European country Fighting Communism Country divided at the 38th Parallel; US got involved to Prevent the South from falling To Communism Belief that if one country falls to Communism, so will the Surrounding countries US policy of threatening to use Its entire military force to stop The spread of Communism US policy of providing military Aid to any country in Europe Fighting Communism; Greece & Turkey were the first to receive Communist leader of Cuba
Goal 11 Key Vocab Communist alliance against Democracy; Stalin’s response To NATO Extreme fear of Communism Investigated Federal employees For loyalty; created by Truman Investigated Soviet influence on American popular culture Most dangerous part of JFK’s Administration; the US & USSR Almost go to war Competition between the US & USSR to build the most powerful bombs 1st Soviet satellite Senator who amplified the Red Scare by accusing people of Disloyalty without proof 1st civilians to be executed for spying US spy agency to investigate Other countries Non-violent leader of the Civil Rights movement US President that passed the Most Civil Rights legislation Main goal of SNCC & SCLC Famous Malcolm X speech Suggesting peaceful means Before resulting to violence Group that tested the integration Of interstate bussing Sup. Ct. case that overturned Plessy v Ferguson; integrated The public school system Pres. Eisenhower’s belief abt. State rights Examples of Civil Disobedience Amendment that ended the poll tax 1st African American Sup. Ct. justice Local gov’t. position many African Americans were elected To
Goal 11 Key Vocab Law prohibiting discrimination Based on race, gender, or religion Law which put the Fed. Gov’t. In charge of voter registration In the South; ended the literacy exam Wrote Silent Spring & exposed The impact chemicals had on The environment Women’s organization to get Equal rights; established by Betty Freidan Native American group fighting To get more control over their Own affairs Sup. Ct. case that legalized 1st Trimester abortions; 4th Amend. issue Site of nuclear radiation leaks in The USA Helped organize union of Migrant farm workers Encouraged more women to get Involved in politics Country divided at the 17th Parallel; US gets involved to Prevent the South from falling To Communism Battle that forced the French to Leave Vietnam Turning point of the Vietnam War; series of simultaneous Surprise attacks on hundreds of US targets; proved we were not winning Gave the Pres. Authority to declare War without Congressional approval Peace conference that divided Vietnam at the 17th Parallel Name of S. Vietnamese Communists Communist leader of N. Vietnam US supported leader of S. Vietnam Supply line from N. to S. Vietnam Nixon’s plan for getting the Vietnamese more involved in The war so US troops can withdrawal Reason Nixon won the 1968 election Law limiting the President’s Power during war; overturns The Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions
Goal 11 Key Vocab Vietnam protesters are shot By the National Guard; “America is killing its kids” 1st televised Presidential debate Law guaranteeing women & Other minorities equal access to Opportunities once denied to them JFK’s plan to provided economic Aid to Latin America FJK’s platform LBJ’s platform Insurance assistance for the elderly Insurance assistance for the poor Assassinated JFK Investigative committee that Found only 1 person Responsible for JFK’s murder Primary domestic issue while LBJ was President Leaked information exposing The real reason the US was Involved in Vietnam Goal 12 Key Vocab Nixon’s plan to give more power Back to the state gov’t.s; Attempt to reduce the size of The Fed. Gov’t. How Nixon gained more Rep. Support in the South Amendment that lowered the Voting age to 18 Nixon’s plan to allow states to Spend Fed. Money how they Saw fit High unemployment & high inflation Reason OPEC stopped selling Oil to the USA in the 1970s
Goal 12 Key Vocab Nixon’s 1972 election scandal Nixon’s foreign policy of political Realism; dealing with powerful countries 2 countries Nixon visited to Ease Cold War tensions Nixon’s foreign policy of easing Cold War tensions Treaty between the US & USSR Aimed at limiting the number Of nuclear weapons Ford’s policy aimed at ending Stagflation; didn’t work Ford’s greatest accomplishment; opened more cooperation Between E. & W. Europe Sup. Ct. case that forced Nixon To hand over his White House Tapes; “Executive Privilege Can’t be used to hide a crime” Newspaper that kept the Watergate scandal on the front Page to bring attention to it Reason Carter was elected President Sup. Ct. case that upheld Affirmative action, but outlawed The quota system Carter’s greatest Accomplishment; peace btwn. Israel & Egypt; “peace in the Middle East” Most dangerous part of Carter’s Administration; US citizens taken hostage US satellite defense system Soviet policy of openly talking About problems in the USSR Reagan’s economic policy of Cutting taxes & increasing gov’t. spending Positive outcome of deregulation 1st female Sup. Ct. justice Reason the US goes to war With Iraq in 1991 Official end of the Cold War Agreement that limited trade Barriers between Canada, US & Mexico
Goal 12 Key Vocab Republican promise to America If they won control of Congress New gov’t. agency created in Response to the terrorist Attacks of 9/11/01 Controversial law giving the Fed. Gov’t. broad authority to Investigate those suspected to Be terrorists or aiding them Terrorist organization that took Responsibility for 9/11/01 Finished!! Now, study for Your Final!! Good luck!