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Discover the current trends in nutrition and health, including guidelines for preventing cardiovascular diseases. Explore the effects of fats, dairy, whole grains, and polyphenols on mortality risks. Learn about the impact of foods like coffee, chocolate, and polyphenols on overall well-being. Uncover the role of sodium, alcohol, and happiness markers in health outcomes. Stay informed about the latest studies in dietary choices and their implications for your health.
Nutrizione e salute: cosa c’è di nuovo nel piatto?Andrea Poli, NFI – Nutrition Foundation of Italy
QNLPD! Attenzione: Questo Non Lo Possiamo Dire!
Healthydietcharacteristicsaccording to the 2016 ESC guidelines for CV prevention Piepoli MF et al, EurHeartJ, 2016
QNLPD! Saturated fats de Souza RJ et al, Brit Med J 2015
Total fat and different types of fat intake in spanish high risk patients of the PREDIMED cohort: effects on all-cause mortality QNLPD! Guasch-Ferré M et al, Am J Clin Nutr 2015
Total fat and different types of fat intake in spanish high risk patients of the PREDIMED cohort: effects on all-cause mortality QNLPD! Guasch-Ferré M et al, Am J Clin Nutr 2015
A changingview on SFAs and dairy: from enemy to friend Astrup A, Am J Clin Nutr 2014
Dairy, total CVD and CHD: a metanalysis Alexander DD et al, Brit J Nutr 2016
Dairy and stroke: a metanalysis Alexander DD et al, Brit J Nutr 2016
Dairyintake and body weightchange in a US non-overweightwomencohort Q1 for dairyintake Q5 for dairyintake RautiainenS et al, AmJClinNutr 2016
CHD Deathsattributable to low PUFA n-6 high SFA or high TFA in variouscountries WangQ et al, JAmHeartAssoc 2016
Polyphenol intake and all-cause mortality risk: a re-analysis of the PREDIMED trial -37% Tresserra-Rimbau A et al, BMC Medicine 2014
Epicatechinintake and CV risk in the Zutphenelderlycohort (25 years follow-up) Sources: tea 51%, apples 25%, cocoa 7% Dower JI et al, AmJClinNutr 2016
Whole-grainintake and total, cardiovascular, and cancermortality: a systematicreview and meta-analysis of prospectivestudies Chen GC et al, AmJClinNutr 2016
Whole-grainintake and total, cardiovascular, and cancermortality: a systematicreview and meta-analysis of prospectivestudies Chen GC et al, AmJClinNutr 2016
Cause specific mortality, according to frequency of nut consumption Bao Y et al, N Engl J Med 2013
Coffee Consumption and Mortality From All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis Cardiovascular mortality Crippa A et al, Am J Epidemiol 2014
Coffee Consumption and Mortality From All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis All-cause mortality -13% Crippa A et al, Am J Epidemiol 2014
Chocolate intake and myocardial infarction risk: a meta-analysis of prospective studies Larsson S et al, Heart 2016
Chocolate intake and myocardial infarction risk: a meta-analysis of prospective studies Larsson S et al, Heart 2016
Chocolate flavanols consumption and cognition: the Cocoa, Cognition and Aging (CoCoA) Study Mastroiacovo D et al, Am J Clin Nutr 2014
Coffee consumption and incident cognitive decline: a dose-response meta-analysis Wu L et al, ClinicalNutrition 2016
I molteplici effetti dei polifenoli • Effetto antiossidante (?) • Effetto antiinfiammatorio • Effetti sulla trascrizione genica • Inibizione dell’attività delle amilasi • Effetti sul microbiota (con formazione di metaboliti secondari) • Effetto sulla conversione degli omega-3 a più corta catena (ALA ed EPA) in DHA
Plasma fatty acids in vegans and omnivorous Sarter B et al, Clin Nutr 2014
Il minimo dell’end-point combinato mortalità/eventi CV maggiori si osserva in associazione con apporti di 5 g/die di Sodio , pari a 12,5 g di NaCl/die QNLPD! Mente A et al, Lancet, 2016
Sodiumexcretion, CV events and overallmortality in subjects with and withouthypertension Mente A et al, Lancet, 2016
Sodiumexcretion, CV events and overallmortality in subjects with and withouthypertension Mente A et al, Lancet, 2016
Cosa ne dicono gli epidemiologi del PURE Study • Mostreviewssaysaltisdangerous, mostrecentexperimentalpapersfind no correlation or “J” shapedcorrelations • Several short-termstudiesalsodemonstrateactivationof the renin-aldosterone-angiotensinsystemwith lowsodiumintake, whichprovides a biologicalrationale for the higherrates of cardiovasculareventsreported in severalprospectivecohortstudies • Reducingsodiumintake in thoseconsuming high sodiumintake (>5 g/day), to moderate intakelevels (3–5 g/day) isnotcontroversial, asthereisgeneral consensusbased on the consistency of bloodpressure and cardiovascular data. • The controversyresides in whethersodiumintakeshould be furtherrestricted to verylowlevels (< 2.4 g/day), whichhasyet to be sustainablyachieved in anypopulation, whichis a rangewhere the effects on bloodpressure are modest and there are additionalconcernsaboutsafety. O’Donnell M et al, InternJEpidemiol 2016
SBP and overall mortality in 1,000,000 Korean Adults Yi SW et al, Circulation 2016
Sensibilità al sale in vari gruppi Farquhar WB et al, J Am Coll Cardiol 2015
Alcool e rischio di diabete di tipo II: una metanalisi(700k soggetti, da 26 studi, 30kcasi di diabete) Li XH et al, AmJClinNutr 2016
Markers di felicità nel “Million Women Study” Liu B et al., Lancet 2015
Markers di felicità nel “Million Women Study” QNLPD! Liu B et al., Lancet 2015
BMI e mortalità per tutte le cause: un bersaglio mobile? QNLPD ASSOLUTAMENTE AfzalS et al, JAMA 2016
Distribuzione del consumo di zuccheri totali nello studio LIZ Marangoni et al., Eur J Nutr 2016
Caratteristiche dei soggetti con differente consumo di zuccheri nello studio LIZ QNLPD! Marangoni F et al., Eur J Nutr 2016
Sugar intake and CVD mortality in US Yang Q et al, JAMA InternMed 2014
Sugar intake and CVD mortality in US Italy: 7/8% Yang Q et al, JAMA InternMed 2014
Healthyeatingand mortality in a cohort of CHDpatientswhitstate-of-the-art drug treatment The DutchHealthyNutrient and Food Score (DHNaFS) included 11 nutrient-dense foodgroups: vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, protein-richplantfoods (mostlylegumes), potatoes, leanmeat, fish, eggs, low-fatmilk and yogurt, oils and soft margarines, and noncaloricdrinks. The DutchUndesirableNutrient and Food Score (DUNaFS) included 13 foodgroups high in solidfats, sodium, and/or added sugar: processedfruit, high-fatmeat, processedmeat, full-fatmilk, cheese; refinedgrains, butter and hard margarines, soups, spreads, ready-to-eatmeals, savorysnacks, sweetsnacks, and sugar-sweetenedbeverages. 4,307 CHD pts from the Alpha-Omega Trial, 60-80 yrs at baseline, 10 yrs follow-up Sijstma FPC et al, Am J Clin Nutr, 2015
Healthyeatingand mortality in a cohort of CHDpatientswhitstate-of-the-art drug treatment All cause mortality Cardiovascular mortality 4,307 CHD pts from the Alpha-Omega Trial, 60-80 yrs at baseline, 10 yrs follow-up Sijstma FPC et al, Am J Clin Nutr, 2015
Healthyeatingand mortality in a cohort of CHDpatientswhitstate-of-the-art drug treatment All cause mortality Cardiovascular mortality 4,307 CHD pts from the Alpha-Omega Trial, 60-80 yrs at baseline, 10 yrs follow-up Sijstma FPC et al, Am J Clin Nutr, 2015