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(2): 242-246.2011

Il. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Enliron. Sci. (2): 242-246.2011. lssN l8l8-6769. O IDOSI Publications. 201. I. Agromorphological Responses of Forage S<lrghum (Sorghunt bicolor L,. to Different Grorvth Promoting Pseudontottus fluorescerrcc Strains.

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(2): 242-246.2011

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  1. Il American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Enliron. Sci.. (2): 242-246.2011 lssN l8l8-6769 O IDOSI Publications. 201 I Agromorphological Responses of Forage S<lrghum (Sorghunt bicolor L,\ to Different Grorvth Promoting Pseudontottus fluorescerrcc Strains Arash Shaterabadi, )Moh.innad Re:a Ardakani, r t Ka:en Khava:i, Mahdi Changi:i and'Saeed Mclfukhcrt t rDepanment of Agronomy and Plant Breeding. .{rak Branch. lslamic Azad University, Arak, Iran :Agriculture Research Center, Karaj Branch, lslamic Azad University. Karaj, lran rSoil and Water Research lnstitute, Karaj, Iran rYoung Researchers Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, lran Abstractr This slud)' \\ as conducred in 2009 ar lhe Research Field of lslamic Azad Universit). Arak branch. lran. in order to studl the effeci oldilfercnt Pseudomonas slrains and application methods on gro\vth and tield of sorghum. The experimental design !,,as faciorial in the lbrm ola randonrized complete block design wilh three replicalions. Two iaclors oflhe experiment \vere three sltains \:t1' Ps.ltdananat lP. J1uorescens sftains 87. 162 and I69 and the conlrol \\iihoul inoculalion) and three applicarion methods (seed inoculalion. spray. sced = spray). Results indicated thar strain. application method and their interaction significantl) af'fected lhe measure ( 164.33 cm) and fresh forage ) ield (.18.10 ron/ha) \! ere obtained in the interaction trails. The highest stem lenglh , the doubled inoculation (sced + spra) ). ofstrain 87 Key words: Gro\vth promotion' Bacterial inoculalion. Forage. Sorgiunl tomato. thc treatments increased the weight oftop qualit) INTRODUCTION liuits b) l8.2orir. Moreovsr. lruit size rras increased b) ll.l9i, and unmarketable liuits $cre reduced to ll'l''o PIant Cro\\'rh Promoling Rhizobaclerias (PGPR) is an) \\hich impro\c plant (in trcarmcnl) lrom 2lol. (in rhe control). Suslo\\ rhizospheric bacteria gro\r1h. and I'seudo,nonas species are afiong the rn,)sL inlp,rnant Schroth [9] conducled e\perimenls to e\,aluate lhe ei1!cl ol Pseudantonas flttorescence on sugar beet under PCPR rvhich improve plart gro$1h directl), and indirectl)'. greenhouse and lield conditions. In greenhousc. lhe These bacteria improve plant growth indir!'ctLy through the biological control and inhibition of plant pathogens baclerial inoculaiion increascd root and shool dr) \!eight b) 20-259'" and in lleld erperiments. root )ield \!as Il.2l. Weller and Cook [3] found thar Pseudontonas incrcased b) 6.1- 8.67o compared \rith the control. ./luorescens strain Q7 2-a80 qonlrolled \\ heat P)1hium rool /' rot. Klopper and Schroth l47l also represenled thal impro\ement of Klopper and Schrolh [.1] obser\cd l:1,19lo Iuotescens stftin Bl0 efl'ectivel] inhibils barle) \\ilt. ield as the rclull of PCPR inoculalion. Ardakarli er radi\h -\ a/. 0l rrlso reportcd lhat inoculating !\hcal seeds $ith ln addilion to the indirecl mechanisms. Pseirrlorroras A:ospirillunl brasilense- Strepton.vces sp and the) species directly affect plant gro\\,1h. as c0n fix nitrogen. incrcase rhe available .\lrcotrhi:ae lGlonus intraradices) significantl) biologically phosphorus to planrs. produce planr gro\\'lh promoting inrprored macronutrients absorption. hormones. improve planl root s\stem de\elopmenl Sonre rcsearchcrs represenl that PGPR inoculalior't is and enhance the acli\ it) of olher beneficial soil more efl'ectire on plants \!ith shorl gro\\lh pcriod []ll. P:eudottonus inocLrlalion impro\ es plant nutrienl microorganisms l5-71. Cen and Jordan l8] repoficd rh0i inoculating spring sorrn lomato \\ith I'seuciaaorus absorplion. Atzrl and Asghriri I l2l reported an incrcased P absorption in whaat inoculaled sith /tsetrrlorrrorros. /uoresceru increased the \\'eight oflop qualil). tiuits tionl The improred Pabsorption can be atlribulcd 10 the 5.6% to 9.6% of rhe whole produced fruits. In f'all so\\n Author: Corresponding Mohanrnrad Reza Ardakani. Agriculture Research Cenlcr. Karai Branch. Islanlrc A2ad LJniversit\'- Knrat. Iran

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