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Puli, the Town of Flowers ---- have a “green thumb” at Puli. 埔里的花花世界 ---- 來花城 「 拈花惹草 」. 埔里高工 英文科 製作 最佳瀏覽版本 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 女子十二樂坊 世上唯一的花 midi 播放中. footnote green thumb — natural ability in growing plants. What do you know about PULI. ?. PULI. According to
Puli, the Town of Flowers ---- have a “green thumb” at Puli 埔里的花花世界----來花城「拈花惹草」 埔里高工 英文科 製作 最佳瀏覽版本 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002女子十二樂坊 世上唯一的花midi播放中 footnotegreen thumb — natural ability in growing plants
PULI According to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 10th Edition is any of a breed of medium-sized Hungarian sheepdogs with a thick woolly coat hanging in long thin cords
It’s what a puli looks like. I don’t do flowers. I do floors!
Puli(埔里) is a place. Here is Puli Town, right in the center of Taiwan. And here is PLVS, Puli.
There used to be 4 W’s in Puli. They are We now have the 5th. Weather, Water, Women and Wine.
You are as welcome as the flowers in May. But you can admire flowers at Puliin any month of any season. ---來花城拈花惹草 footnote as welcome as the flowers in May — to be welcomed with much joy and happiness
可發音 簡介Introduction Puli has the most production of flowers and plants in Taiwan and has many different types of potted flowers. All these flowers are available to be provided in the whole year. Since Puli is surrounded by mountains and located at middle altitude, the quality of the flowers here gains the affirmation of many people.
可發音 埔里鎮花The Flower of the Town 學名: 台灣欒樹 俗名: 苦苓舅分布: 台灣特有種花期: 9~10月特徵: 落葉、樹高15米以上、秋天開花、花色淡黃、果夾玫瑰色、用作行道樹
花落何處Where Have All the Flowers Gone 可發音 埔里地區是南投縣花卉的主要生產地 ,在埔里擁有玫瑰、百合、薰衣草 、非洲菊….等各式花田,也有專門提供遊客旅遊的觀光香草園區,都是拈花惹草的好去處。 Puli is one of the main places of flower and herbproduction in Nantou County. There are farms of roses, lilies, lavenders, African daisies, etc. distributed over the town, which are open to tourists. footnoteWhere Have All the Flowers Gone— Pete Seeger 著名反戰歌曲
花落何處Where Have All the Flowers Gone • 埔里花卉產銷中心Puli Flower Production / Marketing Center • 台一生態教育休閒農場Tai-yi Nursery Farm • 台光香草教育農場Tai-Kuang Herb Park • 無數的私人花田、花圃countless flower farms and nurseries
櫻花祭The Cherry Blossom Season 可發音 春天是櫻花盛開的時節,從埔里往霧社的方向,在每年的一月至二月間,沿途的山櫻花、八重櫻在枝頭綻放,從埔里一路紅到山上,形成一種特殊景緻。 Cheery blossoms come into flower in spring, flourishing all the way from Puli up to Wushe during every January and February, dyeing the overallmountainside peculiar cherry-red.
油桐花節The Tung Blossom Season 可發音 油桐樹在每年四、五月間開滿花朵,花朵飄落時猶如下雪般 ,又有「五月雪」之稱,埔里的虎頭山、鯉魚潭及牛耳藝術渡假村內,都可以看到美麗的油桐花。 The tung tree blossoms around April and May. During defoliation season the tung blossoms fall as if it were snowing, and that’s why it’s also named “the May snow.” You can see gorgeous tung blossoms at Puli around the Tiger’s Head Mountain, the Carp Lake and the New Era Art Resort.
刺蔥Tzu Tsung 可發音 Tzu tsung is also nicknamed “birds-don’t-perch” because the overall plant grows so many thorns that birds daren’t sit and rest. Tzu tsung has a special pungentflavor, which can season the dish. It can also be used to make wine. Tzu tsung is one of the most special products of herb at Puli. 刺蔥又名「鳥不踏」,因為它全株長滿了刺,連鳥兒都不敢棲息, 但它帶有特殊的蔥香氣味,可以增添菜餚的香氣,也可以用來釀酒,是埔里的著名香草特產。
辣手「炊」花Floral Feast 可發音 運用埔里當地的特色食材----「花卉」,融入餐點當中,香味撲鼻的玫瑰、蓮花、野薑花…,除了花茶、點心之外,還能成為精緻的餐點,形成埔里的特色美食。 Fragrant flowers such as roses, water lilies, wild ginger flowers, etc. are not only watchable but also edible. They can be made into teas, snacks or even banquets, which are becoming peculiar to the Puli region.
花藝Art of Flower 可發音 埔里的觀光香草園,除了美食與旅遊之外,更規劃了其它的DIY學習活動,可以自製美麗的押花書籤、拓印出獨一無二的T恤,寓教娛樂,適合親子同樂。 The Herb gardens at Puli provide not only delicacies and scenery but also some educational and entertaining programs, in which you can DIY your own bookmarks out of pressed flowers or your own T-shirts out of rubbed herbs.
花言巧語Say it with Flowers • Life is not all roses. 人生不如意十之八九。 • There’s no rose without a thorn. 凡事沒有十全十美。 • It was roses, roses all the way.來時路上花香鳥語 (喻平順) 。 • Gather roses while you can. 花開堪折直須折。 • Yourprospects are rosy. 你前程似錦。 footnotesay it with flowers---以花傳心、以花訴情
It doesn’t wither. It doesn’t flower. : It doesn’t matter. 花開花謝終有時。