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Our country. Croatia. Croatia is a small country in Europe with Zagreb as its capital and its biggest city. What are the most popular places for tourists?.
Our country Croatia
Croatia is a small country in Europe with Zagreb as its capital anditsbiggest city.
What are the most popular places for tourists? • TheislandsKrkandCres are the biggestislandsof Croatia, whileHvar is the sunniest one. Brač has one of the most beautifulbeachescalledZlatni Rat. Windsurfers love it when the bura (a kindofnorthetheasternwind) is the strongest. Zlatni Rat
Island of Krk Island of Hvar
What are the most popular places for tourists? • Whenthe bura blows, whichbringsgoodweatherand clear sky, there is a beautifulviewfromVelebit Mountain. Velebit is thelongestmountrainrangein Croatia andthelargestprotected nature park. However, thisisn't thehighestmountainin Croatia. Thehighestmountain is Dinara ( 1,831 m ). Velebit
What are the most popular places for tourists? • Ifyou like history, go to Pula. Here, there is one ofthesixlargestamphitheatresinthe world. It canseat 23,000 peoplewich is 1,353 times more thanthenumberofthepeoplelivinginHum which is thesmallest town inthe world. RijekaandSplit are thebusiestportsandtogetherwithZadarandTrogirhave a great numberofhistoricbuildings. AmphiteatreTrogir
Dubrovnik • A lotofCroatianswouldsaythatDubrovnik is one ofthe most beautifulcitiesin Croatia. Dubrovnik's motto , Libertas (libertyin Latin) , hasbeen one ofits most preciouswordsthroughoutitslonghistory.
Slavonia • Slavoniainthe north-east of Croatia hasthevastestfieldsandlargestoakforests. Osijek is thebiggest city inSlavoniaandVukovarwasthe town thatsufferedthegreatestdestructionintheCroatianHomelandWar.
Competitionsandfestivals • One ofthe most interestingcompetitions is theSinjska Alka inwhichhorsemenintraditionalcostumestry to spear a ring at fullgallop. In late summer, Varaždin hosts one oftheliveliest street festivalscalled'Špancirfest' andinautumninthis city there is the Festival ofBaroqueMusic