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Stated Emphasis Areas From The New Obama Administration.
Stated Emphasis Areas From The New Obama Administration Science and Innovation:1. Restore integrity to U.S. science policy.2. Support decisions based on the best available, scientifically-valid evidence.3. Double over a 10-year period the federal investment in basic research.4. Make a national commitment to science education and training.5. Encourage American innovation to flourish.6. Addressing the “grand challenges” of the 21st Century (health and safety).
Stated Emphasis Areas From The New Obama Administration Science and Innovation.Rural Development:1. Support rural economic development. 2. Improve rural quality of life. 3. Ensure economic opportunity for family farmers.
Stated Emphasis AreasFrom The New Obama Administration Science and Innovation.Rural Development.Fire Protection:1. Pursue an effective fire prevention plan that decreases the risk of fires to communities. 2. Work with a wide-range of interests to enact a reliable, dedicated budget to meet the needs of firefighters, at-risk communities, and public lands.
Stated Emphasis Areas From The New Obama Administration Science and Innovation.Rural Development.Fire Protection.Energy:1. Promote rural America’s leadership in developing renewable energy.
Economic Stimulus: Green Jobs Through Training and Land Restoration A Growth Opportunity by the United States Forest Service • A 5-Year economic stimulus program totaling about $5.1 billion • Create 87,000 Green Jobs to help restore the health of America’s forests: • Occupational Training--Green Workforce • Facilities Maintenance and Conversion--Green Buildings • Land Stewardship--Green Jobs in the Woods • Vegetation and Watershed Management. • Inventory, Monitoring, and Information Mgmt • Roads and Trails. • Boundary Management. • Minerals and Geology. • Hazardous Fuel Reduction.. • Timber Bridges. • City Forests. • Wood to Energy
Economic Stimulus: Green Jobs Through Training and Land Restoration Summary of R&D Outcomes • Science laboratories will be converted to Green buildings. • The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program will be fully deployed to ensure forest condition information is timely to allow for the most cost-effective land restoration investments. • Enhanced predictive models will be developed to better understand future forest conditions and allow for constituent natural resource needs. • At least three Research, Development and Application (RD&A) units will be developed to focus on climate change; Wood for Energy; and, Wildfires, Forests and Communities to ensure future forest stewardship actions successfully build upon the success of the restoration work completed. • Science and associated technology to better control major forest pests, including the Emerald Ash Borer, will be deployed. • The “i-Tree” suite for urban natural resources stewardship will be fully implemented. • Wood for Energy markets and markets expansion will be developed to accommodate feedstock supplies from hazardous fuels. This will include conversion of wood into ethanol as an alternate energy source. Competitive grants will used. • At least three Wood for Energy plants will be constructed using federal “seed” funds.
GREEN TRANSITION -- leading the way to a healthy environment, a green economy, and a sustainable future • Environmental recommendations to the Obama transition team by a consortium of about 30 prominent NGOs. • USFS Recommendations: • MANAGE THE NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM TO SECURE CLIMATE BENEFITS • RESTORATION OF SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY IN FOREST SERVICE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT • BUDGET REPRIORITIZATION, ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY • Improve Accounting Transparency • Fully Implement Forest Inventory and Analysis FIA must funded to support the frequent re-sampling necessary to track changes in forest health and to support an established, well-trained and experienced cadre of employees who provide reliable data. • Fully Implement Resources Planning Act (RPA) Program
Total Annual Research and Development Program (Growth Platforms Graphical Illustration) Climate Change Biomass & Bioenergy Urban Natural Resources Stewardship Nanotechnology Watershed Management & Restoration “Growth Platforms” (+$175,800,000) “Innovative Research” (+$10,000,000) “High Risk, Innovative Research” “Base” Science FIA EFN ULTRA “The Foundation” (Includes the “base” programs built upon the seven Strategic Program Areas (SPA) and the three emphasis areas: FIA; EFN; and, ULTRA) ($308,926,000) Wildland Fire and Fuels Resource Management and Use Wildlife and Fish Recreation Water and Air Inventory, Monitoring and analysis Invasive Species Strategic Program Areas (SPA) The Plan: $494,726,000
The current Research and Development Growth Platforms are: • Climate Change.Mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change through trees, forests and forest ecosystems. • Biomass/Bioenergy.Alternative energy sources through wood. • Urban Natural Resources Stewardship.The management, protection and wise use of urban natural resources to improve people’s lives. • Nanotechnology.Leading-edge innovations in the development of wood products. • Watershed Management and Restoration.Best management practices designed to protect and restore watersheds that enhance water yield and quality.
Forest Service Leads FIA Will Respond To and Assist Rob Doudrick is CC (includes Carbon) lead to Farm Bill Marsha Patton-Mallory is Biomass lead with partners USGS lands inventory (partner with then for spatial sampling and classification) Carbon Offset Monitoring (FIA-Heath) Tom Schmidt now FS advisor to CCX (the Chicago Carbon Exchange) Climate Change Indicators (?) Environmental Quality Indicators (Guldin at CEQ)
Needful Things • Efficiency (why use 4 when 1 is more) • Comprehensive (it all sucks carbon) • Robust (a robust national core & regional walks out the door) • Integrity (enforced closest to the source) • Consistency (across algorithms, space, and time) • Responsive (day late & a dollar short doesn’t milk the cash cow) • Flexibility (ask a dinosaur—it’s the mission not the status quo) • Innovation (today’s R&D is tomorrow’s production) • Transparency (plain english spoken here) • Scalability (any place, any time, any piece, any part)
Our Dream; Your Nightmare • Panel in 1 yr; data + 6 mo; 5-yr report +18 mo • Field crews-portable, paperless, optimal mix • Check plots (visit once, store twice) • Safety/Production/Quality (mutually exclusive) • Synchronized field hardware upgrades (across units and partners) • Cover first, then use (additive/duplicative) • Label free world (collect elemental data; label it later) • Measured, observed, modeled (best mix) • Table for every variable; map for every table; sampling error every cell • Ecotone sensitive, compatible, consistent processes/equations/algorithms • Consolidation of hardware, software, and realignment of skills accordingly • Holistic versioning (entire system ready to roll with first plot) • Plots processed as they come in • More than plots (Don’t forget NWOS and TPO) • Phase 1 data (spatial variables, context, etc) • Cohesive stratification scheme • Consistent strata collapsing rules; estimation on the fly • Extend the grid (urban, range, all veg) • Fill between the grid points (wall to wall) • Map-based estimation (changes everything) • Borderless analysts • National product lines • Embrace annual (#’s, trends, issues) • Don’t be process obsessed • Tell to sell, keep eyes on the prize; hitch our wagon to winners. (States still out is getting old)
Carbon Biomass Team Volume Biomass Team Secondary Linkage Primary linkage Some To Do’s – Create 2 Complementary Teams VB champion of V; CB champion of C; Both champion B VB heavy towards Production expertise; CB heavy towards R&D expertise VB still deals with standards (definitions, component parts, equations, partners, etc) CB still deals with NGG reporting, integrating carbon into FIA, forwarding CRM/carbon VBCB cross-team membership ensures linkages (the leads, or ?) VBCB bound by a common interest in B (V drives B and B drives C)
Some To Do’s – Create 1 Plot Tracking System • Sample selection • Field Logistics/Work Planning • Office Processing/Work Planning • Supervisory Oversight • Chain of Ownership • Production Flows/Milestones/Bottlenecks • Progress/Accomplishment Reporting • Who, What , When, Where from 1 System
Some To Do’s – Create 1 Pre-field System • Select Samples (panels, intensifications, cycles) • Determine Plot Visitation (yes, no, questionable) • Deliver Navigational/Data Aids (imagery, road maps, plat maps, sketch maps, plot sheets, notes, etc) • Capture Phase 1 Info (land cover/use, landscape metrics, spatial context, etc) • Mesh with MIDAS and Plot Tracking • Goals: single, scalable system; field crews determine visits; no need to visit obvious non-forest; eliminate the paper