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A Study and Application of Sample Surveys on the Vegetable Industry in China. Qingwei Peng Hebei Survey Office, China Statistic Bureau, Hebei Province No.494, Hezuo Road Shijiazhuang, China. E-mail: pengqingwei@sina.com. Status of Vegetable Industry in China.
A Study and Application of Sample Surveys on the Vegetable Industry in China Qingwei PengHebei Survey Office, China Statistic Bureau, Hebei ProvinceNo.494, Hezuo Road Shijiazhuang, China. E-mail:pengqingwei@sina.com
Status of Vegetable Industryin China Since 90’s of the 20th century, a market-based economy system is gradually instead of central-planned economy system, vegetables growing industry has been developed swiftly. By 2006, output value 6,500billionRMB, growing area 20 million ha.
Statistic Features on Vegetable Industry planting ways, varieties, rotations, distinct regional features, transports and sales limitation, and greater differences in yield, cost and benefits
The disadvantages of Overall Statistic Method (OSM) counties provinces country farmers villages towns cities Fig 1. Flow chart of OSM • Indice Extensive • Info Lags • Cost Great • Man-made Intervene It is necessary to develop sampling survey method adapt to new economy status and vegetable industry
The Objective • Determine new indices • Develop new sampling survey method
Study Area The study area lies in all scope of Hebei province administrative region, China. It lies in 113°11′-119°45′E, 36°05′-42°37′N. The total farmland area is 6,000,600 ha, and vegetable planting area is about 1,120,000 ha..
Vegetable crops sampling survey and reporting table system (VSS) Principles: • survey contents • sampling methods • indices setup • coding • survey methods • estimation methods Scientificity Practicability Usability Intervention-Resistance Economy
Sampling design city village samples farmer samples integer Errors Examination In many allocated survey designs, select a set of design which include more key vegetable growing villages to apply as survey net sites Final Design
Survey contents three key aspects three levels of indices • actual planting area and yield; • sales, cost and benefits; • planting ways and varieties structure. • class-A: include open field vegetables, facility vegetables and plastic film covering vegetables • class-B: include roots kind, leave kind,fruits kind and allium kind • class-C: main vegetable species.
Indices setting • Production indices are divided to three levels according to survey that is class-A, class-B, and class-C • Increasing sales indices, such as sales amount, provincial external sales, price, and so on • Increasing benefit indices, such as investment, charge, cost, income, etc
Code Firstly determine farmer samples’ code referencing unified farmers codes of the second national agricultural census. Then classify and code for different indices to facilitated computer estimating, analysis and developing. For major planting ways, vegetable species, and classifications unify code. Current major vegetable species is confirmed to 21, and the number can be increased or reduced with the reality and time. Planting ways is coded as 01 open field vegetable, 02 ground plastic film covering vegetable, 03 facility vegetable; classification is coded as 01 roots kind,02 leave kind,03 fruits kind,04 Allium kind,05 others
Survey method Establishing vegetable log of yields and sales for every variety Farmer samples Production logs Record and examine …… sowing area yields sales Provincial level
Estimation method • Determine the weights value of j city and i village (wij) • Estimate various averages indices of i village of j city ( xij) • Estimate total indices of every city; • Estimate total indices of the whole province (X). kij numbers of vegetable growers in No. i allocated village; x’ij numbers of cooperative vegetable growers in No. i allocated village
Specified Survey Practice • Auditing and measuring area for every farmer samples and every plot • Estimating sowing area of farmers management • Estimating total sowing area at city’s level • Estimating provincial vegetable sowing area Sowing area survey
Estimating farmer samples’ unit yield. • Estimating total yields of all vegetable growers in each village sample • Total yields of a village samples • Average yields of village samples • Total yields of vegetable growers organization bigger than village • Total yield of one city • Estimating average unit yield at city level • Total yield of a province Specified Survey Practice Total indices estimation Yield estimation • Setting codes. • Based on the various basis data of production log, generate different information according actual demands Classification indices estimation
Specified Survey Practice • Cost of vegetable grower organization part • Unit income of vegetable grower organization part • Investigation cost of farmer samples • Unit income of farmer samples • Average income of village samples • Unit income at city level • Unit income at province level Cost and benefit survey
Conclusion • Develop a new innovation of benefit indices for vegetable statistical figure which can represent the general vegetable production status more scientific and more truthfully, improve the quality of survey result and enhance its value • Determine sampling net site by using city data as a sample frame, can both meet the needs of classification administration and diminish sampling error induced by markedly differences on natural resources and production level • Farmer samples establish production logs can precise survey indices, enhance availability, increase authenticity, and can develop deeply again for correlative information
Application The study and application for sampling methods on vegetable industry in Hebei, China, gave a whole monitor system for vegetable industry, and it can monitor the change and dynamic for vegetable production, provide a great number of timely and actual data and information for local governmentandChina statistic bureau. Since 2002, Data information and analysis report from the study have participated in macro-decision of Hebei government and accepted affirmation from major directors of Hebei.
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