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The Mission of Game of Life is to help you to extend your life to its maximum we have a bot Golly for more info https://gameof.life/crowdfund/ or call 61 468 414 241
Game Of Long Life for You.(GOLLY) Email id - ron@gameof.life Address - Sydney, New South Wales Australia Contact No. +61 468 414 241 Website - https://gameof.life/ Dr. Ron Wood (Asutralia) We are developing an Android and an iOS App to deliver the Longevity benefits that our research has shown is possible. The Apps will comprise two modules, a Body Module and a Brain Module. Every one of the above categories has an impact on both mortality and morbidity.
Ageing from this standpoint is a multi-factorial disease and consequently, the keys to longevity and good health are also multifactorial. Ageing is a choice and we can choose to be proactively holistic in countering the ravages of time.
Both modules will be priced at 80% of a Big Mac per week in your locality. There will be a 60% discount for the second module. Annual plans will attract another 30% discount. We are crowdfunding the Apps through Indiegogo and offering discounts of 60% off the $AUD (Australian) price. There are also offers for couples and corporate packs for key persons at even better discounts.
In addition to the above, we have a set of biological age calculators which retail at $15 (AUD) each which we are giving away for $1 each Each of these calculators assesses your current biological age from a different standpoint. They are designed to be used as motivational tools to set and achieve targets of improved (reduced) biological age Please view our Indiegogo Crowdfunding campaign and give yourself the present of increased longevity and improved health.
Mission The mission of Game Of Life is to help you to extend your life to its maximum and to reduce the risks of disease. We are unique in that we have a compassionate empathy bot (Golly) that uses neural network methodologies to learn about you and propose the ways in which you can reach your stated goals. Research suggests that compassion is the most effective way to get results, but don’t be fooled, as a personal trainer, he will be resolute in guiding you. Meet GOLLY how long the average person of your gender, age, weight and height, can expect to live. When you give Golly more information about your aerobic fitness, or strength or endurance, Golly will be able to estimate your probable lifespan. But that is only where it starts. You can set a goal and a date and Golly will plot and monitor the most effective multifactorial strategy for you to achieve that goal in the allotted time. Tell GOLLY your age, gender, weight and height and GOLLY will tell you So in exchange for 5 minutes of your time, let us try to convince you that we can deliver information and a process that will indeed extend your life and reduce the risk of disease.
5 minutes for a decade or more of vibrant good health. do we have a deal? My Journey I have been trying to “walk the walk” so that I would feel more comfortable in “talking the talk”. To that end, in the last year, I have lost 14kg, reduced my girth by 6cm, and acquired a biological age of 65. I think I was a couple of years younger than my chronological age when I started out but I am prepared to attribute an extra 10 to the “longevity” lifestyle I have been living since last August. How you can help I have found a new purpose in life. If GOL can help people increase the prospect of a longer vibrant life then it will be doing good. As we are appealing to baby boomers +-10 years, the number of people it can help is practically limitless. Think of the pain and suffering that can be avoided if many people start living a lifestyle that minimises the risk of disease.
What We Need & What You Get: Funding This started as a personal goal to do what was necessary to remain a player in the Game Of Life as long as possible. It gave me a new zest and a desire to share what I was learning. Having been a serial entrepreneur in the IT industry. I naturally thought about packaging what I was learning in an App so the curated knowledge could be shared. But to do this I needed to hire the right technical people. I have been very lucky to have found a team that has successfully brought a nutrition App to market. But GOL is much more than a nutrition App. I also stumbled on a senior Apple software developer who is doing research into AI. And thus was GOLLY born. GOLLY (Game Of Long Life for You) uses neural network methodologies to learn from the data it receives about someone so that he can direct the activities of that person towards the achievement of the goals that person has specified. But if GOLLY is going effective he will need to be imbued with compassionate empathy, My enthusiasm comes at significant financial cost. Game Of Life has been a year in the making and we are nearly there. Unfortunately, the year has depleted my financial resources. I need an injection of cash to keep the target delivery date on track. The Body module should be ready for beta testing in December and the Brain module next January. Game Of Life Is an Android and iOS App and a WordPress blog designed to guide and motivate members to take the actions necessary to extend life and reduce the risk of disease.
The Body module The Body Module gives you the tools to eat the right nutrient-dense foods in the right quantities, It encourages you to move in the most efficient manner to meet your health needs goals. It will monitor your fibre and probiotic intake so your gut supports your health. How we can express our gratitude for your contribution We need 300 contributors at $100AUD each to cover the next few months commitments. There must be many thousands of Indegogo viewers who would like to live longer and healthier. GOL will help them do that in some unique ways. – As beta testers, you will have access to the App for 12 months after its launch. – Your $100 commitment represents around 40% of what the initial subscribers will be paying. GOL accesses data from wearable devices. You will need a smartwatch. We will gift you one from our gameof.life WordPress shop . Longevity Calculators We have developed some unique proprietary fitness calculators. There are three widely researched tests with reference data that can be used to approximate one’s physical fitness, maximal aerobic capacity and strength level. We are selling them as stand-alone products but as they are part of the future App we will send them to you now. We have five calculators based on peer-researched algorithms which assess biological age from different perspectives. They assess aerobic fitness, strength, metabolic health, psychological wellness and deficit accumulation. The combination of these assessments will give a fairly accurate estimate of your
current biological age and the probable years to live. “Know Thyself” so you can plan your road to a younger and healthier self. 6MWT You will be able to approximate your biological age with these simple tests. The 6MWT only requires a flat surface of 12M or more. Measure a distance and place cones then walk for 6 minutes and record distance. The 6MWT assesses the distance walked in 6 minutes as a submaximal test of aerobic capacity and endurance. Reference standards have been gathered from seven countries. The most important factor influencing the 6MWD in healthy subjects was age. Also, the 6MWD is greater in males than females. The calculator will inform you of the percentile band you fall in for people of similar age, gender, weight, and height. You will also see the age at which you would have fallen into the 50th percentile. The goal is to grow younger physiologically. So, put down a goal date and distance and then from time to time retest yourself to see how you are going. Grip Strength Grip Strength is a measure of overall muscular strength and has been associated with disability, morbidity and mortality. In a large 11000+ person study, it was concluded that reference values for grip strength increased through childhood and adolescence, peaked around age 40, and then declined. Reference values were higher for males than for females. Our calculator uses the algorithms developed in that study. If you don’t have access to a handgrip dynamometer you can get one from our shop VO2max The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is 21 % lower for each increase of 3.5 mL/kg/min, or 1 MET.
This association persists after adjusting the analysis for confounding factors. The risk of dying from all causes during follow-up is gradually reduced with better fitness. The Fitness Calculator estimates your fitness age measured as maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). Traditionally this test requires a mask connected to a machine that measures the composition of the subject’s breath during graded exercise taken to exhaustion. Results derived this way will be more accurate than the 6MWT approximation. But the difference in accuracy is not significant. FI34 (Frailty Index 34) The frailty index outperforms DNA methylation age and its derivatives as an indicator of biological age The measurement of biological age, as opposed to chronological age, is important to allow the study of factors that are responsible for the heterogeneity in the decline in health and function ability among individuals during aging. Various measures of biological aging have been proposed. Frailty indices based on health deficits in diverse body systems have been well studied, and we have documented the use of a frailty index (FI34) composed of 34 health items, for measuring biological age. Any useful measure of biological age must predict survival better than chronological age does. Meta-analyses indicate that age acceleration difference and age acceleration residual are significant predictors of mortality, qualifying them as indicators of biological age. In the presence of chronological age as a covariate, FI34 was a significant predictor of mortality, whereas none of the DNA methylation age-based metrics was. The outperformance of FI34 over DNA methylation age measures was apparent when FI34 and each of the DNA methylation age measures was used together as explanatory variables, along with chronological age: FI34 remained significant but the DNA methylation measures did not. These results indicate that FI34 is a robust predictor of biological age, while these DNA methylation measures are largely a statistical reflection of the passage of chronological time. The term biological aging has been developed to conceptualize the fact that individuals differ in their manifestation of age changes as they age chronologically.
FI34 increases exponentially with age, indicating declining health and function ability. The rate of increase accelerates approximately 2~3 % annually. A survival analysis indicates that FI34 predicts mortality better than does chronological age. The fact that FI34 predicts mortality/survival better than does the simple passage of time indicates that it is more than a naive chronometer. Rather, it is a metric of biological age. Ryff Psychological Wellness One of the most widely used survey instruments is Ryff’s multi-dimensional Psychological Well-being scales (PWB). It was specifically defined to measure positive aspects of psychological functioning along six theoretically-motivated dimensions: independence and self-determination (autonomy); having satisfying, high quality relationships (positive relations with others); the ability to manage one’s life (environmental mastery); being open to new experiences (personal growth); believing that one’s life is meaningful (purpose in life); and a positive attitude towards oneself and one’s past life (self-acceptance). Final thought It is projected that a retired 65-year-old couple can anticipate health care costs of $275,000 out-of-pocket in the USA. At 90% of the cost of a Big Mac each week, a
subscription to Game Of Life and coaching by GOLLY looks like an excellent investment. So, apart from AI Coaching, what do you get with Game of Life? Other Ways You Can Help Even if you are not ready to take the plunge, we hope you will register to receive our eBook. If you think that the information and guidance in longevity and health maintenance is valuable we would appreciate your sharing this crowdfunding invitation to your friends and family. Indiegogo has some convenient share tools to help you do this Heart “Follow”– For visitors with Indiegogo accounts to follow the campaign to receive email updates posted by the campaign team facebook- Share the campaign through your Facebook pageTwitter – Tweet the campaign out to your followers link – Copy the campaign URL and paste it into an email, social media update, or wherever else you’d like to share it.