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HPMS OCPA. Off Campus Physical Activity. Purpose:. Program Description:.
HPMS OCPA Off Campus Physical Activity
Purpose: Program Description: To Accommodate students in HPMS who are making a serious effort to develop high-level capabilities and to allow them to be involved in an off-campus program that provides training exceeding that offered in the school district. OCPA is a cooperative arrangement between HPMS and a Texas Education Agency (TEA) approved off-campus sponsoring facility/provider. Activities are defined as those in which a student works with either a single coach/instructor or with a team coach/instructor at an approved agency during the regular school year.
Application Students must apply for OCPA • Submit completed application to grade- counselor by the May 3 deadline. • All parts of the application must be complete for application submission. • If submitted between May 6 and August 10 approval will be based on availability. • No applications accepted after August 10. • New Students to HPISD: Submit completed application within 1 week of registration.
Application MUST include: • Student/Parent Information • OCPA Facility /Organization Name, Address, and Phone Number • OCPA coach/instructor Name, E-mail Address, Phone number, and SIGNATURE *this is the instructor that is responsible for signing ALL Activity Logs *students should include the name, e-mail address, phone number, and signature of EACH coach/instructor that could sign his/her Activity Log. *If at any time there is a change in the OCPA facility or coach/instructor, the student should provide the new information to the Teacher of Record for OCPA • Parent/Guardian Permission (also signed by the student) • Coach/Instructor’s Program Description • Student OCPA Weekly schedule (to be completed by the coach/instructor)
OCPA Fee: • Only Paid if students are accepted into the OCPA program. • $150 yearly fee ($75 per semester). • Parents will pay OCPA through Skyward. • Fees will offset administrative costs of the program: (i.e. staff visits to programs to assure TEA guidelines are being met, and processing grades, attendance and reports).
Google Classrooms • All students must enroll in Google Classrooms through the invite sent to them (through the students school e-mail account) by the teacher of record (Coach McFarlin) • Activity Logs will be due three times throughout each 9 week grading period. *Weeks 1, 2, &3 - Minor Grade *Weeks 4, 5, &6 - Minor Grade *Week 7, 8, &9 - Major Grade • Activity Logs and due dates can be printed from the Counselor or Coach McFarlin’s HPMS webpage (click on “OCPA”). • Activity Logs should be uploaded into Google Classrooms to the assignment that coincides with the current Activity Log (i.e. Weeks 1, 2, &3 uploaded in Activity Log #1/1st 9 Weeks in Google Classrooms).
OCPA Required Hours • OCPA students are required to obtain 15 hours each week to remain in OCPA. • At least 10 hours must come from practice/training. The remaining 5 hours may come from games/competitions. • Failure to fulfill the required number of hours (15 hours) each week will result in 5 points being deducted from the student’s grade. • If students continually have fewer than 15 hours per week, he/she will be removed from OCPA.
Activity/Participation Logs: • Students will be required to upload Activity Logs three times each 9 week grading period. Hard copies or e-mailed Activity Logs will NOT be accepted. • Students must use the current Activity Log. Activity Logs for previous years will not be accepted. • Students must complete the top of the Activity Log at the beginning of each 9 week. • Students complete and submit Activity Logs every three weeks of the 9 week grading period. The first Activity Log of the year will also include an upgraded training schedule. • Students will complete the “hours” part of the Activity Log and initial by each day. Instructors must SIGN AND DATEthe Activity Logs after each three Weeks. • Activity Logs are due (with completed information) by midnight of the due date. Students will be given a grade based on when they submitted the Activity Log. Students should double check his/her post through Google Classrooms for submission. • 5 points will be deducted from the student’s grade for each school day that the Activity Log is uploaded after the due date.
Injuries/Illnesses: Students who become injured/ill and cannot participate in their activity should: • Submit a doctor’s note (with the amount of time for no activity listed or the date of the follow up appointment) to the front office and the teacher of record (Coach McFarlin). • Continue to turn in the Activity Log listing “injured” or “ill”. • Submit any Physical Therapy script to teacher of record (Coach McFarlin). • Log Physical Therapy hours that they are completing. • Log any activity that can be completed by the student during injury (i.e. if student has a hurt foot, but can still do other training exercises).
Other information: • Random compliance checks could be made with coaches/instructors. • Per HPISD Athletic Department, students currently enrolled in athletics are not permitted to transfer from athletics to OCPA during the school year if they wish to participate in athletics in the future. • Students may not participate in OCPA if the sport is offered as part of the HPMS curriculum, unless they are training at a high level exceeding that offered in the school district. • This course is a regular HPMS credit-bearing class. A numerical grade is issued based on participation hours and submission of the Activity Log on time. • Students may not be enrolled in OCPA and any other general physical education class or physical education substitution (athletics) at the same time. This is in accordance with TEA’s PE Waiver credit policy.
Other Information: • OCPA is a credit-bearing class. All HPISD policies contribute to the grade earned. It is the student’s responsibility to check that there is a grade for each 9 weeks. 7th graders who do not earn a passing grade for either semester will be placed in physical education or athletics to earn their PE Credit in 8th grade. • HPMS reserves the right to approve or deny any activities not listed as appropriate when submitted for approval. The word “appropriate” implies, the substitute activity is in congruence with the Physical Education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skill (TEKS) as closely as possible, if not above, and beyond the rigor of the standards.
Contact Information Reesa McFarlin mcfarlv@hpisd.org 214-780-3530 **Students can come to the North Gym Coaches office before school or during Advisory with any questions about OCPA.