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Understand the importance of testing causal hypotheses, detecting model misspecifications, and determining when to reject a model using test statistics and residuals. Learn about the power of the test and alternative procedures.
Testing Causal Hypotheses The Use of Test statistics and fit indices Willem E.Saris
Importance of testing • All estimates of effects are based on the assumption that the model is correct • There are two possibilities of misspecifications: • - omitted effects of variables • - non-normal distribution of the variables • First we concentrate on omitted variables and effects • Later we will discuss deviations from normality college titel en nummer
An example • Assume that the correct model is presented below. • It is a two factor model with loadings of .8 and a correlation between the factors of .5 • and the loading of Y4 on F1 is .2 college titel en nummer
What is the population correlation matrix ? college titel en nummer
Analysis with a misspecified model • This correlation matrix is analyzed with a misspecified model • The misspecification is that the loading of Y4 on F1 is assumed to be zero. college titel en nummer
The estimates • These estimates deviate somewhat from the values in the population • The deviations are due to the misspecification • Can we detect that this model is wrong ? college titel en nummer
The fitted residuals • Based on these estimates the expected correlations can be calculated and the differences with the data calculated • The residuals can indicate that the model is misspecified • In this case the residuals are: college titel en nummer
When should the model be rejected ? • Residuals can also differ from zero due to sampling fluctuations. • So when should a model be rejected ? • If the observed variables have a multivariate normal distribution and the model is correct • then it can be shown that the test statistic t = nF0 has a known distribution: • t has a c2 (df)distribution if the model is correct and a non central c2 (df, ncp)distribution if the model is incorrect. college titel en nummer
The Central and noncentral chi2 distribution and the power college titel en nummer
The non central chi2 distribution • Due to a misspecification in the model the mean of the distribution of t increases with what is called the Noncentrality parameter (NCP) • The NCP can be computed as shown by Satorra and Saris (1985) using population data and estimating the parameters with an incorrect model • In that case the value of the test statistic t is equal to the NCP college titel en nummer
The standard testing procedure • The model is rejected if t > Ca • where Cais the value for which • pr(c2 (df) > Ca ) = a • In this procedure the power of the test is ignored. • The power is the probability that a misspecified model will be rejected. college titel en nummer
High (left) and low (right) Power of the test High power is good for big errors not for small errors. Low power is good for small errors not for big errors With loading .8 the left side applies. With loadings .5 the right side applies for the same error. college titel en nummer
The standard test is not good enough • The standard test can only detect misspecifications for which the test is sensitive (high power). • Rejection of the model can be due to very small misspecifications for which the test is very sensitive • Not rejection does not mean that the model is correct. The test can be insensitive for the misspecifications college titel en nummer
Testing requires information about the power of the test. • We have suggested the following procedure • High power low power • T>Ca? Rejection • T<Ca Accepted ? college titel en nummer
The power of the test • The power of the test can be determined on the basis of the value of the NCP, degrees of freedom and the a level of the test used. • There are tables for the power of the test (see Saris and Stronkhorst (pages 308-314) • There are also programs on the internet for this purpose. • In general the amount of work is considerable to determine the power. • Therefore this procedure is not often used. Alternative procedures have been developed college titel en nummer
Other Indices • SEM Programs provide many different fit indices • These fit indices are derived from the value of the test statistic in such a way that they protect against the power effect of sample size • However they do not protect against the effects of model characteristics. • So one should know the sensitivity of the indices for the error (power) or one should use other indices college titel en nummer
Why do these procedures can not be used ? • The test statistic and dit indices are not only affected by the size of the misspecification but also by other characteristics of the model and data: • Sample size • Number of indicators • Explained variance • Incidental parameters unrelated with the misspecification college titel en nummer
Another example • A fundamental issue in testing causal models is the assumption that no spurious relations are omitted • Omitted variables would create a correlation between e1 and e2 • So a requirement is that this correlation is zero college titel en nummer
The true model M1 in the population • Imagine that in reality in the population the correct model is as indicated in the model at the right side • then the correlations between the variables would be as indicated in the correlation matrix college titel en nummer
Estimates with a misspecified model M0 • This model is misspecified because the spurious relation is omitted • The result is that the effect of Y1 on Y2 is estimated to be .4 in stead of .2 • It will be clear that it would be very important to detect this misspecification college titel en nummer
Test statistics • In the population data we only change one coefficient: the effect of X2 on Y2 • We start with the value .1 and add each time .1 to its value • We compute the new correlation matrix and estimate the effects and the test statistics • Note that the misspecification remains the same • The test statistics should indicate that the model is wrong in all cases college titel en nummer
The power of the test is so low most of time that the misspecification will not be detected till g22=.8 RMSEA, CFI , AGFI and MI also don’t detect the error RMR indicates always that mean residual is .025 Results for different test statistics college titel en nummer
Alternative approach • Testing whether a model fits the data can also be done by testing whether the model contains misspecifications • If a misspecification is present the model has to be rejected • This information can be obtained by looking at the EPC and its test statistic MI • This can not be done without taking into account the power of the test college titel en nummer
EPC and MI • The Expected Parameter Change (EPC) gives the change in the parameter if estimated. If this value is large one can consider to reject the model • The Modification index indicates the reduction in chi2 if a specific parameter is estimated. • The value of MI can also be used as chi2 test with df=1 for the significance of the deviation from zero of the EPC. college titel en nummer
Extra information • MI = (EPC /σ2) (1) • where σ is the standard error of the EPC. • or • σ = EPC / MI (2) • Since the EPC is expected to be normally distributed, the 95% confidence interval is defined for any parameter (θ) as: • EPC-1.96σ < θ < EPC+1.96σ (3) • By standard theory of chi-square testing, the noncentrality parameter for the noncentral 2-distribution of the modification index (MI) associated to δ can be expressed as: • ncp = (δ / σ)2 (4) • By combining (1) and (4) we obtain: • ncp = (MI/EPC2)δ2 (5) • The power of the test can be obtained from the tables of the non-central 2-distribution (or using any computer-based routine) as: • Prob(2(df, ncp)) > Cα (6) • where Cα is the critical value of an α-level test based on a 2-distribution with df=1. college titel en nummer
Statistical information about the misspecification in model M0 college titel en nummer
How to decide whether a misspecification is present in the model • Till g22<.5 the power is low and the MI is not significant So no decision can be made • If g22 > .4 the power is still low but the MI is significant So the misspecification must be large. college titel en nummer
Conclusions • The standard chi2 test does not work • Also the popular fit indices do not help • One can test for misspecification in the model using the MI and the power of the test and the EPC • If the MI is not significant it does not mean that there is no misspecification in the model • If the Power is too low, no decsion can be made • Only if the Power is high the conclusion can be drawn that there are no misspecifications college titel en nummer
Deviations from normality • All results presented before assume that the observed variables are multivariate normal distributed • If that is not the case the is also a misspecification of the model and can lead to an increase of the chi2 statistic • In that case the chi2 statistic can have a non centralc distribution college titel en nummer
Requirements for Asymptotic Robustness (AR) • 1. Variances and covariances of non-normal constituents of the model are unrestricted parameters (unrestricted, even, across groups) • 2. random constituents of the model are not only uncorrelated, but independent (i.e., independence instead of uncorrelation) college titel en nummer
What if the requirements do not hold ? • Satorra and Bentler (1994)suggested the scaled chi2 • This test statistic is a consistent estimator of the fit for any distribution and also provides a consistent estimator of the NCP • All SEM programs provide this test statistics but it requires that one analyses the raw data and not a covariance matrix. college titel en nummer
Conclusions • Deviations from normality do not provide any problem anymore in testing Structural equation models • Many models satisfy the requirements for asymptotic robustness • If that is not the case one can still use the scale chi2 test statistic college titel en nummer