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Understanding SIYB Monitoring and Evaluation System

This session aims to enable participants to describe the SIYB Monitoring and Evaluation system and tools including the importance of M&E, processes, and tools for effective program evaluation. Learn about the systematic collection and analysis of data to measure progress and improve performance in SIYB programs.

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Understanding SIYB Monitoring and Evaluation System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation in SIYB Program

  2. Session objective By the end of the session participants have been enabled to describe the SIYB Monitoring and Evaluation system and tools

  3. Contents • What is Monitoring and Evaluation • Why Monitoring and Evaluation is important • The SIYB Monitoring and Evaluation system • SIYB Monitoring and Evaluation tools

  4. What is monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) relates to the process of collecting information to determine progress in carrying out planned activities and achieving programme objectives and targeted outputs.

  5. What is monitoring and evaluation (continued) Monitoring: Systematic process of collecting and analyzing information related to a particular activity on a continuous process Evaluation: Periodic assessment of programme activities to determine achievements

  6. Why monitoring and evaluation is important • M&E enables all involved parties to • control, compare and document performance • improve performance • ensure the long-term sustainability • measure progress towards the achievement of programme objectives

  7. ILO The SIYB Office collects, tabulates and analyzes performance data from trainers and entrepreneurs, and feeds back the results to its clients Master trainers collect, tabulate and analyze data on output and impact of trainer development activities, and feed back the results to trainers and entrepreneurs Trainers / training organizations collect, tabulate and analyze data on training output and impact from entrepreneurs, and feed back the results to clients Entrepreneurs The SIYB M&E system

  8. SIYB M&E tools for trainers SIYB office SIYB Performance Report SIYB Performance Card SIYB Activity Report SIYB trainer Daily training evaluation form End of training evaluation form SYB Entry card Entrepreneurs before training after training during training

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