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Physics 441. Electro-Magneto-Statics M. Berrondo. 1. Introduction. Electricity and Magnetism as a single field (even in static case, where they decouple) Maxwell: * vector fields * sources (and sinks) Linear coupled PDE’s * first order (grad, div, curl)
Physics 441 Electro-Magneto-Statics M. Berrondo Physics BYU
1. Introduction • Electricity and Magnetism as a single field (even in static case, where they decouple) Maxwell: * vector fields * sources (and sinks) • Linear coupled PDE’s * first order (grad, div, curl) * inhomogeneous (charge & current distrib.) Physics BYU
Tools Math Physics trajectories: r(t) FIELDS: * scalar, vector * static, t-dependent SOURCES: charge, current superposition of sources => superposition of fields unit point sources Maxwell equation field lines potentials charge conservation • trigonometry • vectors (linear combination) dot, cross, Clifford • vector derivative operators • Dirac delta function • DISCRETE TO CONTINUUM • INTEGRAL THEOREMS: * Gauss, Stokes, FundThCalc • cylindrical, spherical coord. • LINEARITY interpretation of equations and their solutions Physics BYU
2. Math. Review • sum of vectors: A , B => A + B • dilation: c , A => c A • linear combinations: c1A +c2B • scalar (dot) product: A , B => A B = A B cos ( ), a scalar whereA2=A A (magnitude square) • cross product: A , B => A B = n A B |sin( ) |, a new vector, with n A and B, and nn = n2 = 1 • orthonormal basis: {e1 , e2, e3} = {i , j , k} Physics BYU
Geometric Interpretation:Dot product Physics BYU
Cross Product and triple dot product Physics BYU
Rotation of a vector (plane) • Assume s in the x-yplane • Vector s‘= k x s • Operation k x rotates s by 90 degrees • k x followed by k x again equivalent to multiplying by -1 in this case!! y s’ s x Physics BYU
Rotation of a vector (3-d) n unit vector: n2 = 1 defines rotation axis = rotation angle vector r r’ where Physics BYU
Triple dot product is a scalar and corresponds to the (oriented) volume of the parallelepiped {A, B, C} Physics BYU
Triple cross product • The cross product is not associative! • Jacobi identity: • BAC-CAB rule: is a vector linear combination of B and C Physics BYU
Inverse of a Vector 0 1 | | n-1=n as a unit vector along any direction in R2or R3 Physics BYU
Clifford Algebra Cl3(product) • starting from R3basis {e1 , e2 , e3 }, generate all possible l.i. products • 8 = 23 basis elements of the algebra Cl3 • Define the product as: • with Physics BYU
R3 R i R i R3 Physics BYU
Clifford Algebra Cl3 • Non-commutative product w/ A A = A2 • Associative: (A B) C = A (B C) • Distributive w.r. to sum of vectors • *symmetric part dot product *antisym. part proportional cross product • Closure: extend the vector space until every product is a linear combination of elements of the algebra Physics BYU
Subalgebras • R Real numbers • C = R + iR Complex numbers • Q = R + iR3 Quaternions Product of two vectors is a quaternion: represents the oriented surface (plane) orthogonal to A x B. Physics BYU
Bivector: oriented surface b b a a sweep sweep • antisymmetric, associative • absolute value area Physics BYU
Differential Calculus • Chain rule: In 2-d: • Is an “exact differential”? • given Physics BYU
In 3-d: • Geometric interpretation: Physics BYU
del operator Examples: Physics BYU
Gradient of r • Contour surfaces: spheres • gradient is radial • Algebraically: and, in general, Physics BYU
Divergence of a Vector Field • E (r) scalar field (w/ dot product) • It is a measure of how much the filed lines diverge (or converge) from a point (a line, a plane,…) Physics BYU
Divergence as FLUX: ( ) dx Examples: Physics BYU
Curl of a Vector Field The curl measures circulation about an axis. Examples: Physics BYU
Clifford product del w/ a cliffor • For a scalar field T = T( r ), • For a vector field E = E( r ), • For a bivector field iB =i B( r ), Physics BYU
Second order derivatives • For a scalar: • For a vector: Physics BYU
What do we mean by “integration”? cdq c dr dw = c(cdq)/2dg = (2pr) dr | |dl rdq dr da= (rdq)dr Physics BYU
Cliffor differentials • dkais a cliffor representing the “volume” element in k dimensions • k = 1 dl is a vector e1 dx (path integral) • k = 2 inda bivector e1 dx e2 dy (surface integral) • k = 3 i dtps-scalar e1 dx e2 dy e3 dz (volume integral) Physics BYU
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Particular cases: Gauss’s theorem Stokes’ theorem Physics BYU
Delta “function” (distribution) • 1-d: q step “function” 1 x Physics BYU
Divergence theorem and unit point source apply to for a sphere of radius e Physics BYU
and Displacing the vector r by r‘: Physics BYU
Inverse of Laplacian • To solve so • In short-hand notation: Physics BYU
Orthogonal systems of coordinates • coordinates: (u1, u2, u3 ) • orthogonal basis: (e1, e2, e3 ) • scale factors: (h1, h2, h3 ) • volume: • area • displacement vector: Physics BYU
Scale Factors • polar (s, f ): • cylindrical (s, f, z ): • spherical (r, q, f ): Physics BYU
Grad: • Div: • Curl: • Laplacian: Physics BYU
Maxwell’s Equations • Electro-statics: • Magneto-statics: • Maxwell: Physics BYU
Formal solution separates into: and Physics BYU
Electro-statics Convolution: where for point charge. Physics BYU
Superposition of charges • For n charges {dq1, dq2, …, dqn } • continuum limit: • where Physics BYU
linear uniform charge density l (x’) from –L to L • field point @ x = 0, z variable z q | | x -L L dq’ Physics BYU
with so • Limits: Physics BYU
Gauss’s law • Flux of E through a surface S: volume V enclosed by surface S. • Flux through the closed surface: • choose a “Gaussian surface” (symmetric case) Physics BYU
Examples: • Charged sphere (uniform density) radius R Gaussian surface: a) r < R: b) r > R: as if all Q is concentrated @ origin Physics BYU
Thin wire: linear uniform density (C/m) Gaussian surface: cylinder • Plane: surface uniform density (C/m2) Gaussian surface: “pill box” straddling plane CONSTANT, pointing AWAY from surface (both sides) Physics BYU
Boundary conditions for E • Gaussian box w/ small area D A // surface w/ charge density s with n pointing away from 1 • Equivalently: • Component parallel to surface is continuous • Discontinuity for perp. component = s/e0 Physics BYU
Electric Potential (V = J/C) • Voltage solves Poisson’s equation: • point charge Q at the origin Physics BYU
Potential Difference (voltage) • in terms of E: and • Spherical symmetry: V = V (r) • Potential energy: U = q V (joules) • Equi-potential surfaces: perpendicular to field lines Physics BYU
Example: spherical shell radius R, uniform surface charge density s Gauss’s law E(r) = 0 inside (r < R) For r > R: and Physics BYU
Example: infinite straight wire, uniform line charge density l Gauss’s law: and Physics BYU
Electric-Magnetic materials • conductors • surface charge • boundary conditions • 2nd order PDE for V (Laplace) • dielectrics • auxiliary field D (electric displacement field) • non-linear electric media • magnets • auxiliary field H • ferromagnets • non-linear magnetic media Physics BYU