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Body Parts!

Body Parts!. caput. nasus. auris. os ( oris ). digitus. oculus. umerus. bracchium. pectus. manus. genus. femur. pes ( pedis ). Can you guess…?. The performance was aurally appealing. He had severe nasal congestion. The directions said to take the medicine orally.

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Body Parts!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Body Parts!

  2. caput nasus auris os (oris) digitus oculus umerus bracchium pectus manus genus femur pes (pedis)

  3. Can you guess…? • The performance was aurally appealing. • He had severe nasal congestion. • The directions said to take the medicine orally. • She suffered from ocular migraines. • The x-ray showed a humerus fracture. • He wore special shoe inserts to relieve his pesplanus.

  4. Can you guess…? • The woman had to manually open the car door when her remote broke. • The doctor performed a digital exam. • Blood pressure is measured using the brachial artery. • The man was executed by decapitation.

  5. Can you guess…? • The girl genuflected in front of the altar in the church. • Doctors perform heart caths through the femoral artery. • Push-ups, dumbbells, and bench press are good pectoral exercises.

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