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Escola EB 2,3 Dr. Ruy d’Andrade. Duarte Alves 9ºH Nº: 7. King Arthur. Teacher : M aria José Machado . Janet Hardy Gould is a writer. S he was born in 1964 in Britain.
Escola EB 2,3 Dr. Ruy d’Andrade Duarte Alves 9ºH Nº: 7 King Arthur Teacher: Maria José Machado
Janet Hardy Gould is a writer. She was born in 1964 in Britain. She is a published author of children's books. Janet Hardy-Gould wrote King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table ,Henry VIII and His Six Wives. THE AUTHOR
It is the year 650 in England. There is war everywhere because the old king is dead and he has no son. Only when the new king comes can the fighting stop and the strange, magical story of King Arthur begin. But first, Merlin the ancient magician has to find a way of finding the next king... King Arthur story
OnenightMerlin, themagicianhas a dream. In themorningMerlinsees a wonderful king, named Arthur. In thatday, Merlinmakes a magicstone, heputs a sword in itandonlythetrue king can pull out thesword. After some tries, a boy suddenlyappears–he’s Arthur. He pulls the sword and takes itout of the magical stone. The BOOK
Arthur discoversthatheis a true king ofEngland, buthedoesn’t knowhow to beone. Merlinsuddenlyappears, hetells Arthur thathewillteachhimhow to be a good king. Merlinteacheseveryday, andafterfouryears, heisstrongand a wonderful king. Oneday, a soldiervisits Arthur, hesaysthatthe lords oftheNorthweregoing to fighthim, sohedecided to goto battle. Thebook
Arthur after some hourswinsthebattle. Some minutes later, a lord tellsArthur to go to hiscastle to celebratethevictorydrinkingandeatingallnight. The lord presentshisdaughterGuinevere to the king. Arthur andGuineveretalkallevening. When Arthur came back, hetoldMerlinthathewanted to marryGuinevere, butMerlinsaid no, becausehesaw a dark future. Thebook
Arthur builds a castle for Guinevere, his future Queen. ItwaswhenMerlinstartedlosinghismagic, sohegives Arthur a magicalswordsohecouldprotecthimself, becauseMerlinhad to leave. Threeweeks later, the king marriesGuinevere. Thepeople are happy, butthere are othersthat are happierthanthem, Morgan andhersonMordred. Guineveregives Arthur a large round table, wherethestrongestknightsofEnglandwillsit. Thebook
Thestrongestknight in EnglandwasLancelot, hewasthefirstmanofthe Round Table. Lancelotbecomes Arthur andGuinever’sbestfriend.Theknightstarts to lovetheQueen. Onenight Morgan andMordredarriveatCamelot. Theking tellsthem to stay. In themorning Arthur visits Morgan andhetellsherthatifhedied, Mordredcouldbe king. Arthur whensleepinghearsMerlinsaying: becareful! Thebook
Morgan sees in the future, no king, no castleandMordredbecoming a king. Lancelot, afterthebattles, dancedwiththeQueeneveryevening, whiletheknightswereeatinganddrinking. Oneday, Mordred comes to Arthur, andsaysthatperhapsLancelotandGuinevere are in love. Still in theday, Arthur talkswithLancelotandtellshim to leave Camelot. WithoutLancelotthemagicofthe Round Tableisdead. Thebook
In thetownsandvillageseveryonestarted to fightagain, becausetheywereafraid. OnedayMordredcomes to Arthur andtellshim to findLancelotandfighthim. In thefollowingday Arthur andhisknightsleave Camelot. Whentheywereready to fight, a soldierarrivedfrom Camelot sayingthatMordredwasthenew king. Lancelotand Arthur forgotthebattleandwent to fightagainstMordred. Afterthreehours, Arthur won thebattlebutlostmanyknightsandsoldiers. Thebook
A coupleof minutes later, Lancelotandhissoldiersarrived, andfoundArthur layingdownontheground, hurtbyMordredthatendedupkilledbyLancelot some minutes later. Lancelot threw Arthur's sword into the water, butsuddenly a hand grabbed the sword. It was Merlin who grabbed the sword. Arthur went with Merlin to a far place, where he could sleep and rest. Thebook
I enjoyedthisbookverymuchbecausethestoryisverygoodandfullofadventure, I likedthecharacterstoo, butwhat I likedmostweretheimages. WiththisbookI can nowunderstand more aboutthehistoryofEngland. Myopinion