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An Exercise in Face Recognition Faces will be presented to you first upside down and then right side up. Try to keep track of the number you correctly identify in the upside down position and then the number you correctly identify in the right side up position. Oprah Winfrey. Simon Cowell.
An Exercise in Face Recognition Faces will be presented to you first upside down and then right side up. Try to keep track of the number you correctly identify in the upside down position and then the number you correctly identify in the right side up position.
Oops, just wanted to see if you are paying attention!!! Joe Biden Paul Ryan
Recognition of upside down faces is more difficult than you thought, isn’t it? Don’t be concerned but add the number of correct identifications for upside down and right side up. According to the Internet site, http://www.faceblind.org/facetests/, the average score on their similar online test is 87%. For this test with 26 questions, 87% is 22.6. People with a condition called prosopagnosia have difficulty recognizing faces and in extreme form, cannot recognize any faces. For some additional interesting images, please continue to observe.
Pictured here are __________ and __________ Clinton and Clinton With 2 different hair styles.
Frog? Or Horse?
Is this a person? Uh, Oh! Not everything is as it appears. Sometimes the brain does not interpret information correctly. In this and in many other cases, interpretation depends on perspective.