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Wordle 34. Prodigal Precarious Recapitulate Saturnine Scrupulous. prodigal. prod·i·gal Adjective: Spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. Noun: A person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way.
Wordle 34 • Prodigal • Precarious • Recapitulate • Saturnine • Scrupulous
prodigal • prod·i·gal • Adjective: Spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. • Noun: A person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way. • Synonyms: adjective. lavish - profuse - extravagant - wasteful - spendthrift • noun. spendthrift - waster - wastrel - spender – squanderer • - Many famous people are prodigal.
Precarious • pre·car·i·ous • Adjective: Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse. • Dependent on chance; uncertain. • Synonyms: uncertain - insecure - dubious - doubtful – unsafe • The rhino is in a precarious situation.
Recapitulate • re·ca·pit·u·late • Verb: Summarize and state again the main points of: "he began to recapitulate his argument with care". • Repeat (an evolutionary or other process) during development and growth. • Synonyms: summarize - sum up - recap – abstract • At the end of class, the teacher recapitulates what the students learned that day.
Saturnine • sat·ur·nine • Adjective: (of a person or their manner) Slow and gloomy: "a saturnine temperament". • (of a person or their features) Dark in coloring and moody or mysterious: "his saturnine face and dark, watchful eyes". • Synonyms: gloomy - somber - dismal - sombre - glum – dark • Eeyore is a saturnine character.
Scrupulous • scru·pu·lous • Adjective: (of a person or process) Diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details. • Very concerned to avoid doing wrong. • Synonyms: meticulous - conscientious - precise - nice – punctilious • The mechanic was scrupulous as he repaired the machine.
Arcane (Review Word) • ar·cane • Adjective: Understood by few; mysterious or secret. Synonyms: occult - secret - mysterious - dark - esoteric – mystic • Many people are curious about the arcane practices of some religions.
Abjure (Review Word) • ab·jure • Verb: Solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim). Synonyms: renounce - repudiate - forswear - abnegate – recant • Prince Edward abjured the throne of England so he could marry a divorced woman.