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CS-775 Presentation

CS-775 Presentation. A Combat Simulator A Distributed System. *Up to 12 patrol craft may join the simulation *Patrol craft can be up to 15 NM (17 miles) apart *Up to 52 simulated entities such as aircraft, submarines and missiles may be active

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CS-775 Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CS-775 Presentation

  2. A Combat Simulator A Distributed System *Up to 12 patrol craft may join the simulation *Patrol craft can be up to 15 NM (17 miles) apart *Up to 52 simulated entities such as aircraft, submarines and missiles may be active *Allows real-time naval tactics, damage control and leadership training

  3. YP - Yard Patrol Craft

  4. Local Area Network

  5. Local Area Network *Uses TCP/IP *All terminals See exactly the same picture *Different terminals have different roles (For instance, only the Combat Information Center (CIC) can fire weapons

  6. Wide Area Network

  7. Wide Area Network *Broadcasts packets over an HF network *Packets contain text messages, position data, status and simulated entities *Patrol craft can dynamically join and leave the network *The network is extremely fault tolerant and is functional with up to 50% packet loss *Speed is NOT this network’s strong point!

  8. Headers, Packets YMA111>00:_%_g&_fJx@+6_2GghJZkpD_dfF_*5$_^ In SimulationMasterHull Number Encoded Data in TNC ASCII format

  9. Sequential RoundRobin (Initial Joining) YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  10. Sequential RoundRobin (Initial Joining) Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  11. Sequential RoundRobin (Initial Joining) Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  12. Ready to start simulation… Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  13. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  14. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  15. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  16. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  17. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  18. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  19. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  20. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  21. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  22. Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444

  23. Variable Transmission Length

  24. Timing / Error Recovery

  25. Joining The Network Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  26. Joining The Network Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  27. Joining The Network Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  28. Joining The Network Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  29. Joining The Network Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  30. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  31. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  32. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  33. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  34. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  35. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  36. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  37. New Configuration Example Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  38. Timeouts… Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  39. Timeouts… Master YP-222 YP-111 *Crashed* YP-444 YP-333

  40. Timeouts… Master YP-222 YP-111 *Crashed* YP-444 YP-333

  41. Timeouts… Master YP-222 YP-111 *Crashed* YP-444 YP-333

  42. Timeouts… Master YP-222 YP-111 *Crashed* YP-444 YP-333

  43. Dropping Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-444 YP-333

  44. Dropping Master YP-222 YP-111 *Crashed* YP-444 YP-333

  45. Dropping Master YP-222 YP-111 *Crashed* YP-444 YP-333

  46. Dropping Master YP-222 YP-111 YP-333

  47. Server Migration Master *Crashed* YP-222 YP-111 YP-333

  48. Server Migration *Crashed* YP-222 YP-111 Master YP-333

  49. Server Migration YP-111 Master YP-333

  50. Server Migration YP-222 YP-111 Master YP-333

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