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Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming. 21 August 2004. Presented by Eddy Chan Written by Ng Tung. Example : Grid Path Counting. In a N*M grid, we want to move from the top left cell to the bottom right cell You may only move down or right Some cells may be impassable Example of one path:.

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Dynamic Programming

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  1. Dynamic Programming 21 August 2004 Presented by Eddy Chan Written by Ng Tung

  2. Example : Grid Path Counting • In a N*M grid, we want to move from the top left cell to the bottom right cell • You may only move down or right • Some cells may be impassable • Example of one path:

  3. Example : Grid Path Counting • Naïve Algorithm : Perform a DFS • Function DFS(x,y: integer) : integer; Begin If (x <= N) and (y <= M) Then Begin If (x = N) and (y = M) Then DFS := 1 {base case} Else If Grid[x,y] <> IMPASSABLE Then DFS := DFS(x+1,y) + DFS(x,y+1) Else DFS := 0; {impassable cell} End End

  4. Example : Grid Path Counting • Time complexity of this algorithm: • Each time the procedure branches into two paths • Time complexity is exponential • Alternate method to estimate runtime • The base case is reached the number of times of paths, so time complexity is at least = number of paths

  5. Example : Grid Path Counting • Can we do better? • Note that: • DFS(1,1) calls DFS(1,2) and (2,1) • DFS(1,2) calls DFS(1,3) and DFS(2,2) • DFS(2,1) calls DFS(3,1) and DFS(2,2) • DFS(2,2) is called twice, but the result is the same. Time is wasted • We can try to memorize the values

  6. Example : Grid Path Counting • Every time we found the value for a particular DFS(x,y), store it in a table • Next time DFS(x,y) is called, we can use the value in the table directly, without calling DFS(x+1,y) and DFS(x,y+1) again • This is called recursion with memorization or Top-Down Dynamic Programming

  7. Example : Grid Path Counting • Function DFS(x,y: integer) : integer; Begin If (x <= N) and (y <= M) Then Begin If Memory[x,y] = -1 Then Begin If (x = N) and (y = M) Then Memory[x,y] := 1 Else If Grid[x,y] <> IMPASSABLE Then Memory[x,y] := DFS(x+1,y) + DFS(x,y+1) Else Memory[x,y] := 0; End DFS := Memory[x,y]; End End

  8. Example : Grid Path Counting • There is also a “Bottom-Up” way to solve this problem • Consider the arrays Grid[x,y] and Memory[x,y]: • It is possible to treat DFS(x,y) not as a function, but as an array, and evaluate the values for DFS[x,y] row-by-row, column-by-column

  9. Example : Grid Path Counting • DFS[N,M] := 1; For x := 1 to N Do If Grid[x,M] = IMPASSABLE Then DFS[x,M] := 0 Else DFS[x,M] := 1; For y := 1 to M Do If Grid[N,y] = IMPASSABLE Then DFS[N,y] := 0 Else DFS[N,y] := 1; For x := N-1 downto 1 Do For y := M-1 downto 1 Do If Grid[x,y] = IMPASSABLE Then DFS[x,y] := 0; Else DFS[x,y] := DFS[x+1,y] + DFS[x,y+1];

  10. Example : Grid Path Counting • It is very important to be able to describe a DP algorithm • A DP algorithm has 2 essential parts • A description of “states”, as wells as the information associated with the states • A rule describing the relationship between states

  11. Example : Grid Path Counting • In the above problem, the state is the position – (x,y) • Information associated with the state is the number of paths from that position to the destination • The relation between states is the formula:

  12. Example : Grid Path Counting • Sometime you may consider the state as a “semantic”(語意的) description, and the formula as a “mathematical” description • If you can design a good state representation, the formula will come up smoothly

  13. Variation on a theme • Consider a more advanced problem: • Structure of the grid is the same as in the previous problem • Additional Rule: At the beginning you got B bombs, you may use a bomb to detonate a impassable cell so that you can walk into it • Now count the number of paths again

  14. Variation on a theme • How to solve this problem? • Suggestion : You may either assume that the bomb is used when you enter an impassable cell, or when you exit an impassable cell. This does not make any difference

  15. Variation on a theme • In the past, we will try to find out some properties of the problem which enables us to simplify the problem • Example – Dijkstra proved in his algorithm that by finding the vertex with minimum distance to source every time, we can determine the single source source shortest paths

  16. Variation on a theme • In Dynamic Programming, we often extend our state representation to deal with new situations • A straightforward extension is let DP(x,y,b) represent the number of paths “when we want to move from (x,y) to (N,M), while having b bombs at hand”

  17. Variation on a theme • Extension to the state transition formula • In this case, the number of bomb is decremented upon leaving an impassable cell

  18. More types of DP problems • Usually the task is not to count something, but to find an optimal solution to a certain problem • Examples: • IOI1994 – Triangle • IOI1999 – Little Shop of Flowers • NOI1998 –免費餡餅

  19. Example : Longest Uprising Subsequence • Given a sequence of natural numbers like [1,5,3,4,8,7,6,7,9,10] with length N • Let the number at position I be S(I) • Find the longest subsequence with each number smaller than the next number • In this case, it is: [1,5,3,4,8,7,6,7,9,10]

  20. Example : Longest Uprising Subsequence • First consider a simpler problem – find the length of the longest uprising subsequence • A possible state representation is “The length of the longest uprising subsequence starting from the first number and ending at the I’th number” (the I’th number must be in the subsequence) • Let this number be L(I)

  21. Example : Longest Uprising Subsequence • Suppose the last element in the subsequence is at position I • The previous element must be in (1..I-1) , and it must be less than S(I) • The formula is thus: • L(I) = 0 if I = 0 • L(I) = Max{L(J) if S(J) < S(I) for 1<=J<=I-1} + 1 • Solution to the problem can be found by finding the maximum among L(1) to L(N)

  22. Example : Longest Uprising Subsequence • But it is not yet done! We have only found the length, but not the actual sequence • An auxiliary array B(I) is required to store backtracking information, i.e. the second-to-last element of the longest uprising sequence terminating at position I • The complete sequence can be found by printing S(I), S(B(I)), S(B(B(I))), …

  23. Example: • A corporation has $5 million to allocate to its three plants for possible expansion. Each plant has submitted a number of proposals on how it intends to spend the money. Each proposal gives the cost of the expansion (c) and the total revenue expected (r).

  24. Example: • Each plant will only be permitted to enact one of its proposals. The goal is to maximize the firm's revenues resulting from the allocation of the $5 million. We will assume that any of the $5 million we don't spend is lost

  25. Example: • Variables: Plant, Proposal, Cost, Revenue, Money • State: Plant, Money • Formula: • DP[i,j] (i=plant, j=money) =max{ DP[i-1,j-c1]+r1, DP[i-1,j-c2]+r2, DP[i-1,j-c3]+r3, DP[i-1,j-c4]+r4} =max{ DP[i-1,j-ck]+rk} for k=1,2,3,4

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