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Explore the life and teachings of the prophets who claimed to speak in the name of God. Discover their divine call, the messages they delivered, and their mission to guide and inspire people. Learn how to identify a genuine prophet and understand the significance of their prophecies.
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先知 • Inspired speakers who claimed to pronounce in the name of the god. • Nabi: the noun is connected with a root that means “to call”, “to proclaim” • So the nabi is therefore either “he who is called” or “he who proclaims”
These two meanings together describe de essence of prophesy in Israel. The prophet is the bearer and interpreter of the Word of God Ex: 4:15-16 Jr. 1:9 The prophet are aware that their message is from God, introducing it with the words: “YHWH declares”, “Word of YHWH” or “Prophesy of YHWH” 先知
先知 • This word compels them and they must speak it. Am 3:8; Jer 20:7-10 • At some point in their lives each received an irresistible divine call, Am7:15, Is 6, Jr 1:4-10
先知 • These men were sent to proclaim God’s demands and to be “signs” of this divine will in their own persons. • For it is not only the words they speak and the actions they perform that tell of God, but their whole lives. (Ho. 1-3; Is 20:3; Jr 16; Ezk 4:3; 12:6,11; 24:24)
先知 • The divine message comes to them in various ways: • By vision Is 6, Ezk 1,2,8, Dn 8-12, Zc 1-6 • By most often by internal inspiration… “The word of YHWH came to me…”, “Word of YHWH to…”
先知 • Some times by some quite ordinary circumstances • Sight of an almond branch (Jr 1:11) • Two baskets of figs (Jr 24) • A visit to the potter’s workshop (Jr. 18:1-4)
先知 • The variety in both the reception and transmission of the divine message is in large part a result of the individual temperament and natural talents of each prophet
先知 • The genuine prophet is fully aware that he is a mouthpiece, no more. He has no doubt that the word of God has come to him and that he must pass it on to others.
先知 • The source of his conviction is the mystical and mysterious way of his experience of a direct contact with God
The prophet’s message relates to both present and future. His mission is to the men of his own time and nation But his message stands beyond time since what he declares is the will of the Lord to his people. 先知
先知 • His message is seen in two aspects • Threat and consolation • This is because the true prophet is haunted by the idea of sin, the obstacle to the will of God.
How can one know if the message is from God? How recognize the genuine prophet? The OT offers two criteria The fulfillment of a prophesy (Dt.18,22;Jr 28:9; Is 7:14 The agreement of the prophet’s teaching with Yahwistic doctrine (Dt 13:1-6; Jr 23:22 先知
先知 • The prophet is one who has an immediate experience of God; he is one to whom the holiness and will of God have been revealed; he contemplates present and future through the eyes of God; he is sent to remind men of their duty to God and to bring them back to obedience and love.