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Extreme Querying With analytics. blah blah NOT LIABLE blah blah blah, I NEVER SAID THAT blah blah READ THE DOCUMENTATION blah blah blah NO PROMISES blah I GET PAID BY THE WORD blah blah. DISCLAIMER. Read my blog at HTTP://BLOG.SYDORACLE.COM.
blah blah NOT LIABLE blah blah blah, I NEVER SAID THAT blah blah READ THE DOCUMENTATION blah blahblahNO PROMISES blah I GET PAID BY THE WORD blah blah DISCLAIMER Read my blog at HTTP://BLOG.SYDORACLE.COM
Aggregate functions are the basis of many Analytics All the standard aggregates (MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, etc) can be used with analytic clauses. AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS
Min / Max (with added KEEP) KEEP means keep the column value for the highest ranked record. NEW AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS
*The most populous city Which of their cities has the most potential slaves?
Cities data SYDNEY and X both have a population of 2 million
Results MIN or MAX only makes a difference if there are multiple entries of the same ORDER BY rank
Min / Max (with added KEEP) • Collect • Create an collection of all the individual values • A list of large cities … AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS
Min / Max (with added KEEP) • Collect • XMLAgg (in four steps) • Collect the column(s) into an XML document AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS
Min / Max (with added KEEP) • Collect • XMLAGG • ListAgg • 11g function to create a single VARCHAR2 value from a collection of individual VARCHAR2s AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS
Wrap the aggregate around a CASE statement to give more aggregation possibilities. SELECT SUM(case when state='VIC' then pop end) vic_pop, SUM(case when state='NSW' then pop end) nsw_pop FROM cities; Aggregate functions with CASE
Dense Rank / Rank / Row Number AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS for analytics
Analytic Functions Smithers, Bring me a list of our highest paid employees … and the poisoned donuts.
select name, wage, sector, row_number() over (partition by sector order by wage desc) rn, rank() over (partition by sector order by wage desc) rnk, dense_rank() over (partition by sector order by wage desc) drnk from emp order by sector, wage desc; AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS for analytics
Using ROW_NUMBER with other analytics can confuse… select name, wage, cum_wage from (select name, wage, sum(wage) over (order by wage desc) cwage, row_number() over (order by wage desc) rn from emp where sector = '7G') where rn < 3 NAME WAGE CUM_WAGE Homer 2OO 2OO Lenny 1OO 4OO WARNING
Dense Rank / Rank / Row Number • NTILE • The "Snobs" and "Yobs" function • Ignore the outliers and extremes • Or ignore the 'huddled masses' AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS for analytics
NTILE Exclude the most common 90% Focus on the most common 10%
Dense Rank / Rank / Row Number • NTILE • Lag / Lead • Look around for the previous or next row AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS for analytics
MONTH AMOUNT PREV_AMT PERC January 340 February 340 340 .00 March 150 340 -55.88 April 130 150 -13.33 May 170 130 30.77 June 210 170 23.53 July 350 210 66.67 August 270 350 -22.86 September 380 270 40.74 Lag - percentage change over time
MON AMOUNT PREV_AMT ---------- ---------- ---------- January 340 February 340 340 March 150 340 April 130 150 May 170 130 June 170 July 350 170 August 270 350 September 380 270 LAG - IGNORE NULLS (11g)
Dense Rank / Rank / Row Number • Percent Rank • Lag / Lead • First / Last • Look further ahead or behind AgGREGATE FUNCTIONS for analytics
select to_char(period,'Month') mon, amount, first_value(amount) over (partition bytrunc(period,'Q') order by period) prev_amt from sales order by period FIRST_VALUE AND PARTITION BY
MON AMOUNT PREV_AMT ---------- ---------- ---------- January 340 340 February 340 340 March 150 340 April 130 130 May 170 130 June 210 130 July 350 350 August 270 350 September 380 350 RESULTS
Rarely needed in practice Partition By and Order By normally enough WINDOW clause
If you omit the PARTITION clause, especially with in-line views , the results can be BAD Beware the missing partition
Incorrect query In the inline view, the SUM analytic applies to ALL the Orders in the table.
(if we have time) ADVANCED GROUPINGS
Rollup Grouping sets Cube Totals and subtotals
Rollup • Cube CUBE allows combinations of columns to be totaled Totals and subtotals
Rollup • Cube • Grouping sets • Perform grouping across multiple columns • Without the lower level totals of CUBE Totals and subtotals