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Economy Actions Figueira do Foz, Portugal 22 – 24 February 2010. Meeting Optimisation 3 hours – every 4 months. Agenda. 1. Update on Economy Common Action Progress 3.1.1 Innovation Survey 3.1.2 Cornwall Marine Leisure and Innovation Conference 3.2 Atlantic Area Observatory
Economy Actions Figueira do Foz, Portugal 22 – 24 February 2010
Agenda • 1. Update on Economy Common Action Progress • 3.1.1 Innovation Survey • 3.1.2 Cornwall Marine Leisure and Innovation Conference • 3.2 Atlantic Area Observatory • 3.3 The Inventory of Good Practice Examples • 3.5.1 Balade Nautique/Watersports Discovery Trips. • Presentation on the common action to produce Watersports Discovery Maps for each region. • 2. Traditional Boat (3.4) update • 3. Agreement on Work Plan for the next three months. • 4. Update on local actions and presentations by partners.
Partners participating: (NeB), NeF, Cornwall, North Devon, (CR Basse Normandie), (ICU) Progress: Survey still available on-line in EN and FR. Closing deadline of 26 January 2010 - extended for late entries Surveys Closed: North Devon*, Cornwall Surveys Open: NeF (still collecting responses) 3.1.1 Innovation Survey
http://www.falmouthoysterfestival.co.uk/prog_index.html 3.1.2 Marine Leisure and Innovation ConferenceFalmouth, Cornwall, 12,13 October 2010
Partners attending ‘Research and Innovation Conference’ in October under 3.1.2 to undertake survey or alternative. Results from all partners to be collated and reported/summarised. Innovative businesses to be identified, communication developed and innovation categorised. All partners to consider who they will bring as representative of their innovative businesses to ‘Research and Innovation Conference’ in October. 3.1.1 Innovation SurveyNext Steps
Partners:NeB, NeF, Xunta, Huelva, Cornwall, North Devon, CR Basse Normandie, CG La Manche, MWRA, CR Pay de la Loire Progress: Surveys available in EN and FR – Paper and On-line; Surveys to be made available in ES & P ? Survey to close by 15 March 2010 Update: Surveys already on-line (SurveyMonkey.org) in EN & FR; Cornwall has opened and started receiving responses from its marine leisure businesses 3.2 Atlantic Area Observatory
Survey translation into ES and PT Action required to encourage businesses new to the Observatory to collate and share their business data Figures to be collated and results reported to coordinating Partner by 29 March 2010 Agree Lead Partner responsible to receive and collate partner results 3.2.1 ObservatoryNext Steps
Partners:NeB, NeF, Xunta, Pontevedra, Coruna, AGAN, Interceltica, Valimar, ADELO, Cornwall, La Manche, MWRA, ICU, Ards. Progress: The Inventory of Good Practice Examples – information submitted by Pontevedra, Devon, Cornwall, Mid West. Cahier des Charges/Quality Charter is ready for approval for use on development of 3.3 and 3.5 packages. Balade nautique inland packages have been developed by NEB and P de Loire. Cornwall is developing through SW Lakes Trust. 3.3.1 Develop marine leisure/nautical products on inland waters
3.5.1 Balade Nautique/Watersports Discovery Trips. ‘Watersports Discovery’ Maps / Carte Interactive.The Process:
Partners: NeF, Cambados, Huelva, Interceltica, Valimar, ADELO, Cornwall, North Devon, CG La Manche, MWRA, ICU, CR Pays de la Loire Progress: Cahier des Charges/Quality Charter is ready for approval for use on development of 3.3 and 3.5 packages. Balade nautique coastal packages have been developed by NEB, NEF and P de Loire. Cornwall is developing through SW Lakes Trust. Examples: http://www.nautismebretagne.fr/fr/carte_interactive/ http://www.nea2.eu/map/ http://www.newquaymap.co.uk/map_town.htm 3.5.1 Balade Nautique/Watersports Discovery Trips. ‘Watersports Discovery’ Maps / Carte Interactive.
Includes: 8 branded interactive maps – one for each region 1 common set of icons/buttons Illustrated places of interest Roads and other communications One set of brand guidelines for regions to follow Costs 3.5.1 Interactive Watersports Discovery Map
Next Steps: Agree on Cahier des charges / Quality Criteria Translate into ES/PT Agree on unified design (or not) for Balades/Watersports Discovery Packages Agree on Discovery Map approach for the regions Take action 3.5.1 Balade Nautique/Watersports Discovery Trips. ‘Watersports Discovery’ Maps / Carte Interactive.
Partners: NeB, NeF, Xunta, Huelva, Valimar, (Adelo), Cornwall and Ards Council Progress: Questionnaire/Data Sheet produced in FR and EN Update: Results received by Partner Lead from Ards Council, NeF and NeB; Cornwall will have results by end of March; Updates/News required by Lead Partner (NeB) from Xunta Pesca y AM, Valimar and (Adelo); 2. Traditional Boats (3.4) update
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