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Understanding Acute Phase Proteins & Systemic Inflammation Responses

Dive into the metabolic response to injury, focusing on acute phase proteins, inflammatory processes, and modulation of energy expenditure in various diseases. Discover key mediators, phases of response, and implications for protein loss in acute and chronic conditions.

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Understanding Acute Phase Proteins & Systemic Inflammation Responses

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  1. Acute phase proteins and other systemic responses to inflammation Dr Donald C McMillan, University Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK.

  2. Infection Shock/ hypoxia Pancreatitis Trauma Burn SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION MODS Infective diseases Non-infective diseases

  3. Ebb and flow phases of Cuthbertson Ebb Flow Phase Pre-resuscitation phase Recovery phase Poor tissue perfusion Normal tissue perfusion Hypometabolic Hypermetabolic Decreased energy expenditure Increased energy expenditure Increased glucocorticoids Normal glucocorticoids Increased catecholamines Normal catecholamines Low insulin Increased insulin Normal glucose production Increased glucose production Mild protein breakdown Profound protein breakdown

  4. The metabolic response to injury Cuthbertson et al. 1930

  5. Pathophysiological changes of the systemic inflammatory response Neuroendocrine changes Fever, somnolence, fatigue and anorexia Increased adrenal secretion of cortisol, adrenaline and glucagon Haematopoietic changes Anaemia Leucocytosis Thrombocytosis Metabolic changes Loss of muscle and negative nitrogen balance Increased Lipolysis Trace metal sequestration Diuresis Hepatic changes Increased blood flow Increased acute phase protein production Gabay and Kushner, NEJM, 1999

  6. Mediators of the metabolic response to injury Cuthberston (1930) Increased protein breakdown and REE Selye (1940’s) Corticosteroids proposed as mediator Allison (1960’s) Insulin resistance proposed as mediator Cytokines (1980’s) TNF, Il-1, Il-6 proposed as mediators Adipokines (1990’s) Leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin?

  7. Mediators of the metabolic response to injury

  8. SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) • The systemic response to a wide range of stresses. • Temperature >38°C (100.4°) or <36°C (96.8°F). • Heart rate >90 beats/min. • Respiratory rate >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32 mmHg. • White blood cells > 12,000cells/ml or < 4,000 cells/ml or >10% immature (band) forms. • Note • Two or more of the following must be present. • These changes should be represent acute alterations from baseline in the absence of other known cause for the abnormalities. American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus. Crit Care Med. 1992;20:864-874.

  9. Acute phase proteins and the systemic inflammatory response Gabay and Kushner, 1999

  10. C-reactive protein in patients undergoing curative surgery for colorectal cancer Crozier et al., 2004

  11. Resting energy expenditure in injury Skeletal Trauma Major Burn Multitrauma Closed Head Injury Sepsis Elective Surgery Starvation -20 0 20 40 60 80 % Above Usual Requirement

  12. Resting energy expenditure in disease % Above Usual Requirement

  13. Energy Requirements Following Surgery Resting energy expenditure increased by 10-50% to support increased metabolic workload An additional allowance is added for activity 20 % if confined to bed 30 % if ambulatory

  14. Surgery: Protein & Amino Acid Metabolism If there are insufficient protein reserves there is: decreased wound healing decreased immune response defective gut-mucosal barrier decreased mobility/ respiratory effort

  15. Loss of Lean Body Mass • Lean body mass= body cell mass • metabolically active compartment • Irreversible at some point • critical mass

  16. Protein requirements are increased to accommodate: • Immune response • Increased metabolic activity • Replacement of damaged cells • Replacement of protein losses • perspiration, blood, exudates, renal, intestinal •  if anorexia accompanies fever/infection •  by muscle proteolysis

  17. Operative measures to reduce protein loss in surgical injury Minimise the inflammatory stimulus Surgical techniques Anaesthesia Control of sepsis Environmental temperature Control of pain and anxiety Nutritional intervention If oral intake less than 60% of energy and protein requirements by 10 days

  18. Injury and the systemic inflammatory response Activation of white blood cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells Release of Il-6, Il-1, TNF, Interferons, growth factors CIRCULATION C-reactive protein Zinc Retinol Albumin Iron Alpha-tocopherol Haemoglobin Copper Carotenoids INFLAMMATORY PROCESS WHOLE BODY Resting energy expenditure Weight loss Body cell Mass QUALITY OF LIFE Fatigue Performance status HEALING

  19. The systemic inflammatory response plays an important role in determining protein loss in acute and chronic disease. Conclusions Acute phase proteins in particular C-reactive protein and albumin are useful in quantifying the magnitude of this response and both are associated with poor outcome

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