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Aplicações práticas. Divisor máximo de dois inteiros. Begin. x. x. 1. 2. y 3. y 1 ,y 2 , z. y 1 ,y 4 , z. End. Divisor máximo de dois inteiros. unsigned int gcd(unsigned int A, unsigned int B) { if (B > A) return gcd(B,A); else if (B==0) return A; else return gcd(B,A%B); }. Z.
Aplicações práticas Divisor máximo de dois inteiros
Begin x x 1 2 y3 y1,y2,z y1,y4,z End Divisor máximo de dois inteiros unsigned int gcd(unsigned int A, unsigned int B) { if (B > A) return gcd(B,A); else if (B==0) return A; else return gcd(B,A%B); } Z a0=0 1 if (B>A) 0 if (B==0) 0 a3=3 a1=1 a2=2 1 a4=4 y1 Data_A=B; y2 Data_B=A; y3 result=A; y4 Data_B = A%B;
unsigned int gcd(unsigned int A, unsigned int B) { if (B > A) return gcd(B,A); else if (B<=0) return A; else return gcd(B,A%B); } Exemplo cout << “The greatest common divisor is "; cout << gcd(120,164) << endl; The greatest common divisor is 4
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity greatest_common_div is generic (stack_size : integer ); Port ( clk25 : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; A_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); B_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); result : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end greatest_common_div; architecture Behavioral of greatest_common_div is type MODULE_TYPE is (z0,z1); signal NM: MODULE_TYPE; type STATE_TYPE is (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); signal N_S: STATE_TYPE; Begin x x 1 2 y3 y1,y2,z y1,y4,z End Z a0=0 1 if (B>A) 0 if (B==0) 0 a3=3 a1=1 a2=2 1 a4=4 y1 Data_A=B; y2 Data_B=A; y3 result=A; y4 Data_B = A%B;
---------------------------------- for stack begin type stack is array(0 to stack_size) of STATE_TYPE; signal FSM_stack : stack; signal stack_counter : integer range 0 to stack_size; signal inc : std_logic; signal dec : std_logic; ---------------------------------- for stack end ---------------------------------- for stack of modules begin type Mstack is array(0 to stack_size) of MODULE_TYPE; signal M_stack : Mstack; ---------------------------------- for stack of modules end signal A,B,R,Data_A,Data_B: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin
---------------------------------- for stack begin process(clk25,rst) begin if rst = '1' then stack_counter <= 0; FSM_stack(stack_counter) <= a0; M_stack(stack_counter) <= z0; elsif rising_edge(clk25) then if inc = '1' then if stack_counter = stack_size then else stack_counter <= stack_counter + 1; FSM_stack(stack_counter+1) <= a0; FSM_stack(stack_counter) <= N_S; M_stack(stack_counter+1) <= NM; end if; elsif dec = '1' then stack_counter <= stack_counter - 1; else FSM_stack(stack_counter) <= N_S; end if; end if; end process; ---------------------------------- for stack end
process (rst, clk25) begin if rst = '1' then Data_A <= A_in; Data_B <= B_in; result <= (others => '0'); elsif falling_edge(clk25) then case M_stack(stack_counter) is when z0 => case FSM_stack(stack_counter) is when a0 => inc <= '0'; dec <= '0'; A <= Data_A; B <= Data_B; if Data_B > Data_A then N_S <= a1; elsif Data_B = "00000000" then N_S <= a2; else N_S <= a3; end if; when a1 => dec <= '0'; NM <= z0; inc <= '1'; Data_A <= B; Data_B <= A; N_S <= a5; when a2 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '0'; N_S <= a5; result <= A; when a3 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '1'; NM <= z1; N_S <= a4; when a4 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '1'; NM <= z0; Data_B <= R; Data_A <= B; N_S <= a5; when a5 => dec <= '0'; N_S <= a5; inc <= '0'; if stack_counter > 0 then dec <= '1'; else dec <= '0'; end if; when others => null; end case; Begin x x 1 2 y3 y1,y2,z y1,y4,z End Z a0=0 1 if (B>A) 0 if (B==0) 0 a3=3 a1=1 a2=2 1 a4=4 y1 Data_A=B; y2 Data_B=A; y3 result=A; y4 Data_B = A%B;
when z1 => case FSM_stack(stack_counter) is when a0 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '0'; if A >= B then N_S <= a1; else N_S <= a2; end if; when a1 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '0'; A <= A - B; N_S <= a0; when a2 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '0'; N_S <= a3; R <= A; when a3 => dec <= '0'; inc <= '0'; N_S <= a3; if stack_counter > 0 then dec <= '1'; else dec <= '0'; end if; when others => null; end case; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; end Behavioral;