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Physics 199BB The Physics of Baseball

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Physics 199BB The Physics of Baseball

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    1. Week 4 1 Physics 199BB The Physics of Baseball Fall 2007 Freshman Discovery Course Alan M. Nathan 403 Loomis 333-0965 a-nathan@uiuc.edu Week 4

    2. Week 4 2 Forces on a Baseball in Flight Gravity Already discussed Drag (“air resistance”) Force Already discussed Magnus Force Now we do this

    3. Week 4 3 The Magnus Force

    4. Week 4 4 Recall our definitions ? is “angular velocity” a measure of how fast the ball is spinning units are rad/s or rev/min (rpm) to convert from rad/s to rpm multiply by 60/(2?) to convert from rpm to rad/s divide by 60/(2?) ? has a direction

    5. Week 4 5 The spin axis is the line connecting the south to north pole (“right-hand rule”)

    6. Week 4 6 The Magnus Force: The magnitude of FM FM = ˝CL?Av2 CL is the “lift coefficient” CL = CM(R?/v) FM = ˝CM?AR?v CM is the “Magnus coefficient” A dimensionless number

    7. Week 4 7 The Magnus Force: Some numerology rho=1.23 kg/m^3 A=4.16e-3 R=0.0364 9.55 rpm/rad/s 4.45 N/lb 1 mph/0.447 m/s Cd=1/2 All this implies C_M=1.02 Work out on board. Numerical example: V=90 mph W=1800 rpm Adair: FM=0.27 Cd lb If Cd=0.3, FM=0.097 lb Wt = 0.319 lb FM/Wt = 0.30 (see Fig. 2.2, p. 12) If CM=1, then FM=0.159 lb, FM/Wt=0.497rho=1.23 kg/m^3 A=4.16e-3 R=0.0364 9.55 rpm/rad/s 4.45 N/lb 1 mph/0.447 m/s Cd=1/2 All this implies C_M=1.02 Work out on board. Numerical example: V=90 mph W=1800 rpm Adair: FM=0.27 Cd lb If Cd=0.3, FM=0.097 lb Wt = 0.319 lb FM/Wt = 0.30 (see Fig. 2.2, p. 12) If CM=1, then FM=0.159 lb, FM/Wt=0.497

    8. Week 4 8 The Magnus Force: Numerical Examples Numerical example: V=90 mph W=1800 rpm Adair: FM=0.27 Cd lb If Cd=0.3, FM=0.097 lb Wt = 0.319 lb FM/Wt = 0.30 (see Fig. 2.2, p. 12) If CM=1, then FM=0.159 lb, FM/Wt=0.497Numerical example: V=90 mph W=1800 rpm Adair: FM=0.27 Cd lb If Cd=0.3, FM=0.097 lb Wt = 0.319 lb FM/Wt = 0.30 (see Fig. 2.2, p. 12) If CM=1, then FM=0.159 lb, FM/Wt=0.497

    9. Week 4 9 The Magnus Force: The direction of FM Force acts in the direction another right-hand rule force is perpendicular to both v and ? force acts in the direction that the leading edge of the ball is turning

    10. Week 4 10 Some Qualitative Effects of the Magnus Force Backspin makes ball rise “hop” of fastball undercut balls: increased distance, reduced optimum angle of home run Topspin makes ball drop “12-6” curveball topped balls nose-dive Breaking pitches due to spin Cutters, sliders, etc. Golf…Golf…

    11. Week 4 11

    12. Week 4 12

    13. Week 4 13 Incorporating Magnus into Excel We now have a 3-dimension problem For our first examples, we will only consider 2-dimensional problems topspin or backspin, but no sidespin

    14. Week 4 14 Case 1: Backspin FMx = -FM sin(?) FMy = +FM cos(?) aMx = -2.09 x 10-6 CM?vg sin(?) = -2.09 x 10-6 CM?gvy aMy = +2.09 x 10-6 CM?vg cos(?)= +2.09 x 10-6 CM?gvx

    15. Week 4 15 Case 2: Topspin FMx = +FM sin(?) FMy = -FM cos(?) aMx = +2.09 x 10-6 CM?gv sin(?)= +2.09 x 10-6 CM?gvy aMy = -2.09 x 10-6 CM?gv cos(?)= -2.09 x 10-6 CM?gvx

    16. Week 4 16 Now look at the file: trajectory-drag-Magnus-2da.xls Batted balls Low initial angles range increases angle for maximum range decreases trajectory more asymmetric Higher initial angles range decreases trajectory more symmetric cusps and loops

    17. Week 4 17 Now look at the file: trajectory-drag-Magnus-2db.xls Pitched balls Backspin reduces drop (fastball) Topspin increases drop (curveball)

    18. Week 4 18 How do we know what CM is? An Experiment Done At UIUC

    19. Week 4 19 Tracking The Trajectory

    20. Week 4 20

    21. Week 4 21 Typical Data Discuss analysis: Curvature?vertical acceleration >g for topspin, <g for backspin ?lift forceDiscuss analysis: Curvature?vertical acceleration >g for topspin, <g for backspin ?lift force

    22. Week 4 22

    23. Week 4 23 Results for Lift Coefficient CL Remove Adair curve Make better curve for rest of dataRemove Adair curve Make better curve for rest of data

    24. Week 4 24 Results for Drag Coefficient CD

    25. Week 4 25 Data Do Not Agree with Adair Experimental Data: CM ? 1 for S=0.1-0.3 For 2000 rpm, S=0.1-0.3 corresponds to 57-171 mph For 1000 rpm, range is 85 to 255 mph So, most of interesting range is covered Adair (see p. 24) For 2000 rpm CM=0.8 at 50 mph-–agrees with data (0.8) CM=0.4 at 100 mph—too low (1.1) I have written a paper about this (see web site)

    26. Week 4 26 Now let’s include sidespin z is third dimension, points to pitcher’s right Let’s look at pitched ball only Spin axis lies in y-z plane ?=0 for backspin, 180 for topspin ?=90 or 270 for pure sidespin

    27. Week 4 27 Here are the formulas FMx = FM {sin (?)vz/v-cos(?)vy/v} FMy = FM cos (?)vx/v FMz = -FM sin(?)vx/v aMx=2.09x10-6 CM?g {sin(?)vz-cos(?)vy} aMy=2.09x10-6 CM?gcos(?)vx aMz=-2.09x10-6 CM?gsin(?)vx Notes: when ? is 0 or 180, these formulas are identical to the ones previously used Since v?vx, FMx?0 FMy is responsible for up/down break (max when ?=0 or 180) FMz is responsible for left/right break (max when ?=90 or 270) 5. FM makes angle ?+90 with z axis

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